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1.more americans are opting to work well into retirement, a growing trend that threatens to upend the old workforce model.
2.(26)one in three americans who are at least 40 haveor plan to have a job in retirement to prepare for a longer life,according to a survey conducted by harris poll for td ameritrade.even more surprising is that more than half of”unretirees”- those who plan to work in retirement or went back to work after retiring-said they would be employed in their later years even if they had enough money to settle down, the survey showed.
3.(27)financial needs aren’t the only culprit for the “unretirement” trend. other reasons, according to the study,include personal fulfillment such as staying mentally fit,preventing boredom or avoiding depression.about 72% of“unretiree”respondents said that they would return

to work once retired to keep mentally fit while 59% said it would be tied to making ends meet.
4.”the concept of retirement is evolving. “said christine russell, senior manager of retirement at td ameritrade.”it’s not just about finances.the value of work is also driving folks to continue working past retirement.”
5.(28)one reason for the change in retirement patterns: americans are living longer.the share of the population 65 and older was 16% in 2021,up 32% from the prior year,according to the us.census bureay.that’s also up 302% since 2010.older americans are also the fastest-growing segment ofthe us.workforce,ans boomers are excepted to live longer than previous generations.the percentage of retirement-age people in the labor force has doubled over the past three decades.about 20% of people 65 and older were in the workforce in february 2021.up from an all-time low of 10% in january 1985,according to money manager united income.
6.because of longer life spans, americans are also boosting their savings to preserve their nest eggs, the td ameritrade study showed,which surveyed 2,000 adults between 40 to 79.six in 10″(29)unretirees”are increasing their savings in anticipation of a longer life,according to the surveyamong the most popular ways they are doing this, the company said, is by reducing their overall expenses, securing life insurance or maximizing their contributions to retirement accounts.
7.unfortunately, (30)many people who are opting to work in retirement are preparing to do so because they are worried about making ends meet in their later years, said brent weiss, a co-founder at baltimore-based financial-planning firm facet wealth. he suggested that preretirees should speak with a financial advisor to set long-term financial goals.
8.”the most challenging moments in life are getting married,starting a family and ultimately retiring,” weiss said.”it’s not just a financial decision,but an emotional one. many people believe they can’t retire.”

26.the survey conducted by harris poll indicates that____d____.
a.over half of the retirees are physically fit for work
b.the old workforce is as active as the younger one
c.one in three americans enjoy earlier retirement
d.more americans are willing to work in retirement

27.it can be inferred from paragraph 3 that americans tend to think that___a_____.
a.retirement may cause problems for them
b.boredom can be relieved after retirement
c.the mental health of retirees is overlooked
d.”unretirement”contributes to the economy

28.retirement patterns are changing partly due to___c_____.
a.labor shortages
b.population growth
c.longer life expectancy
d.rising living costs

29.many”unretirees” are increasing their savings by___d_____.
a.investing more in stocks
b.taking up oddjobs
c.getting well-paid work
d.spending less

30.with regard to retirement,brent weiss thinks that many people are___a_____.

26.经过标题中的要害词“harris poll”可以定位到文中的第二段,第一句的粗心为三分之一的美国人现已或许方案在退休后持续作业。第二句的粗心是即便这些美国人现已有满足的钱过安靖的日子,他们仍是方案在退休后作业或答应以被雇佣。这两句的意思都可以归纳为美国人退休后还情愿作业,与选项d契合。

27.根据题干“paragraph 3″直接找到第三段,第一句话指出,财务需要不是致使不退休趋势的仅有疑问。第二句“other reasons”指出了另外的一个缘由,经过研讨发现,自个满足感也是一个缘由,它包括”staying mentally fit ,preventing boredom,advoiding depression”,这些都是他们认为退休之后会发生的疑问。后边经过75%的关于不退休的人群的查询,他们认为退休后作业可以坚持身心安康。与选项a契合。

28.根据题干“changing partly “可以定位到文中的第五段。题干的疑问是退休方法正在改动,有些缘由是啥。第五段的第一句话就直接照顾标题,它的粗心是退休方法改动的一个缘由是,美国人寿数延伸。与选项c契合。

29.根据题干要害词“increasing their savings”可以定位到文中的第六段。第一句指出因为寿数的增加,美国人经过添加储蓄来留存他们的养老贮藏金。第二句“six in 10″,这句话指出10个美国人中有六个美国人会添加他们的储蓄来面临他们更长的寿数,经过查询发现这句话中呈现了一个要害词“ways”,正好照顾标题添加储蓄的办法,美国人会经过“reducing their overall expenses”这个办法添加储蓄。与选项d契合。

30.根据题干“brent weiss”可以定位到文中最终两段,第七段指出许多人忧虑晚年生计而不退休,主张他们找一个财务参谋征询一个长时刻的方针。最终一段的要害词”challenging moment”,指向“getting married”、“starting a family”、”retiring”,weiss说,这不只是财务上的抉择,而是情感上的抉择,许多人认为他们不能退休,也就是他们没有在情感上做好退休的预备。这两个期间都指向他们没有做好退休的预备,与选项a契合。

1、 even more surprising is that more than half of”unretirees”- those who plan to work in retirement or went back to work after retiring-said they would be employed in their later years even if they had enough money to settle down,the survey showed.(第二段)

(拆分语句规划)the survey (主语)showed(谓语).- those(同位语) who(引导词) plan to work in retirement (谓语有些)or went back to work after retiring(谓语有些2)-(主句)even more surprising(表语) is(系动词) [主语从句]- that(引导词) more than half of”unretirees”(主语)said(谓语) even if(引导词) they(主语) had(谓语) enough money (宾语)to settle down(意图状语),[让步状语从句]-they(主语) [would be employed in their later years(时刻状语).](said的宾语从句)

功用注释:本句骨干为倒装规划 even more surprising is +主语从句,主语由从句充当,阐明让人出人意料的是啥。主语从句的首要规划为 sb said +宾语从句,介绍或人的说法;其间,主语中” unretirees “一词后跟伴随位语(即破折号之间的内容),说明其界说;宾语从句中嵌含让 从句( they would … even if …),偏重这些”不退休者”即便不缺钱也会持续作业。句末 the survey showed 弥补阐明这一出人意料之事的出处。

2.about 72% of“unretiree”respondents said that they would return to work once retired to keep mentally fit while 59% said it would be tied to making ends meet.(第三段)

功用注释:while 引导比照状语从句,主从句别离以人群占比(72% vs 59%)以及弱因果联络表达(意图状语 to … vs be tied to )具体阐明两个首要缘由:keep mentally fit 回答②句 staying mentally fit / personal fulfillment ,标明绝大大都人出于对心思安康的思考而持续作业,且 return to work once retired ( once 意为”一……就……”)暗示工刁难人心思情况的影响之大,致使于刚一退休就要马上重返职场:making ends meet (意为”使出入相抵:牵强坚持生计”)回答①句 financial needs ,标明也有恰当一有些人迫于财务压力而持续作业。

1.upend v.倒置
2.workforce n.劳作力
3.culprit n.监犯
4.fulfillment n.满足感
5.depression n.沮丧
6.respondent n.查询目标
7.evolve vt./vi.演化
8.drive vt.教唆
9.segment vi.切割
10.boost vt.添加
11.opt to do 选择做…
12.settle down 安靖下来
13.make ends meet 牵强坚持生计
14.the share of …的比例
15.nest eggs 贮藏金
16.set long-term goals 树立长时刻方针
the ending

