








美国社会意理学家abraham harold maslow(马斯洛)有个理论,把人的需要分红了五个层次。

而让别人叫父亲这种行为,大约是契合了其间的第四层需要:esteem needs(尊敬需要),包括respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, strength, freedom(尊敬、自我价值、名声、别人对自个的认可、安适)。



有意思的是,英语世界里,老外喜爱的是让别人say uncle或许cry uncle。




所以say uncle引申用于“需求或人认输”,never say uncle就是“绝不认输”。


所以他便对鹦鹉说道:“say uncle!”,但鹦鹉一言不发。他非常生气,扭着鹦鹉的脖子,然后便愤恨地把它关进笼子里,笼子里还有另外十只鸟。
而那只鹦鹉正扭着第十只鸟的脖子,挟制道:“say uncle!”
后来,这个笑话里的say uncle便被引申为“需求或人认输、屈服”的意思。
oh,hey,habes–you about ready to?say uncle?
say “uncle,” and i’ll let you out of this headlock!
the brothers often play fought, but it was invariably the younger of the two who had to say uncle by the end.
老规则, 今日的最终来读一篇四六级/考研难度的文章:

pay attention to the health of the brain


in the book?’a great revolution in the brain world’, it is stated that when our thoughts are optimistic and positive, the body secretes a substance called?endorphin?which puts one into a good mood. they feel this prevents aging and raises the body’s natural healing powers. on the contrary, when one is angry or under great stress, the brain secretes a substance ca

lled noradrenaline which possesses a poisonous property similar to snake?venom?causing much damages to the body.



en·dor·phin?/en?d??f?n/ n.?内啡肽(内分泌激素,一种体内生成的化学物质,能止痛并让人发生快感,有镇痛作用)a hormone produced in the brain that reduces the feeling of pain?
托福 sat?专8 gmat?gre
venom?/?ven?m/ n.
①(毒蛇、蜘蛛等分泌的)毒液[u]the poisonous liquid that some snakes, spiders, etc. produce when they bite or sting you
②凶狠;仇恨;歹意;歹心(formal) strong bitter feeling; hatred and a desire to hurt sb【比方】a look of pure venom恶狠狠的姿势
?spit venom?怒火冲天(地说);咬牙切齿(地说)to show that you are very angry; to speak in an angry way?【例句】i thought he was going to spit blood when he saw what had happened. 我想等他看到发生了啥事时,会破口大骂的。

therefore, if every thought is positive, the good hormone secreted by the brain makes the person feel comfortable. not only is one more willing to work,?the subconscious mind?is also?activated?giving us power beyond one’s imagination. but if one is anxious and tense, the body secretes a chemical making us unable to fully utilize our abilities. this is known as the ‘inverse rule of anxious effor’.



专8 gmat
sub·con·scious?/?s?b?k?n??s/ /?s?b?kɑ?n??s/adj.下知道的;潜知道的[usually before noun] connected with feelings that influence your behaviour even though you are not aware of them
?the subconscious mind潜知道?
六级 考研?雅思 托福 专8 gmat?托业
ac·ti·vate?/??kt?ve?t/ v. 使活动;激活;使活化to make sth such as a device or chemical process start working?【例句】the burglar alarm is activated by movement.这防盗警报器一动就会响。【近义表达】start, arouse, energize, galvanize, initiate, mobilize, move, rouse, set in motion, stir

so we can see good reason why the professional tells us to think positively all the time. not only is it good for our body and mind, it also makes working smoother. if we think negatively all the time, then we will be anxious in our work. not only is it damaging to our health, it also hinders our work. this also supports the idea that “when we do things naturally, the result will be perfect.”




most substances secreted by the body are counteracted by another substance. these processes act just like yin and yang against each other to maintain a state of?equilibrium. but when we are using our higher brain to work hard for society and humankind, the body secretes endorphins continuously with no counteracting substance. therefore, the more we help others, the more happy and healthy we are and our subconscious abilities become more developed.



六级 托福 sat?专8 gmat?gre
equi·lib·rium?/?i?kw??l?bri?m/ /?ekw??l?bri?m/n.
①平衡;均衡;均势[u, sing.]a state of balance, especially between opposing forces or influences?【例句】the point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point.固体和液体的平衡点叫做冰点。【近义表达】balance,proportion,equalization
②(心境、心境)恬静,安靖;心思平衡a calm state of mind and a balance of emotions【例句】zuijie sat down to try and recover her equilibrium.最姐坐了下来,尽力恢复恬静。【近义表达】peace
【词根词缀】equ-, 对等,相等。-libra, 秤,(libra, 天秤座)。

there is another interesting point. we all know that human beings have different levels of needs. dr. marslow, the author, divided these needs into five levels: physiological, security, love and belonging, esteem and self-fulfillment.




he discovered that whenever one of the needs is satisfied, the body secretes a kind of endorphin, and the higher the level of need that’s satisfied (e.g. self-fulfillment), the stronger are the effects of the endorphin. research has shown that the more honest and?righteous?one’s life, for example like thinking about the community all the time, one would become healthier.



雅思 专8
right·eous?/?ra?t??s/ adj.
①公正的;耿直的;合理的(formal)morally right and good【比方】a righteous god公正的天主
②合理的;公正合理的;正义的that you think is morally acceptable or fair?【比方】righteous anger/indignation义愤等【例句】 he was full of righteous indignation about the attack.他对这次突击作业勃然大怒。
【最姐说】有时指“假正派的,道貌肃然的,装模作样的”,比方:aren’t you afraid of being seen as a righteous crusader?.你不怕被人看作是一个装模作样的变革者?【词源】来自古英语 rihtwis, 正确的行为,来自 riht, 正确的, wis, 行为。后拼写与词义都浅显化。

many people know about the existence of brain waves. different brain waves are produced under different conditions. the wave is closely related to endorphins. when there are more waves, there is a greater secretion of endorphins.




the author discovered that the wave is most frequent during meditation. it also occurs during positive thinking. in modern society, since we cannot?meditate?all the time a day, we can try to be more positive, think about good things, listen to good things, speak about good things, and be more helpful to other people. then, naturally we will become healthier in body and mind, and everything will become smoother .



六级 考研 专8 gre
①默念,冥想to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a religious activity【例句】zuijie meditates for 20 minutes every day.最姐每天默想20分钟。
② 沉思,沉思to think seriously about something for a long time【例句】zuijie meditated on the consequences of her decision. 最姐思索着她的抉择会带来的成果。
【近义分析】think, reason, muse, speculate, meditate, deliberate, reflect都有?伎肌⑴斜稹⑺妓鳌钡囊馑迹钜焓牵?/section>

think: 一般用词,指开动脑筋构成观点或得出结论的脑力活动。不偏重结论是不是正确,见地是不是有用。
reason: 指根据材料、根据或实际进行揣度,作出结论或判另外逻辑思维活动。
muse: 一般指漫无意图地猜测。
speculate: 指推论进程,隐含在根据缺乏的基础上作出估测或想象。
meditate: 口气较强,指细心地长时刻会集精力进行思考。
deliberate: 指缓慢、故步自封地作细心而细心的思考或判别。
reflect: 指回想或回想,偏重细心而镇定地重复地思考某个疑问,尤指对已发生作业的思索。

