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加急预定2024年翻译硕士考研应用文,大作文,写作 集锦 这三个题型占比500分的?130分 尤为关键? ?打开wechat添加1539986040??附注三个文件
加急预定2024年翻译硕士考研卡时间180分钟考场答题纸实战模拟训练三科加三科答案 打开wechat?添加1539986040?附注实战模拟加急预定2024年翻译硕士考研实战答题纸模拟训练三科加三科答案 ,目前马上进入最后的百日冲刺,到上考场之前最低需要进行三次到五次的翻译硕士答题纸卡时间实战训练 根据自己的卡时间作答情况 发现问题 之后进行调整 查漏补缺
56 56 84 84 367
53 53 80 80 357
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345 50 75
56 56 84 84 367
53 53 80 80 357
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二区国家线 345 ??49 ?49 ?74 ?74
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#翻译硕士mti考研# firstly?谈翻译硕士院校选择
??对于2023年翻译硕士考研的学生来说,如何在短短的几个月的备考时间里面选择一个适合自己的院校是有很大的难度的。 为什么呢?因为你在备考的同
多的例子都在佐证着这个事实@ 唯有选择了一个适合自己的院校,之后向着这
个目标院校 发力 ?努力??奋力??加油??你才可以得到最大的考上的机会。
????????????? #翻译硕士mti考研#???每当你不想再坚持的时候,每当你松懈的时候,每当你想放弃的时候 请看一下下面的言语,也许你会背上行囊,奋力前行!
#翻译硕士mti考研#?面对翻译硕士考研 你需要说 never give up, never lose the opportunity to succeed?
you can do anything in this world you want to do, but you must want to do it badly enough.?
you really can have everything you want, if you go after it. you have to want it.?
the first ingredient of success is desire. do you know what you want? your desire is the planting of your seed.?
your desire for success must be so strong within you that it’s the very breath of your life.?
it must be your first thought when you wake in the morning, and your last thought when you go to bed at night.?
you can be whatever you make up your mind to be. what’s in your mind is all that counts.?
选择了翻译硕士考研 我们就选择了坚持!?nothing is impossible to a willing heart.?
早起的鸟儿有虫子吃,凡事预则立不预则废。机会是送给有准备的学生的。目前距离2023年翻译硕士考研大致就9个月的时间。八个月时间需要备考四个科目 分数国家线至少也在367左右??所以任务还是很艰巨的,所以不要再拖延了??再拖延??马上就暑假开始再拖延马上 就开始报名再拖延 马上 就现场确认再拖延 马上就 发准考证再拖延 马上就考试现场?
#翻译硕士分数线#?根据以上这些翻译硕士院校选择的问题,每一个学校的试题都不一样,都有不同的侧重点,不亲自的去做一下这个学校的试题你就想获得一个合适的把握是不可能的,水深水浅,牛小马的感觉是不一样的。所以??务必趁现在有足够的时间 做 一定量的翻译硕士院校的试题??来看那个学校是适合你的。
一 语法单选
1. this book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important ________ of american life.
a) fashions
b) frontiers
c) facets
d) formats
2. parents often faced the ________ between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.
a) paradox
b) junction
c) dilemma
d) premise
3. clark felt that his ________ in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent.
a) apprehension
b) appreciation
c) presentation
d) participation
4. as one of the youngest professors in the university, miss king is certainly on the ________ of a brilliant career.
a) threshold
b) edge
c) porch
d) course
5. the ________ lawyer made a great impression on the jury.
a) protecting
b) guarding
c) defending
d) shielding
6. very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very ________.
a) dim
b) obscure
c) conspicuous
d) intelligible
7. this movie is not ________ for children to see: it contains too much violence and too many love scenes.
a) profound
b) valid
c) decent
d) upright
??8. sadly, the giant panda is one of the many species now in danger of ________.
a) extinction
b) migration
c) destruction
d) extraction
9. the manager tried to wave aside these issues as ________ details that would be settled later.
a) versatile
b) trivial
c) preliminary
d) alternate
10. his ________ was telling him that something was wrong.
a) intuition
b) hypothesis
c) inspiration
d) sentiment
11. the famous scientist ________ his success to hard work.
a) imparted
b) granted
c) ascribed
d) acknowledged
12. it is difficult to ________ of a plan to end poverty.
a) speculate
b) conceive
c) ponder
d) reckon
13. now the cheers and applause ________ in a single sustained roar.
a) mingled
b) concentrated
c) assembled
d) permeated
14. improved consumer confidence is ________ to an economic recovery.
a) crucial
b) subordinate
c) cumulative
d) satisfactory
15. although the body is made up of many different tissues, these tissues are arranged in an ________ and orderly fashion.
a) incredible
b) intricate
c) internal
d) initial
?16. no longer are contributions to computer technology confined to any one country; ________ is this more true than in europe.
a) hardly????? b) little?????? c) seldom???????d) nowhere
17. the mother didn’t know who ________ for the broken glass.
a) will blame??????? b) to blame???????? c) blamed??????????d) blames
18. although the national government has introduced some new laws on this subject, it is the ________ state governments which are responsible for pollution control.
a) precisely ???????b) primarily ???????c) progressively ?????? d) preliminarily
19. he would ________ it that his son took a livelier interest in politics.
a) see into ???????b) see through ???????c) see about ?????? d) see to
20. ________ about one of the most rapidly changing countries in a ceaselessly changing world is not all easy.
a) being informed ???????b) to be informing ???????
c) have in formed ?????? d) informed
二 词义替换 ?我的企鹅1105582652,注明翻硕
21. he remained calm in the face of the?impending?danger.
???a. terrific ???b. trivial ??c. astonishing ??d. imminent
22. “holmes!” i whispered. “what on earth are you doing in this?disgusting?place?”
???a. humble ?b. unpleasant ?c. underprivileged ?d. noisy
23. the?futility?of the program resulted from poor planning.
???a. possible failure in the future ???????????????
???b. ineffectiveness and uselessness
???c. blindness to its mistakes ?d. potential disaster
24. construction of the gigantic office building in this city was for years?intermittent
???a. stopping and starting at intervals
???b. something that will happen soon
???c. being watched with keen interest
???d. anything that comes and goes
25. although many?modifications?have been made in it, the game known in the united states as football can be traced directly to the english game of rugby.
???a. rules ???b. changes ??c. demands ????d. leagues
26. your silence implies?countenancing?his abject behavior; therefore please clarify your stand to him.
???a.supporting ?b.obscuring ??c.concealing ?d.assisting
27. the graduate committee must be?in full accord?in their approval of a dissertation.
???a. indecisive b. sullen ???c. vocal ???????d.?unanimous
28. we regret being unable to?entertain?your request for providing free boarding to 15 sportsmen for two weeks.
???a. receive ??b. comply ???c. coincide ????d. consider
29. justices of the peace have?jurisdiction?over the trials of some civil suits and of criminal cases involving minor offenses.
???a. superiority b. authority c. guidance ?d. consider
30. one of the things we have to do to prevent a?pandemic?is to make sure people understand and know what they can do to minimize the commotion.
???a. command ??b. collusion ??c. turmoil ?d. tutelage