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disabilities more people to be forced to look for work 更多残疾人不得不去找作业



an estimated 370,000 people with disabilities and chronic health conditions will be ineligible for incapacity benefits worth an extra £5,000 a year and forced to look for work under planned changes announced by the chancellor in the autumn statement. jeremy hunt, wh

o came under fire from disability charities, said the measures, coupled with investment in health and skills support, were “right economically and right morally” and would make it easier for disabled people who wanted to work to get a job.

根据英国财务大臣在秋季声明中宣告的变革方案,估计有37万 残疾人弛缓慢病患者将不再有资历收取每年额定5000英镑的损失作业才能补助金,他们将不得不去找作业。杰里米·亨特 (jeremy hunt)在面临残疾慈悲机构的批判时标明,这些 办法与对保健和技能支助的出资相联系,“在经济上和道义上均是合理的”,也会使想去作业的残疾人更简略找到作业。

estimated /’estimetid/ v. 预算;评价 adj. 估量的;估计的;预算的estimate的曩昔分词和曩昔式 his arrogance lowered him in her estimation.他的妄自负大降低了他在她心目中的方位。

disabilities /?d?s??b?l?tiz/ n.(某种)缺陷,妨碍,(指状况、身心、学习等方面的)缺陷disability的复数 disabilities more people to be forced to look for work 更多残疾人不得不去找作业

chronic /’kr?n?k/ adj.缓慢的,长时刻的,难以治好(或铲除) 的,长时刻患病的,糟透的,低质的n.缓慢患者 the illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases.这种病一般与其他缓慢病一起存在。

conditions /k?n’di??n/ n.条件,情况,状况,安康情况,(因不可以能治好而长时刻患有的)疾病v.练习,使习气于,使习气,对… 具有重要影响,影响(某事发生的方法),坚持(头发或肌肤等的)安康,维护condition的第三人称奇数和复数 本课程出自

ineligible /?n’el?d??b(?)l/ adj.不合格的,不契合资历的n.不合格的人 be ineligible for the position无资历任职

incapacity /?nk?’p?s?t?/ n. 无才能;短少技能;卧病;懦弱 patients with no mental incapacity can refuse treatment. 没有精力缺陷的患者可以回绝医治。

benefits /’b?n?f?t/ n.优势,优点,成效,福利费(政府对赋闲者、患者等供给的补助金),(公司供给的)褔利,奖金,(稳妥 公司付出的)给付,稳妥金v.对(或人)有用,使获益,得益于,得利于benefit的第三人称奇数和复数 本课程出自傲众

chancellor /’t?ɑ?ns(?)l?/ n.议长,(德国或奥有利地势的)总理,(英国大学的)名誉校长,(某些美国大学的)校长,(用于英国 某些高档政府官员的头衔) the chancellor of the exchequer deals with taxes.财大臣担任税务。

statement /’ste?tm(?)nt/ n.陈述,声明,报表,说法,陈述,阐明,表达,表态,结算单,清单,评价陈述,(文字)陈述,表述 vt.(英国)对儿童进行特别教育评价断定 i was surprised at his statement.我对他的陈述感到很意外。

coupled /’k?pld/ v.(把车辆或设备等)联接,联系,性交,交配couple的曩昔分词和曩昔式 they coupled the carriages of the train together.他们把这些列车车厢联接起来。

economically /?i:k?’n?mik?li/ adv.在经济上,在经济学上, 经济地,实惠地,节约地,节约地,节约地 i have to buy a more economical stove.我得买一个更节约燃料的火炉。

morally /’m?r?li/ adv.道义上,道德上 the attempt is

morally bound to fail.这一试图必定会失利。


1. 原文:jeremy hunt, who came under fire from disability charities, said the measures, coupled with investment in health and skills support, were “right economically and right morally” and would make it easier for disabled people who wanted to work to get a job.

分析:本句包括两个定语从句和一个宾语从句。主句为“jeremy hunt said…”;“who came under fire from disability charities”为非捆绑性定语从句,润饰jeremy hunt;“the measures… people”为宾语从句,省掉了联络词that,其间“coupled… support”为刺进语;“who wanted to work to get a job”为捆绑性定语从句,润饰disabled people。

译文:杰里米·亨特(jeremy hunt)在面临残疾慈悲机构的批判时标明,这些办法与对保健和技能支助的出资相联系,“在经济上和道义上均是合理的”,也会使想去作业的残疾人更简略找到作业。




