

2022年英语二 mba书面考试 mpa书面考试打点类联考英语二押题作文 英语二作文主题词不会写怎么办?林晨陪你考研镯梦英语


2010年:柱状图,手机订阅:mobile-phone subscriptions

2011:柱状图,国内轿车商场有些品牌商场比例:market share of some brands in domestic car market

2012:表格,某公司职工作业满足度查询:job satisfaction survey of employees in a company

2013:柱状图,某高校学生兼职情况:part time jobs of college students

2014:柱状图,我国乡镇人员、村庄人员改变:changes of urban and rural population in china

2015:饼状图,某市居民新年礼物花费:a city residents consumption of spring festival gifts

2016:饼状图,某高校学生旅行意图查询:a survey on the tourism purpose of college students

2021:折线图,博物馆数量和赏识人数的增加:the increase in the number of museums and visitors

2021:饼状图,某市花费者选择餐厅时的重视要素:the factors that consumers pay attention to when choosing restaurants in a city

2021:柱状图,某高校结业生去向:the choice of college graduates

2021:饼状图,某高校学外行机阅览运用情况:mobile phone reading usage of college students

2021:柱状图,居民体育训练方法查询 different exercising methods of residents in a certain city



(1)人员老龄化 ageing of population

(2)人均阅览量 reading per capita

(3)影片票房、进口影片、国产影片、喜剧片、恋爱片 box office, imported film, domestic film, comedy, love film

(4)人均手机运用时长 mobile phone usage time per capita

(5)图书馆数量和读书人数 number of libraries and number of readers;某市体育馆数量和训练人数 the number of gymnasiums and the number of exercisers in a city

(6)电子书、实体书 e-books, physical books

(7)人均上网时长 average online time

(8)人均年收入 annual per capita income

(9)移动付出、网络购物成交额 transaction volume and mobile payment;电子商务 electronic commerce

(10)阅览偏好 reading preference

(11)某市居民出行方法 travel mode of residents in a city

(12)新动力轿车、传统动力轿车 new energy vehicles, traditional energy vehicles

(13)对换岗的情绪 正常 惧怕 不忠诚 the attitude to job hopping, normal/afraid/ disloyalty

(14)某市承受作业教育的人数 number of people receiving vocational education in a city

(15)旅行收入 tourism revenue

reasons for employment difficulties ;lack of experience/high requirements of units /fierce competition

(17)付出方法:二维码、现金、诺言卡 payment method: qr code, cash, credit card

(18)研讨生选择人数、专硕人数、学硕人数 the number of graduate students enrolled/the number of professional master/number of academic masters

(19)某市每千人具有轿车的数量 the number of cars per thousand people in a city

(20)自愿者人数 number of volunteers

(21)全球人员数量 global population

(22)工业化、全球化、乡镇化 industrialization, globalization , urbanization

(23)网络游戏收入 web game revenue

(24)某学校学生承受教育的方法:网课、线下教育 the way of students receiving education in a school: online education , offline education

(25)国内手机品牌商场比例 market share of domestic mobile phone brands

(26)某校结业学生期望作业地和实践作业地 expected employment place and actual employment place of graduates of a university

(27)不一样年纪学习理由 reasons for learning at different ages

(28)医院数量和就医人数 number of hospitals and number of patients

(29)某校大学生花费比例的查询 a survey on the consumption proportion of college students

(30)男女薪酬差异 wage gap between men and women

(31)外国人来我国旅行 foreigners travel to china ;出境旅行 outbound tourism

(32)某市家庭收入分配的查询 a survey of household expenditure in a city

(33)某市青少年近视缘由 causes of myopia in adolescents in a city

(34)大学生对作业的自我方案 college students career self planning

(35)在线教育商场规划 online education market size

(36)某市各期间学生出国留学情况 go abroad to study

(37)作业中的性别轻视 sexism

(38)各期间和父母共处时刻的查询 time with parents

(39)学生各项首要活动所占课余时刻 time occupied by students activities

(40)影响学生参加体育活动的缘由 reasons affecting students participation in sports activities

(41)参加体育活动的学生比例 proportion of students participating in sports activities

(42)外国留学生人数和出国留学人数 number of foreign students and number of students studying abroad

(43)不一样年纪集体体育训练的查询 ?investigation on physical exercise of different age groups

(44)大学生熬夜缘由 stay up late

镯梦教师tips,关于考研作文中的单词假定不会的话,千万不要空白,可以用一些附近的单词来替代,比方说2015年和2021年以及2021年:居民、花费者、赏识人数不会写可以运用people替代;2021 年 2021 年 2016 年某高校(结业生假定不会写)学生 college students ;假定真实不会写,把模板加上主题词一同写在作文答题卡处,教师看到写的挺多的,也不会给你特低分。

我是林晨陪你考研的林晨教师,你相见恨晚的(mba mem mpa?emba mpacc)择校 初试 提前面试 复试 调剂的辅导教师,每年累计陪同1000论理学生考生抱负院校的mba mem mpa emba mpacc,2022年,咱们持续加油。

