的一个项目,也是绝大大都同学感到非常头疼的一有些,因为不知从何下手去写,简略呈现各种大巨细小的疑问, 需要考研英语二图表作文万能模板或考研英语写作批改的同学,从速联络刘宁教师哦
the picture illustrates that a young mother took care of her little daughter thirty years ago, and now her daughter shows filial affection by holding her arm and supporting her. they both beam a pleasant smile. love is reciprocated.
it conveys that parents are responsible for bringing up their children until they can fend for themselves. when the descendants become grown-up, they are also expected to look after their elderly parents. it is quite important to raise public awareness of this behavior to develop a harmonious society and this mutually respectful relationship.
however, it is not uncommon to notice that some people treat their offspring and ageing parents with no respect, care and concern in this day and age. in particular, some elderly people tend to be abandoned by their sons or daughters when they are seriously ill in hospital. we should constantly make a few tweaks to the way we interact with the young and the old that will encourage a mutually attentive relationship. when we make an intentional effort to model a supportive attitude for our children, they are more likely to mimic it and perform their filial duties.
上海区域的考研小火伴们留心啦!报名咱们的课程的话,教师会一对一面谈, 你解疑答惑,关于性拟定后期学习方案,开设5人以内的小班制考研英语提分班(线下),保证照看到每位同学,其他区域的采纳线上教育,具体内容如下
1. 考研要点词汇挨个收拾、词汇回想办法、近义词、易混杂词汇、一词多义、有些写作必用词汇的用法,课上教师带你细心过一遍
2. 真题精讲与分析,一方面安靖词汇,强化回想,再者关于 完形、阅览、翻译的温习留心思项、做题办法、解题技巧等进行收拾分析,有知道地训练关于完形、阅览等文章的阅览技能,前进阅览速度、了解的精确性、如何捕捉文章中的要点信息、打扫烦扰信息等,平常温习进程中遇到的疑问与利诱具体答疑,内容具有很强的考研有用性与关于性
3. 考研英语写作精讲、批改反应课下安设的写作作业、关于写作词汇、亮点词汇、语法、组语句、要点英语表达、分析视点以及技巧、语句的过渡联接、作文的内容逻辑等都会具体手把手教你
4. 免费供给刘宁教师精编《考研英语真题词汇一本通》、《考研英语写作高分练习》等具体材料