


谈古丝绸之路2000多年前,咱们的前辈赤手发家,穿越草原沙漠,拓荒出联通亚欧非的陆上丝绸之路;咱们的前辈扬帆远航,穿越大风大浪,闯练出联接东西方的海上丝绸之路。over 2000 years ago,our ancestors,trekking across vast stepped and deserts,opened the transcontinental passage connecting asia,europe and africa,known today as the silk road.our ancestors,navigating rough seas,created sea routes linking the east with the west,namely,the maritime silk road.古丝绸之路连绵万里,连续千年,沉淀了以平缓协作、翻开包容、互学互鉴、互赢互利为中心的丝路精力。这是人类文明的名贵遗产。spanning thousands of miles and years,the ancient silk routes embody the spirit of peace and cooperation,openness and inclusiveness,mutual learning and mutual benefit.the silk road spirit has become a great heritage of human civilization.

谈前史与实际从前史维度看,人类社会正处在一个大打开大改造大调整年代。from the historical perspective,humankind has reached an age of great progress,great transformation and profound changes.从实际维度看,咱们正处在一个应战频发的世界。平缓赤字、打开赤字、打点赤字,是摆在全人类面前的严肃应战。这是我一向思考的疑问。in terms of reality,we find ourselves in a world fraught with challenges.deficit in peace,development and governance poses a daunting challenge to mankind.this is the issue that has always been on my mind.谈“一带一路”四年景果方针交流不断深化、设备联通不断加强、生意疏通不断前进、资金融通不断扩展、民意相通不断推进。these four years have seen deepened policy connectivity,enhanced infrastructure connectivity,increased trade connectivity,expanded financial connectivity,strengthened people-to-people connectivity.100多个国家和世界组织活泼撑持和参加“一带一路”缔造。over 100 countries and international organizations have supported and got involved in this initiative.

谈对“一带一路”的寄望咱们要将“一带一路”建成平缓之路、昌盛之路、翻开之路、立异之路。we should build the belt and road into a road for peace,a road of prosperity,a road of opening up,a road of innovation.用数字说话2014年至2016年,我国同“一带一路”沿线国家生意总额跨越3万亿美元。我国对“一带一路”沿线国家出资累计跨越500亿美元。t

otal trade between china and other belt and road countries in 2014-2016 has exceeded us$3 trillion,and china’s investment in these countries has surpassed us$50 billion.

