



字帖2011text1:1. as a description of the next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musicians like gustav mahler and pierre boulez, that seems likely to have struck at least some times readers as faint praise.生词:hitherto:adv. 迄今中止,直到某时faint praise:明褒实贬这个语句极难,除了晓得seems大约是谓语动词以外,很难搞理解语句规划,特别是其间的“have struck”很难,后一个that和后一个as也很难晓得是干啥用的或许是润饰谁的。
语句说明:“as a description”是承受上文的叙说(有上下文简略连下来)。主句是“that seems likely to have struck at least some times readers as faint praise.”主句的that是description。最难的是strike somebody as something是给或人留下怎样的形象(假定不晓得,即便有上下文也很难了解)。
2. to be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is necessary for me to visit avery fisher hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music.3. for the time, attention, and money of the art-loving public, classical instrumentalists must compete not only with opera houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, but also with the recorded performances of the great classical musicians of the 20th century.仅有的生词只需troupe(剧团、扮演团),不影响了解。

字帖2011text2:没有难句,全都非常简略读懂。1. within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with the board of hartford financial services group, which named him ceo and chairman on september 29.2. for years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive ceo candidates are the ones who must be poached.3. says korn/ferry senior partner dennis carey: 生词:adhere:v. 恪守 附着 粘附adhere to:坚持poach:v. 偷猎 偷捕


摺U饫嗾即蟠蠖肌?. we define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content or e-commerce engines within that environment.半生不熟词:
e-commerce:电子商务。2. besides generating income, the presence of other marketers makes the site seem objective, gives companies opportunities to learn valuable information about the appeal of other companies marketing, and may help expand user traffic for all companies concerned.生词:
appeal:v./n. 上诉、申述、招引力、感染力,这儿为招引力。3. the same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker, more visible, and much more damaging ways.半生不熟词:
passionate:adj. 热心的。
visible:可见的、显着的,在这儿作显着的。4. toyota motor, for example, alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign, which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as twitter and the social-news site digg.这个语句在4个傍边最难。假定动词不理解,语句了解程度当即降低50%。生词:
alleviate:v. 减轻、陡峭、减轻。
orchestrate:v. 编列、策划。engage:v. 从事、聘任、招引住、招聘、树立亲近联络、极力了解。这儿如同大约说明为“交流”。所谓半生不熟的词只是用得少或许见得少算了。

字帖2011text4:作为该年度最终一个text,这个text里边列出的语句都非常难。我查了老半天单词,才看懂是怎么回事。这个text将3个语句的翻译悉数给出。1. it’s no surprise that jennifer senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, is arousing much chatter——nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience.詹妮弗·西尼尔的那篇见地一起且颇具煽动性的杂志封面文章《我喜爱我的孩子,我厌烦我的日子》引发了我们的热议。文章认为抚育孩子绝不是一种赋有作用感、使日子充分的阅历,没有啥观念比这个观念更能致使我们的谈兴了。本句有着许多的生词:(或许不太熟的词,在生词较多的情况下会因为推理妨碍变得困难)insightful:adj. 有深化晓得、赋有洞悉力provocative:adj. 寻衅的、煽动性的arousing:v. 激起、致使chatter:n. 滔滔舶rearing:n. 抚育fulfilling:adj. 让人感触有意义、令人满足2. unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldn’t have had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.意外福的父母很少会思考自个是不是不该养孩子,但那些意外福且没有孩子的人却老是遭到“孩子是这世界上最重要的东西,没有之一”这一信息的困惑;显着,他们之所以日子满足外福,必定是由这种没有孩子的缺憾直接构成的。provoke:v. 激起、致使、引发misery:n. 苦楚、凄惨、贫穷gaping:v. 翻开、裂开3. but it’s interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthood aren’t in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience, in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting might make us look just a little bit like jennifer aniston.但风趣的是,试想一下咱们每周看到的那些毫无压力且夸姣十足的为人父母的形象,是不是正在以一种纤细的、影响潜知道的方法让咱们对实际日子不那么不满呢?这种方法就像是,咱们傍边有些人期望变成瑞秋那般的人,或答应以让咱们看起来有点像詹妮弗·安尼斯顿。最终一个语句好在没有生词,只是逻辑特别绕。三个语句的句法一般,从生词难度过渡到语义逻辑难度。不一样的人可以会被不一样的方位绊倒。这篇文章值得放在最终一个text。

字帖2012text1:语句都很简略。1. but in her new book join the club, tina rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the word.contend:v. 竞赛、抢夺、声称、主张。dynamic:n. 动态、动力。2. her critique of the lameness of many pubic-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.lameness:n. 残损、糟糕。spot-on:精确的。mobilize:v. 建议、集结、组织demonstrate:v. 证明、证明、证明、阐明flawed:adj. 有缺陷、有瑕疵3. pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers-teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in.plead:v. 恳求、央求、申辩text1很简略,上面这些词即便一时没想起来也不会对阅览构成较大妨碍。

字帖2012text2:1.the company, a major energy supplier in new england, provoked justified outrage in vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.provoke这个生词又双叒叕呈如今这一年的标题里,可是我经过前一年的题现已晓得它是激起、激起的意义。justified:adj. 合理的outrage:n. 愤恨renege:v. 违背(承诺)longstanding:adj. 长时刻的commitment:n. 承诺abide:v. 恪守(abide by)。这个方位或许会写浅显(也很像)的obey。regulation:n. 规章、法规第一个语句成堆词不好猜。2.instead, the company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not challenge the constitutionality of vermont’s rules in the federal court, as part of a desperate effort to keep its vermont yankee nuclear power plant running.precisely:adv. 精确地、刚好地。在微积分18讲中说到了它有“精确”的意思。constitutionality:n. 合宪性。这个却不是困难词。desperate:adj. 不保悉数的。这个也不是困难词。第二个比照简略。3.a string of accidents, including the partial collapse of a cooling tower in 2007 and the discovery of an underground pipe system leakage, raised serious questions about both vermont yankee’s safety and entergy’s management—especially after the company made misleading statements about the pipe.collapse:n. 溃散leakage:n. 泄露第三句也简略。4.the company seems to have concluded that its reputation in vermont is already so damaged that it has noting left to lose by going to war with the state.reputation:n. 名誉、名声第四句最简略。不知这本字帖是怎么个选法,总之只需第一个语句比照难,但已暇词汇上难一些,而且构成了会集扎堆的感触。比方provoke justified outrage连用、renege on a longstanding commitment to abide by连用,这样的选法有点像写作文词穷,开篇写了一句超秀丽的语句,后边没撑下来。

字帖2012text3:今日几句都非常简略。1. in the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work.idealize:v. 将……抱负化2. as a discovery claim works it through the community, the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved transforms an individual’s discovery claim into the community’s credible discovery.interaction:n. 彼此作用、彼此影响confrontation:n. 敌对、坚持、冲突credible:adj. 可信的、可靠的3. not surprisingly, newly published discovery claims and credible discoveries that appear to be important and convincing will always be open to challenge and potential modification or refutation by future researchers.modification:n. 批改、改进、改动refutation:n. 驳斥、争辩反驳、证伪

字帖2012text4:本篇尽是好句,附上一切给出的翻译。1. the teachers’ unions keep an eye on schools, the ccpoa on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.教师工会亲近重视学校行为,加州监狱平缓推进委员会(ccpoa)亲近重视监狱,而林林总总的劳工集体则重视着医疗保健。这个语句完全不含生词。它的优良在于,使用二三分句间的and省掉掉了“keep an eye”。这个写法很秀丽。2. politicians have repeatedly “backloaded” public-sector pay deals, keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.政客们不断私自前进公共部分的薪酬,尽管坚持薪酬较小增加高低,但不断添加公休时刻,特别本就丰富的养老金也在不断增加。repeatedly:adv. 重复、重复、再三backloaded:担负sector:n. 部分deal:协议、许多、许多、生意、待遇modest:adj. 少许、不太大pension:n. 退休金、养老金、抚恤金generous:adj. 大方、大方、丰厚、足够这是最困难的一个语句,最初几个词就现已炸裂了,后边的一些名词比照专业化,不晓得就是不晓得。3. reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most notoriously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles.变革遭到激烈对立,最让人惊奇的可所以教育变革,其间的特许学校、学术机构和绩效薪酬这些方面都面临着耐久的斗争。vigorously:adv. 精力旺盛、生动oppose:v. 对立、反抗、阻挡notoriously:adj. 臭名远扬merit:n. 利益、美德、价值、劳绩drawn-out:吞没这个语句的困难程度和第二句恰当,照常在于难词扎堆。4. even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable, teachers’ unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.尽管有充分的根据标明,教师本质才是影响教育水平最为重要的可变要素,教师工会却对立开除差教师、选拔好教师。variable:n. 变量、可变要素最终一句很简略。

字帖2013text1:不难。1. priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistant’s sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to department stores and to the bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment.descend:v. 降低bargain:n. 减价品bin:n. 箱子garment:n. 服装2. these labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable—— meant to last only a wash or two, although they don’t advertise that——and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks.disposable:adj. 可任意处置、一次性wardrobe:n. 衣柜、衣橱3. for h&m to offer a 5.95 knit miniskirt in all its 2300-plus stores around the world, it must rely on low-wage, overseas labor, order in volumes that strain natural resources, and use massive amount of harmful chemicals.knit:v. 编织、n. 针织衫miniskirt:n. 超短裙wage:n. 薪酬volume:n. 体积、容积strain:v. 拉紧、n. 压力4. though several fast-fashion companies have made efforts to curb their impact on labor and the environment——including h&m, with its green conscious collection line——cline believes lasting-change can only be effected by the customer.curb:v. 遏止

字帖2013text2:1. in the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information: should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioral ads?quarrel:n. 争持illustrate:v. 阐明我想起 的废话名句“numerous example can be given easily to illustrate the above viewpoints, but the following ones will suffice.”他给的万能废话里另一个词suffice是“满足”的意思。grain:n. 谷物、颗粒track:v.跟踪、寻找2. unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking with microsoft’s default, some may ignore a dnt signal and press on anyway.没有生词。3. if it is trying to upset 谷歌, which relies almost wholly on advertising, it has chosen an indirect method: there is no guarantee that dnt by default will become the norm.也没有生词。

