

chinese bike-sharing start-up locks on to manchester as test ground for europe rollout摩拜单车将露脸曼彻斯特试水欧洲商场china’s leading bike-sharing company is riding into europe with a uk launch in manchester.
mobike’s smart bicycles are tracked by satellite and can be locked and unlocked using a smartphone app.
yesterday tencent-backed mobike said it would begin with 1,000 bikes and ramp up to meet demand, in its first foray out of asia.
the uk rollout starts on june 29, with more launches expected to follow. “we are in talks with a number of other cities around europe, and are sure the successful pilot will be the first of many partnerships,” said steve pyer, general manager of mobike uk.
摩拜将从6月29日起露脸英国,估计随后将进入更多欧洲商场。“当前,咱们还在和欧洲其他一些城市进行商洽,咱们信赖,假定曼彻斯特试运营成功,那么接下来咱们将与更多欧洲城市树立协作火伴联络,”摩拜英国总司理史蒂夫?皮埃尔(steve pyer)说。
analysts have hailed china’s rapidly growing bike-sharing start-ups as an example of world-leading innovation in a country that has a reputation for copycat technology.
mobike has produced more than 5m smart cycles in just over a year. the distinctive orange-wheeled bikes have become ubiquitous in big cities such as shanghai and beijing.
people rely on the bikes for “last mile” transport, such as from a subway station to a restaurant. the bike company gets a small fee — usually less than rmb1 ($0.15) — and the gps data of the journey, valuable for marketing analysis.
but the rapid expansion of the schemes has not been unproblematic. chinese city officials are pushing to regulate the parking of bikes, which are sometimes dumped in cycle lanes or on pavements.
mobike said it had agreed to work with manchester and salford city councils and transport for greater manchester to make sure the scheme does not inconvenience others. it will also share travel data with city planners.
摩拜标明,其已附和与曼彻斯特和索尔福德(salford)的当地议会、以及大曼彻斯特交通局(transport for greater manchester)协作,保证同享单车方案不给其别人带来不便利。摩拜也将与城市方案部分共享交通数据。
ofo, a competitor backed by ride-hailing giant didi chuxing, has run smaller trials in the uk, including a few hundred bicycles in cambridge and an unspecified number in london.
摩拜的竞赛对手、叫车效能巨子滴滴出行(didi chuxing)入股的ofo,已在英国进行小规划试运转,包括在剑桥投进数百辆单车,在伦敦投进数量不明的单车。
at least 10 chinese bike-sharing groups have secured funding from international investors, according to chen lin, assistant professor of marketing at china europe international business school.
mobike has raised more than $400m from investors including temasek, singapore’s state-owned investor, warburg pincus, the us private equity group, and tencent.
摩拜已向包括新加坡政府出资机构淡马锡(temasek)、美国私家股本集团华平(warburg pincus)和腾讯筹资逾4亿美元。
ofo said it had reached a valuation of $1bn after a fundraising in march.
mobike and ofo offer cash bonuses to riders in a battle for market dominancereminiscent of didi and uber.
【有关主题新闻:】 曼彻斯特是摩拜单车进入的第100个城市,是它进入的第一个非亚洲城市。3月份,摩拜单车进入新加坡商场。走出亚洲意味着它与ofo的竞赛将会变得愈加剧烈,ofo正在向世界商场扩展。实际上,摩拜进入英国早年遭到ofo的狙击,2个月前,ofo在剑桥推出试点项目,不过试点规划很小,只需20辆自行车。
  ofo英国运营主管约瑟夫·希尔-德里弗(joseph seal-driver)承受《卫报》采访时标明,年末之前将会进入3个英国城市。在曩昔9个

月里,两家创业公司不断堆集资金。ofo首 入“独角兽”沙龙,它成功融资4.5亿美元,由dst领投。与此一起,摩拜融资3亿多美元,出资者包括腾讯和富士康。
  自行车共享创业公司供给许多自行车,在我国某些城市阻止了大众利益,这是一个缺陷。正因如此,摩拜推出一个体系,让用户告发停放不当的自行车,在我国和曼彻斯特都可以运用该体系。摩拜扩展比照稳重,在正式进入之前曾试运营6个月。摩拜还承诺会与曼彻斯特、索尔福德市议会及大曼彻斯特交通部分(transport for greater manchester,简称tfgm)协作。
  在声明中,大曼彻斯特市长安迪·伯纳姆(andy burnham)标明:“咱们现已知道到市中心肠区太凌乱、太繁忙了,正因如此,tfgm与摩拜携手协作,树立一套自愿恪守的原则,保证效能不会阻止其它路途用户、行人及市中心的商人。”
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