


编辑 | 新媒体中心 | id: gaoliankaoyan33

21.code n.①代码,代号,密码;②法典,法规,规范

【真题链接】 native american languages are indeed different, so much so in fact that navajo could be used by the us military as a code (①) during world war ii to send secret messages.[2004年翻译]

【译文】 美洲的土著语言是如此地“与众不同”,甚至美军在第二次世界大战中使用土著语言navajo作为密码发送秘密信息。

【真题链接】 but his primary task is not to think about the moral code (②), which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. [2006年翻译]


22. column n.①圆柱,柱状物;②列;③(报刊中的)专栏

【真题链接】 “the test of any democratic society,” he wrote in a wall street journal column (③), “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be.”[1997年text4]

【译文】 他在《华尔街日报》一篇专栏文章中写道:“对任何一个民主社会的检验标准不在于它能多有效地压制各种情感的表达,而在于是否给予了人们思考和表达的最广泛的自由,尽管有时这种结果会引起争论和愤怒。”

23. coverage n.①新闻报导(范围);②保险项目

【真题链接】 with the start of bbc world service television, millions of viewers in asia and america can now watch the corporation’s news coverage (①), as well as listen to it.[1996年text2]

【译文】 随着bbc(英国广播公司)全世界电视节目的开播,亚洲和美洲的数以百万计的人不仅可以听到它的新闻广播,而且也能看到它的电视新闻报道了。

24. crack n.①裂纹,缝隙;②破裂声;v.①(使)开裂;②解决;③(get ~ing)开始

【真题链接】 as the dome grows, it develops deep fissures (cracks) (n.①); in at least a few cases the continent may break entirely along some of these fissures, so that the hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean.[1998年text5]

【译文】 随着这个圆顶的增大,板块出现深深的裂缝;至少有几次,大陆可能会沿着其中的一些裂缝完全裂开,因此这个热点就引发了一个新的海洋的形成。

【真题链接】 hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked (v.①) rearview mirror and a faulty steering wheel.[1997年text5]

【译文】 因此,才会有人将货币政策的指导作用比作是驾驶一辆带有黑色挡风玻璃、破碎的后视镜及方向盘失灵的汽车。

【真题链接】 so when the premiers gather in niagara falls to assemble their usual complaint list, they should also get cracking (v.③) about something in their jurisdiction that would help their budgets and patients.[2005年新题型]

【译文】 所以,当官员们聚集在尼亚加拉瀑布城像往常一样不停的抱怨时,他们也应该在自己的权限范围内开始做些有利于他们的预算和病人的事情。

25. craft n.①工艺,手艺,技巧;②飞机,飞船;③行业;v.精工制作

【真题链接】 the modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as galileo, newton, maxwell, einstein, and inventors such as edison attached great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft (n.①) information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments.[1994年翻译]

【译文】 推崇技术的现代学派认为,像伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯韦、爱因斯坦这样的大师以及像爱迪生这样的发明家都非常重视科学实验中使用的不同技术信息和技术设施,并从中受益颇深。

【真题链接】 the irony of the historian’ s craft (n.③) is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process .[1999年翻译]

【译文】 具有讽刺意味的是,在历史学领域,历史学家都知道,他们所做的努力只不过是为一个永无止境的研究过程做一些贡献罢了。

26. deliver v.①交付,递送;②发表,表达,陈述;③释放;④接生

【真题链接】 most notably, the pointcast network uses a screen saver to deliver (①) a continually updated stream of news and advertisements to subscribers’ computer monitors.[1999年text2]

【译文】 最突出的例子是“定向投影”网络公司,该公司使用一种屏保系统,将大量最新的信息和广告不断地传送到用户的计算机显示器上。

【真题链接】 include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver (②) in a relaxed and unforced manner.[2002年text1]

【译文】 (练习幽默)包括一些很随便的、看上去是即兴的话,你可以用轻松的、不做作的方式把它们说出来。

27. digest v.消化;n.摘要,文摘

【真题链接】 70. this passage appears to be a digest (n.) of _____.[1996年text5] [a] a book review

【译文】 70、本文似乎是_____的摘要。 [a] 一个书评

28. discipline n.①纪律;②学科;③训练,训导;④惩罚,处罚;vt.①训练,训导;②惩罚,约束

【真题链接】 72. interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline (n.②) and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.[1999年翻译]

【译文】 72. 人们之所以关注历史研究的方法论,主要是因为史学界内部意见不一,其次是因为外界并不认为历史是一门学问。

【真题链接】 as a member of a british commission visiting here in 1853 reported, “with a mind prepared by thorough school discipline (n.③), the american boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman.”[1996年text4]

【译文】 正如1853年访美的一个英国访问团成员所报道的那样,“由于有了学校彻底训练过的头脑,美国孩子迅速地成为技术熟练的工人。”

【真题链接】 the cruel discipline (n.④) of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each other’s strength and understand the value of fair negotiation.[1996年text3]

【译文】 罢工和封厂的无情惩罚使双方学会了互相尊重对方的力量,理解公正谈判的价值。

29. dismiss v.①免职,解雇,开除,解散;②.不理会,不考虑

【真题链接】 he dismisses (②) a lot of the work of reengineering consultants as mere rubbish —“the worst sort of ambulance-chasing.”[1998年text2]

【译文】 他对重组顾问们所作的大量工作不屑一顾,然为那些完全是垃圾——“典型的劳而无获”。

25.dock n.船坞,码头;v.入坞,停靠码头

【真题链接】 he sometimes played two slot machines at a time, all night, until the boat docked at 5 a.m , then went back aboard when the casino opened at 9 a.m.[2006年新题型]

【译文】 有时他一次玩两个投币机器,整夜的玩,直到早上5点关门,然后娱乐场早上9点开门时再回去。

30. doctor n.①博士;②医生;v.伪造,篡改

【真题链接】 “who is that?” the new arrival asked st.peter. “oh, that’s god,” came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks he’s a doctor (n.②).”[2002年text1]

【译文】 “这是谁啊?”新来的人问圣彼得。“哦,那是上帝,”他回答说,“但有时也认为自己是一名医生。”

【真题链接】 like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine duties— he is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor (v.) his reports. [2006年翻译]

【译文】 像其他人类一样,普通科学家甚至在每天日常的工作中都遭遇到了道义上的问题——他不应该伪造他的实验、编造证据或篡改报告。

31. document n.公文,文献;vt.记载,证明

【真题链接】 illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that mr. mcwhorter documents (vt.) is unmistakable.[2005年text4]

【译文】 麦克沃特先生从上层和下层文化中列举了一系列有趣的


32. draft n.草稿,草案,草图;v.起草,草拟

【真题链接】 that group — the national bioethics advisory commission (nbac) — has been working feverishly to put its wisdom on paper, and at a meeting on 17 may, members agreed on a near-final draft (n.) of their recommendations.[1999年text4]

【译文】 这个名为“全国生物伦理道德顾问委员会”(nbac)的小组一直在非常积极的工作,集思广益,并正在将其意见写成报告;在5月17日的一次会议上,委员们就接近定稿的建议书取得了一致意见。

【真题链接】 “important information can get buried in a sea of trivialities,” says a law professor at cornell law school who helped draft (v.) the new guidelines.[1999年text1]

【译文】 康奈尔大学法学院一位参与起草新纲要的教授说,“重要的信息会淹没在细枝末节的汪洋大海之中。”

33. dramatic a.①戏剧的,戏剧性的;②剧烈的,激进的;③显著的,引人注目的

【真题链接】 yet, dramatic (①) instances of sudden forgetting can be seen to be adaptive.[1995年text5]


【真题链接】 as a physician, i know the most costly and dramatic (②) measures may be ineffective and painful.[2003年text 4]

【译文】 作为一名医生,我深知最昂贵和最激进的手段也可能是无效的和痛苦的。

【真题链接】 straitford’s briefs don’t sound like the usual washington back-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic (③) declarations on the chance they might be wrong.[2003年text1]


34. element n.①元素;②组成部分;③人员,分子

【真题链接】 they are different (46:in that) their elements (①) are arranged differently, and each vitamin (47:performs) one or more specific functions in the body.[1996年完形]

【译文】 它们的不同之处在于每种维生素内部的元素排列不同,并且每种维生素在人体内都有一种或多种特殊作用。

【真题链接】 such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element (②) in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business.[1996年text3]

【译文】 对资本与企业的如此大规模的非个人操纵大大地增加了作为一个阶级的持股人的数量及其地位的重要性。这个阶层作为国计民生的一部分,不仅从地产和土地所有者的责任中脱离出来,而且几乎相应地也从企业管理的责任中脱离出来。

【真题链接】 the change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element (③) and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders.[1996年text3]

【译文】 通过聘用大量专业人员来适应新时代的技术要求,并防止了效率的降低,而在过去这种低效率曾使得许多旧式家族企业在精力充沛的创业者之后的第二、三代手中破产倒闭。

35. engage v.①(in)从事,忙于;②(to)与……订婚;③聘用;④吸引

【真题链接】 nevertheless williams’s suit charged that the casino, knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling” intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage (①) in conduct against his will” well.[2006年新题型]

【译文】 然而威廉姆斯还是控告娱乐场,明知道他“不可救药地赌博上瘾”还故意“诱惑”他“违背他自己的意愿参加赌博”。

【真题链接】 the change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging (③) a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders.[1996年text3]

【译文】 通过聘用大量专业人员来适应新时代的技术要求,并防止了效率的降低,而在过去这种低效率曾使得许多旧式家族企业在精力充沛的创业者之后的第二、三代手中破产倒闭。

【真题链接】 to see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage (④) sympathy.[1997年翻译]

【译文】 对于大多数人来说,看见一个动物在受苦,足以引起他们同情。

36. fabricate ?v.①捏造,编造(谎言,借口等);②建造,制造

【真题链接】 63.the newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of europe and southeast asia that some scholars even accused boas and sapir of fabricating (①) their data. [2004年翻译]

【译文】 63. 这些新近被描述的语言和得到充分研究的欧洲和东南亚地区的语言往往差别显著,以至于有些学者甚至指责boas和sapir编造了材料。

37. fair a.①公平的,合理的;②相当的,尚好的;③晴朗的;④金发的;n.集市,交易会,博览会

【真题链接】 to be fair (a.①), this observation is also frequently made of canada and canadians, and should best be considered north american.[1997年text2]

【译文】 平心而论,人们对加拿大人也有这样的评论,因而,应当认为这是北美的普遍现象。

【真题链接】 in the united states, multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs (n.) and at the industrial fairs in major cities.[1996年text4]

【译文】 在美国,奖励新发明的大量奖品在乡村集市和大城市的工业博览会上颁发。

38.fashion n.①流行式样(或货品),风尚,风气;②样子,方式;vt.形成,制定,塑造

【真题链接】 more recently, as the web proved to be more than a fashion (n.①), companies have started to buy and sell products and services with one another.[1999年text2]

【译文】 最近,随着证明网络不仅是一种时尚而已,公司间便开始在网上交易产品和服务。

【真题链接】 his colleague, michael beer, says that far too many companies have applied reengineering in a mechanistic fashion (n.②), chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability.[1998年text2]

【译文】 他的同事迈克·比尔说,太多的企业以机械的方式进行重组,降低了成本却没有考虑到长远效益。

【真题链接】 if the administration won’t take the legislative initiative, congress should help to begin fashioning (vt.) conservation measures.[2005年text2]

【译文】 假如政府当局没有主动采取司法行动,国会就应该 助开始制定保护措施。

39. feature n.①特征,特色;②(报纸或杂志)特写;③容貌,面貌;v.给显著地位

【真题链接】 the complementary coastlines and certain geological features (n.①) that seem to span the ocean are reminders of where the two continents were once joined.[1998年text5]

【译文】 但互相吻合的海岸线和某些似乎跨越海洋的地质特征表明两个大陆曾经连在一起。

【真题链接】 70. this passage appears to be a digest of _____.[1996年text5] [c] a magazine feature (n.②)

【译文】 70. 本文似乎是_____的摘要。 [c] 一份杂志特写

【真题链接】 68. kitcher’s book is intended to _____.[1996年text5] [b] expose the true features (n.③) of creationists

【译文】 68、肯切尔的书旨在_____。 [b] 披露所谓科学创世论者的真实面目

【真题链接】 our magazines feature (v.) beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.[2006年text4]

【译文】 我们的杂志突出刊登满面春风的名人和美满幸福的家庭。

40. field n.①田,田野;②运动场;③领域,方面;④实地,野外

【真题链接】 the point is that the players who score most are the ones who take the most shots at the goal — and so it goes with innovation in any field (③) of activity.[1994年text5]

【译文】 关键在于得分最多者正是那些射门次数最多的球员,而任何领域的创新活动都是如此。

【真题链接】 anthropology is a field-study (④) oriented discipline which makes extensive use of the comparative method in analysis.[2003年翻译]

【译文】 人类学是一个以实地研究为方向的学科,该学科在研究中常常大量使用对比分析方法。



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