

专题 六作者情绪题真题来历 2021英语一text 4viii the court’s ruling is a step forward in the struggle against both corruption and official favoritism.40. the author’s attitude toward the court’s ruling is _____.[a] sarcastic[b] tolerant[c] skeptical[d] supportive标题解析40. 解析:本题为情绪题。第8段是独句段,又是全文最终一段,因而其内容很有可以和全文主旨亲近有关。这段话指出,在与糜烂和公务偏袒所做的斗争中,最高法院的判决是一个前进(a step forward)。由a step forward显着可以看出,作者对最高法院的判决持必定的情绪,因而选项d正确。其他选项不构成烦扰,可轻松打扫,不再赘述。1. 独句段是指一句话单独构成一个期间,这足以阐明这句话的重要性。假定文章中呈现了独句段,同学们应将其视为阅览的要点,因为它一般与全文主旨亲近有关。2. 重视描述词和副词等,它们一般包括豪情颜色,有时分某些动词和名词也包括豪情颜色,对清楚作者情绪非常重要。真题来历2021英语一text 4iv ①if it clears the house, this measure would still have to get through the senate—where someone is bound to point out that it amounts to the bare, bare minimum necessary to keep the postal service afloat, not comprehensive reform. ②there’s no change to collective bargaining at the usps, a major omission considering that personnel accounts for 80 percent of the agency’s costs. ③also missing is any discussion of eliminating saturday letter delivery. ④that common-sense change enjoys wide public support and would save the usps $2 billion per year. ⑤but postal special-interest groups seem to have killed it, at least in the house. ⑥the emerging consensus around the bill is a sign that legislators are getting frightened about a politically embarrassing short-term collapse at the usps. ⑦it is not, however, a sign that they’re getting serious about transforming the postal system for the 21st century.39. in the last paragraph, the author seems to view legislators with _____.[a] respect[b] tolerance[c] discontent[d] gratitude标题解析39. 解析:本题为情绪题,根据题干中的legislators定位至最终一段句⑥和句⑦,句⑦中的they指代的是legislators。句⑥指出,立法者对usps在政治上令人尴尬的短期溃散变得惧怕起来,句⑦指出,但这并非标明他们初步细心对待邮政体系面向21世纪的转型。由此可见,作者敌对法者的情绪是负面的,所以可以首要打扫豪情颜色为正的选项a和d。选项b“忍耐”一般标明作者清楚晓得一件作业不好,但仍是选择对它宽恕,这种情绪不太可以在考研阅览中呈现,而且它与作者敌对法者的情绪也不符,故打扫。经过打


