

线上世界气候习气峰会(cas)将于1月25日至26日经过线上方法由荷兰举办,是疫情后气候恢复进程中的初度国家领导人全球峰会。到时,各国领导人和各区域利益攸关方将参加其间。该峰会将发布全部的习气行为议程(adaptation action agenda),承诺经过务实行为和广泛参加,使咱们的世界更具恢复力,以应对气候改变。在24小时的行程中,不一起区的与会人员将建议改动,撑持采纳真实办法,处置全球气候变暖的疑问,缔造一个具有耐性的将来。

a million young people urge governments to prioritise climate crisis
more than 1 million young people around the world have urged governments to prioritise measures to protect against the ravages of climate breakdown during the recovery from the covid-19 pandemic. world leaders are due to meet by video link on monday to consider how to adapt to the extreme weather, wildfires and floods that have become more common as temperatures rise. ban ki-moon, the former un secretary general, will lead the climate adaptation summit, and leaders including boris johnson, emmanuel macron, angela merkel and narendra modi are expected to attend.
ban said: “we must remember there is no vaccine to fix our changing climate. as climate change impacts continue to intensify, we must put adaptation on an equal footing with cutting emissions. building resilience to climate change impacts is not a nice-to-have, it is a must, if we are to live in a sustainable and secure world.” he said efforts to repair the damage done to economies by covid-19 were in danger of compounding the p

patrick verkooijen, the chief executive of the global centre on adaptation, said it was time to redirect spending. “as governments begin to invest trillions of dollars to recover from the pandemic, they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a more resilient, climate-smart future – to build adaptation in the next round of fiscal stimulus,” he said. “a coordinated green resilient infrastructure push with the right policy incentives could boost global gdp by 0.7% in the first 15 years and create millions of jobs.”

prioritise/pra???r??ta?z/ vt.优先实施;

climate crisis 气候危机;

measure/?me??r/ n.办法;

protect against 维护;

ravage/?r?v?d?/ n.损坏,损坏;

breakdown /?bre?kda?n/ n.崩坏;

adapt to 习气;

summit /?s?m?t/ n.峰会;

vaccine/v?k?si?n/ n.疫苗;

impact /??mp?kt/ n.影响;

intensify /?n?tens?fa?/ v.增强,加剧;

cut emissions 削减排放;

nice-to-have 如虎添翼;

sustainable/s??ste?n?bl/ adj.可持续的;

compound /k?m?pa?nd/ vt.恶化,加剧;

trillion /?tr?lj?n/ num.万亿;

once-in-a-lifetime 千载一时;

resilient /r??z?li?nt/ adj.有弹性的;

coordinated/ko????rd?ne?t?d/ adj.调和共同的;

green /ɡri?n/ adj.环保的;

infrastructure/??nfr?str?kt??r/ n.基础设备缔造;

push/p??/ n.推进;

boost /bu?st/ vt.添加,前进;

文本选自:the guardian(卫报)作者:fiona harvey原文发布时刻:22 jan. 2021
he that can have patience, can have what he will.

