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咱们 行上星期的词汇总结
1.thinking 思维
from the perspective of information processing , thinking is the process of searching in problem space. thinking is the general and indirect cognition of objective things by means of language, image, or action.(从信息处置的视点来看,思维是在疑问空间中查找的进程。思维是经过言语、形象或行为对客观事物的一般和直接的认知。)
2. divergent thinking发散思维
an aspect of creativity characterized by an ability to produce unusual but appropriate responses to problems. 创造力的一个方面,其特征是可以对疑问作出不寻常但恰当的反应。
3. creative thinking 创造性思维
creative thinking is the psychological process in which people use novel ways to solve problems and generate new, socially valuable products.创造性思维是一种心思进程,我们在这个进程中运用新颖的办法处置疑问,并发生新的、具有社会价值的产品。
4. concept 概念
mental representations of kinds or categories of items or ideas. 在心思上体现物品或思维的品种或品种。
5. prototype原型
the most representative example of a category.
6. reasoning 推理
the process of thinking in which conclusions are drawn from a set of facts; thinking directed toward a given goal or objective. 从一组实际中得出结论的思考进程;朝向某一方针或意图的思考。
7. problem solving 疑问处置
thinking that is directed toward solving specific problems and that moves from an initial state to a goal state by means of a set of mental operations.
8. problem space疑问空间
the elements that make up a problem: the initial state, the incomplete information or unsatisfactory conditions the person starts with; the goal state, the set of information or state the person wishes to achieve; and the set of operations, the steps the person takes to move from the initial state to the goal state.构成疑问的要素:初始状况、信息不无缺或不令人满足的条件;方针状况、信息集或阐明该人期望完成的方针;以及操作集,从初始状况移动到方针状况的进程
9. algorithm算法
a step-by-step procedure that always provides the right answer for a particular type of problem. 一步一步的进程,老是为特定类型的疑问供给正确的答案。
10. heuristics启示式
cognitive strategies , or “rules of thumb” ,often used as shortcuts in solving a complex inferential task.认知战略,或“经历规则”,常被用作处置凌乱推理使命的捷径。
11、 fatigue effect疲惫效应
after a period of experimentation,the behavioral performance reduced.
12. latin square design拉丁方方案
a latin square is an n × n array filled with n different symbols, each occurring exactly once in each row and exactly once in each column.
13. quasi-experiment准实验方案
an empirical interventional study used to estimate the causal impact of an intervention on target population without random assignment.
14. carry-over effect传递效应
a carryover effect is an effect that “carries over” from one experimental condition to another.
15. interaction 交互作用
interaction is a kind of action that occur as two or m

ore objects have an effect upon one another.
16. factorial design要素方案
an experiment whose design consists of two or more factors, each with discrete possible values or “levels”, and whose experimental units take on all possible combinations of these levels across all such factors.
17. reaction time 反应时
the whole time between a person being presented with a stimulus and the person initiating a motor response to the stimulus.
18. simple reaction time 简略反应时
to presented a stimulus, a period of time during subjects are asked to respond immediately from seeing or hearing the stimulus. it’s also called reaction time a.
19. choice reaction time 选择反应时
two or more stimuli were presented, subjects are asked to respond differently to different stimuli。it’s also called reaction time b.
20. identification reaction区分反应时
when two or more stimuli are presented, the subjects are required to respond to a specific stimulus, but not to other stimuli. the time between the stimulus presentation and the discriminative response is the discriminative response time, also known as c response time.
1. what kind of person do you think you are? what is your greatest strength or greatest weakness?
2. introduce some cognitive-developmental theory/cognitive neuroscience research methods in english ?
3、what does your undergraduate major bring for you? what’s its relationship with psychology?
4、what has been your greatest accomplishment
院校复试群名 复试群号 北京大学心思学复试群 1062677229 北京航空航天大学心思学复试群 797969130 北京林业大学心思学复试群 494813987 北京师范大学347心思学群 585917199 北京师范大学学术心思学复试群 978987593 我国科学院心思学复试群 590299605 我国公民大学心思学复试群 281650884 我国政法大学心思学复试群 915047605 清华大学心思学复试群 311522547 首都师范大学心思学复试群 977896771 中心财经大学心思学复试群 780313492 北京体育大学心思学复试群 817948334 吉林大学心思学考研群 1054891529 东北师范大学心思学复试群 1103516490 辽宁师范大学心思学考研群 1063637175 华东师范大学心思学复试群 1062642010 上海师范大学心思学复试群 550849926 复旦大学心思学复试群 529623766 中山大学心思学考研备 863156533 广东外语外贸大学心思学复试群 892757413 广州大学心思学复试群 290812912 深圳大学心思学复试群 892962142 华南师范大学心思学复试群 194371745 暨南大学心思学复试群 1032717728 湖南师范大学心思学复试群 779644011 武汉大学心思学复试群 1062702861 华中师范大学心思学复试群 471716450 中南大学心思学复试群 1051561770 东南大学心思学群 1058492950 南京大学心思学复试群 892752851 南京师范大学心思学复试群 593198611 姑苏大学心思学复试群 901181141 青岛大学心思学考研群 425046221 郑州大学心思学复试群 1085050586 河南大学心思学考研群 912069857 山东师范大学心思学考研群 834349402 陕西师范大学心思学复试群 240595567 西北大学心思学 考研群 1032218153 西北师范大学心思学考研群 930237951 西南大学心思学复试群 759092377 四川师范大学复试群 642239064 四川大学心思学考研群 780338966 南开大学心思学复试群 779591260 天津大学心思学复试群 850778324 天津师范大学心思学复试群 162234595 浙江大学心思学复试群 897785092 浙江理工大学心思学考研群 521043683 浙江师范大学心思学复试群 680972467 江西师范大学心思学考研群 852952115 心思学复试调剂群 996064660



