

??how many american children have cut contact with their parents?有多少美国年青人与父母阻隔了联络?

a young field of research suggests it is surprisingly common


unhappily married?for many years, peter (not his real name) waited until his children were grown up before he divorced their mother. he hoped this would make the experience less upsetting for them. yet in the six years since, he has not seen either of his two sons.?


he speaks to the younger one, who is in his 20s, once or twice a year; the eldest, in his 30s, has cut off all contact. his middle child, a daughter, has at times tried to act as go-between, an experience she has found distressing.?


“for me it has been completely?devastating,” he says. “i get on with my life, but i get teary when i think about them.” losing contact with children is like bereavement, he says, but with the painful tug of hope that they might one day be reconciled.


though people tend not to talk about it much, familial?estrangement?seems to be widespread in america. the first large-scale nationwide survey, recently conducted by cornell university, fo

und that 27% of adult americans are estranged from a close family member.?


karl pillemer, a professor of sociology who led the research and wrote a book about its findings called “fault lines”, says that because people often feel shame, the real figure is likely to be higher. the relationship most commonly severed is that between parent and adult child, and in most cases it is the child who wields the knife.


because family estrangement has been a subject of research only for the past decade there are no data to show whether it is becoming more common. but many sociologists and psychologists think it is. in one way this seems surprising. divorce heightens the risk of other family fractures.?


joshua coleman, a psychologist and the author of “rules of estrangement”, found in a recent survey of 1,600 estranged parents that more than 70% had divorced their child’s other parent (children of divorce are more likely to dump their fathers, he notes).?


in recent years america’s divorce rate has fallen. yet dr coleman reckons other trends are making parent-child estrangements likelier than ever. other therapists, who do not specialise in family rifts, concur.


a rise in individualism that emphasises personal happiness is the biggest factor. people are increasingly likely to reject relatives who obstruct feelings of well-being in some way, by holding clashing beliefs or failing to embrace those of others. personal fulfilment has increasingly come to displace filial duty, says dr coleman.?


whereas families have always fought and relatives fallen out, he says, the idea of cutting oneself off from a relative as a path to one’s own happiness seems to be new. in some ways it is a positive development: people find it easier to separate from parents who have been abusive. but it can also carry heavy costs.


devastate?[?dev?ste?t] vt. 消除;损坏estrangement?[??stre?nd?m?nt] n. 疏远;失和


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