

考前瞄一眼 | 考研英语作文急救 疫情范文及万能模板

▼?考 前 瞄 一 眼?▼







suppose you are a senior student in your university. due to the covid-19 pandemic, your supervisor, professor james, has provided guidance through the internet for three months. write an email to

?thank him for the guidance of your undergraduate paper, and

?express your concern about the pandemic.

you should write about 100 words on the?answer sheet.

don’t use your own name, use “li ming” instead.

(10 points)


dear professor james,

? ??? ?it is with heartfelt gratitude that i am writing this letter in appreciation of your patience with my undergraduate paper.

concerning my unsatisfactory english foundation and academic writing capacity, i could not imagine how i would have accomplished my paper without your meticulous care and rigorous requirement during the special pandemic period. despite the distance, i have always been able to receive your timely and thorough online replies to my quires, which has contributed to my smooth writing progress.

no one would have predicted the global pandemic would strike with such a force but it is sincerely hoped that it would be?effectively ended soon so that i could meet you in person to?convey my thanks.

yours sincerely,

li ming

新增本乡病例?new local cases?
新增确诊病例?new confirmed cases
新增/累计感染人数?new/cumulative infections
新增/累计去世人数?new/cumulative fatalities
累计治好人数?cumulative recovered patients
恢复远程教育?go back to remote learning
新冠专用重症监护病房?intensive care units designated for covid-19 treatment
活泼接种疫苗?actively get vaccinated
核实疫苗接种情况?verify the vaccination status
完全接种疫苗?be fully vaccinated
快速传达?rapid transmission
免疫反应?immune response
躲避现有的免疫屏障?evade existing immunity
加强针?booster jab/shot/dose?
德尔塔变异毒株?delta variant?
奥密克戎变异毒株?omicron variant?
闭环打点?closed-loop system?
前检测?pre-departure testing?
三剂疫苗?three doses of vaccine?
新冠肺炎疫情警报?the covid alert level?
海关入境需求?customs entry requirements?
新冠防疫办法?covid-19 countermeasures?
以惊人的速度传达?spread at a phenomenal rate
疫苗打点法?law on vaccine management
检疫准入程序?inspection and quarantine procedures
疫苗的可及性和可担负性?accessibility and affordability of vaccines
安康码?health qr code
阻隔点?an isolation center
暂时闭园?temporary closure
零忍耐方针?zero-tolerance policy
入境检疫方针?quarantine-on-arrival policy
做核酸检测?take a nucleic acid test
令人毛骨悚然的万圣节气氛?the spooky halloween ambience
协作新冠肺炎疫情盛行病学查询?cooperate with an epidemiological investigation
疫苗加强针?booster shot?
边境巡查?border patrol
境外输入病例?imported cases
安康申报?declaration of health
居家阻隔?home quarantine
对…优先?be prioritized for
过敏反应?allergic reaction
挂号预定?register and make an appointment
免疫体系较弱的人?individuals with weak immune systems
感患病毒风险较高的人群?those at higher risk of contracting the virus



depending?on personal experience, personalitytype and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of???观念①???while others

prefer to???观念②? ?.?from my point of view, it is more advisable to choose???我选择的观念???rather than???另一个观念??.?my arguments for this point are listed as follows.

the main reason for my propensity for???我选择的观念???is that__理由①___.?for instance,?____举例证明理由①______.?another reason can be seen by everyone is that___理由②___.?for example,?___举例证明理由②____.?the argument i support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because____理由③______.

although i agree that there may be a couple of advantages of b, i feel that the disadvantages are more obvious, such as_____另一个观念的缺乏_____.

in a word,?___我的观念比照好___.?so, it is sagacious to support the statement that_____我选择的观念______ .

? ?论说文??

with the development of_____?表象或疑问呈现的布景??, ______?表象或疑问???? ? ??has aroused great concern. some people consider it to be ___对表象或疑问呈现的观点? ???,?this subject requires further analysis.

?among all the important/convincing reasons for___表象___, _____缘由①____?plays a very important role. that is to say, —______具体论说缘由①____. what is more, it is because of ______缘由②__—–___to some degree.______具体说明缘由②______.?besides,?____缘由③___.?therefore,?____总结缘由致使的成果____ .

as far as i’m concerned,?____我的观念/情绪____.


dear _______,

i am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for?___谢谢事由______.

?i’d like you to know how much your meant to me. you have a positive genius for____对收信人某一方面的赞许____.?i not only enjoyed?_________,?but also________.?i shall ever remember _______as one of the most _______in my life.?i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating. i will feel very honored and pleased if you_____________. i am looking forward to seeing you next time!

i repeat my thanks again for your help. please give my kind regards to your family.


li ming


dear_______ ,

i am excessively sorry to tell you that?___直接说出抱愧事由____.?now, i am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret. please accept my sincere apology. i hope you will understand me and excuse me for?___恳求对方宽恕的事由_______。

the reason for my?delay/absence(抱愧的事由)was that ____差错的缘由___。i had no way out because________. therefore it’s not in my power to___差错致使的成果_____ 。

naturally, i want to suggest ___主张下次完成_____.?i shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where you_______. we may meet again and i hope to see you soon.

? ? ? ??yours sincerely,

? li ming??



there will a?____作业_____?at/in____地址____on____时刻______.?we would be honored to have you there with us.

the occasion will start at ____具体时刻______. this will be followed by a?____流程组织(根据实践情况拓宽语句)___.?at around____时刻__,____另一个组织__(根据实践情况拓宽语句)____.

would you please confirm this invitation at your earliest convenience? we are?looking forward?to?your reply.?

yours sincerely,

li ming



初心联盟日语 | 初心百科 |?爱初心英语
日语mti??| 日语专业考研??| 联盟日语??| 爱初心日语





