- ??安徽大学:should famous athletes and entertainers deserve high salaries?
南京理工:double reduction
重庆大学:it is argued that language is very much ingrained in the culture. taking english and chinese language for example
贸大:private investment in artificial intelligence;
湖南师范大学:life with covid-19
电子科大:life without smart mobile phones
交际学院:liberty and discipline
南昌大学 ways of dealing with cultural differences
广西大学:how to use time
广西科技大学:silent spring
陕师大:my view on cut video games time
中心财经:analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning.
海南大学:cultural uniqueness
云南大学:translation criteria
郑大:the importance of communication
南京大学:knowing that it is not known, that is humility. to think that one knows what one does
not know, that is disease.
福师大:will double reduction lead to fairer education?
西南政法大学:crisis and chance
华东政法大学:public libraries should be shut down
and readers are given an ipad or ereader
中南大学:your view on confucianism
扬州大学是 population ageing
福州大学:whether to pursue postgraduate studies abroad
厦大:in the age of artificial intelligence, will human be replaced by machine? what do you think
of it
西南财经:education has no bound
西南大学:how climate change impact people and societies
同济大学:value of knowledge in higher education
华东师范大学:do you agree that a home office is more productive?
复旦:some feminists think the public policies that advocate women for more kids and larger
families run counter to the women’s struggle for equality at work and in public life more broadly
北科大:high schools in ordos, inner mongolia pay high salaries offering graduates from well
known universities
暨南大学:how should college students respond to climate change?
中山大学:in many countries, owning a home is more important than renting one. what is the
possible reason?do you think it is a positive or negative situation?
广东工业大学:rise of china brings benefits globally
宁波大学:online learning
华科:how should universities and students prepare for an ai future
上海对外经贸大学:the elderly in the digital era
上财:nowadays, more and more women, who are well-paid and have high academic degrees,
tend to remain single in living.
上海大学:the fun of translation
央财:corporate social values
北语:how to use language majors to bolster the international communication capacity of china
北二外:we look forward the time the power of love replace the love ofpower, we will know the
blessings of peace.
北大:“the typical unhappy man is one who,having been deprived in youth of some normal
satisfaction, has come to value this one kind of satisfaction more than any other, and has therefore
given tohis life a one-sided direction, together with a quite undue emphasis upon the achievement
as opposed to the activities connected with it.” do you agree with that?
北京交通:how to promote chinese soft culture
北林:national civil service examination
北邮:university life
北师大:being funny is the most important sign in the stand-up comedy show
北京航空航天大学:a 28-year-old graduates from tsinghua serves as a nanny
浙江工商大学:how are new media changing our life;
广外考翻硕重视微博翻硕小管家:online education and student privacy;
我国石油大学(华东):is china becoming cashless society
我国石油大学(北京):gender disparity
我国海洋:work from home
上海海事:economic process
华理:extracurricular tutoring for students in compulsory education
杭州师范大学:the reasons for mo yan’s success and the role translation plays in chinese
literature into english
华农: the form and harm of cyber crime.
武汉理工:less is more
西北大学:waste recycle
西交:whether remote work is better than office- based work in innovation. support your ideas
from the above materials
西外:double reduction
川大:education and discipline
大外:my view on cooperative rivalry.
大连海洋大学:should college students get married?
大连海事大学:the information revolution by about mass media
东林:importance of competition
东师:surging oil price and pollution
川外:on mukbang
新疆大学:examination system should be abolished
天外:my personal views on “the aims of education”
天大:“live only for today,you will ruin tomorrow” to what extent do you agree
南开:on persistence