


本文节选自:the new york times(纽约时报)
作者:eshe nelson
原文标题:why are food prices so high in europe?
agricultural and energy costs are falling, but basic items remain stubbornly expensive for consumers. it is the most basic of staple food items: sliced white bread. in britain, the average price of a loaf was 28 percent higher in april, at 1.39 pounds, or $1.72, than it was a year earlier.



throughout the european union, consumer food prices were on average nearly 17 percent higher in april than a year earlier, a slight slowdown from the previous month, whichsetthe fastest pace of growth in over two and a half decades. the situation is worse in britain than in its western european neighbors: food and nonalcoholic drink prices were 19 percent higher, the quickest pace of annual food inflation in more than 45 years. by comparison, the annual rate of u.s. food inflation was 7.7 percent.


at the same time, the major costs that go into making food products, including fuel, wheat and other agricultural commodities, have been falling in international markets for much of the past year — raising questions about why food prices for consumers remain so high in europe. and with rising labor costs and the possibility ofprofiteering, food prices are unlikely tocome downanytime soon. more broadly, rising prices could also put pressure on central banks to keep interest rates high, potentiallyrestrainingeconomic growth.


behind the sticker price for a loaf of bread includes the costs for not only key ingredients but also processing, packaging, transport, wages, storage and companymarkups.a united nations index of global food commodity prices, such as wheat, meat and vegetable oil, peaked in march 2022, immediately after russia’s invasion of ukraine, which is one of the largest grain producers. the war disrupted grain and oilproduction in the region andhad global impact, too,worsening food crisesin parts of east africa and the

middle east.



aside from commodity prices, europe has experienced particularlyharshincreases in costs along the food supply chain. energy prices soared because the war forced europe to rapidly replace russian gas with new supplies,pushing upthe costs of food production, transport and storage.though wholesale energy prices have fallen back down recently, retailers warn there’s a long lag — perhaps up to a year — before consumers will see the benefits of that because energy contracts were made months before, most likely reflecting those higher prices.



标题:纽约时报 | 近五十年来最激烈的食品成本危机来了……

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