

经典名句-英文:the evil assumption—that all negroes lie, that all negroes are basically immoral beings, that all negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with mindsof their caliber.
“just one more week, son,” said atticus.
“no,” said jem. “yes,” said atticus.
the following week found us back at mrs. dubose’s. the alarm clock had ceasedsounding, but mrs. dubose would release us with, “that’ll do,” so late in the afternoonatticus would be home reading the paper when we returned. although her fits hadpassed off, she was in every other way her old self: when sir walter scott becameinvolved in lengthy descriptions of moats and castles, mrs. dubose would become boredand pick on us:
“jeremy finch, i told you you’d live to regret tearing up my camellias. you regret itnow, don’t you?”
jem would say he certainly did.
“thought you could kill my snow-on-the-mountain, did you? well, jessie says thetop’s growing back out. next time you’ll know how to do it right, won’t you? you’ll pull itup by the roots, won’t you?”
jem would say he certainly would.

o;don’t you mutter at me, boy! you hold up your head and say yes ma’am. don’t guessyou feel like holding it up, though, with your father what he is.”
jem’s chin would come up, and he would gaze at mrs. dubose with a face devoid ofresentment. through the weeks he had cultivated an expression of polite and detachedinterest, which he would present to her in answer to her most blood-curdling inventions.
at last the day came. when mrs. dubose said, “that’ll do,” one afternoon, she added,“and that’s all. good-day to you.”
it was over. we bounded down the sidewalk on a spree of sheer relief, leaping andhowling.
that spring was a good one: the days grew longer and gave us more playing time.
jem’s mind was occupied mostly with the vital statistics of every college football playerin the nation. every night atticus would read us the sports pages of the newspapers.
alabama might go to the rose bowl again this year, judging from its prospects, not oneof whose names we could pronounce. atticus was in the middle of windy seaton’scolumn one evening when the telephone rang.
he answered it, then went to the hat rack in the hall. “i’m going down to mrs. dubose’sfor a while,” he said. “i won’t be long.”
but atticus stayed away until long past my bedtime. when he returned he wascarrying a candy box. atticus sat down in the livingroom and put the box on the floorbeside his chair.
“what’d she want?” asked jem.
we had not seen mrs. dubose for over a month. she was never on the porch anymore when we passed.
“she’s dead, son,” said atticus. “she died a few minutes ago.”
“oh,” said jem. “well.”
“well is right,” said atticus. “she’s not suffering any more. she was sick for a longtime. son, didn’t you know what her fits were?”
jem shook his head.
“mrs. dubose was a morphine addict,” said atticus. “she took it as a pain-killer foryears. the doctor put her on it. she’d have spent the rest of her life on it and diedwithout so much agony, but she was too contrary—”

