


一、 当前住所情况观念:economies
can suffer both sudden crashes and chronic diseases. housing markets in
the rich world have caused both types of problem. 经济体既可以俄然溃散,也可以患上缓慢病。殷实国家的住所商场一起引发了两种疑问。举例证明:a trillion dollars of dud mortgages blew up the financial system in 2007-08. 2007到2008年,一万亿美元的不良按揭告贷摧毁了金融体系。道理证明:but
just as pernicious is the creeping dysfunction that housing has created
over decades: vibrant cities without space to grow; ageing homeowners
sitting in half-empty homes who are keen to protect their view; and a
generation of young people who cannot easily afford to rent or buy and
think capitalism has let them down. 可是几十年来,住所构成的逐步加剧的功用妨碍相同损害深重:城市充溢活力,却没有打开空间;上了年岁的房主们坐在半空的屋子里,专心想要视界不被遮挡;年青一代租房或买房都费劲,对本钱主义感到绝望。


our special report this week explains, much of the blame lies with
warped housing policies that date back to the second world war and which
are intertwined with an infatuation with home ownership. they have
caused one of the rich world’s most serious and longest-running economic
failures. a fresh architecture is urgently needed.这在很大程度上要归咎于歪曲的住所方针,这些开始于二战时期的方针与我们对“居者有其屋”的执迷交错在一同,引发了殷实国家最严峻、持续时刻最长的经济失利之一。如今火急需要一个新的架构了。二、存在的具体疑问观念①:at the root of that failure is a lack of building, especially near the thriving cities in which jobs are plentiful. 这种失利的本源在于住所缔造缺乏,特别是在有许多作业岗位的昌盛城市邻近。举例证明:from
sydney to sydenham, fiddly regulations protect an elite of existing
home-owners and prevent developers from building the skyscrapers and
flats that the modern economy demands. 从悉尼到锡德纳姆(sydenham),各种繁琐凌乱的法规维护着有房高手人群的利益,令开发商无法缔造现代经济所需的摩天大厦和公寓楼。


resulting high rents and house prices make it hard for workers to move
to where the most productive jobs are, and have slowed growth. 由此致使的高房租和高房价让劳作者很难到出产率最高的当地落脚,进而构成经济增加放缓。数字论据:overall
housing costs in america absorb 11% of gdp, up from 8% in the 1970s. if
just three big cities—new york, san francisco and san jose—relaxed
planning rules, america’s gdp could be 4% higher. that is an enormous
prize.美国住所总本钱占gdp的比例从上世纪70年代的8%升至11%。假定仅放宽纽约、旧金山和圣何塞这三大城市的方案捆绑,美国的gdp可以增加4%。这样的增加是极端可观的。观念②:as well as being merely inefficient, housing markets are deeply unfair. 住所商场不只功率低下,也极不公正。实际论据:① over a period of decades, falling interest rates have compounded inadequate supply and led to a surge in prices.数十年来,利率降低加剧了住所供给缺乏,致使房价飞涨。②
in america the frenzy is concentrated in thriving cities; in other rich
countries average national prices have soared

, especially in
english-speaking countries where punting on property is a national
sport. 在美国,房价的张狂上涨会集在一些昌盛的城市;而在其他殷实国家,全国均匀房价都已飙升,英语国家特别如此,那里全民都在押注房地产。


观念③:the financial crisis did not kill off the trend. 金融危机也没有消除这一趋势。实际证明:① in britain inflation-adjusted house prices are roughly equal to their pre-crisis peak, while real wages are no higher. 在英国,经通胀调整后的房价与危机前的峰值大致恰当,而实践薪酬却没有添加。② in australia, despite recent falls, prices remain 20% higher than in 2008. in canada they are up by half.在澳大利亚,尽管房价近期有所下跌,但仍比2008年高出20%。在加拿大则比那一年高出了一半。三、致使的连锁反应观念①:the soaring cost of housing has created gaping inequalities and inflamed both generational and geographical divides. 住所本钱的飞涨构成了无量的不对等,一起也加剧了代际和区域差异。数字证明:in
1990 a generation of baby-boomers, with a median age of 35, owned a
third of america’s real estate by value. in 2021 a similarly sized
cohort of millennials, aged 31, owned just 4%. 按价值核算,1990年,年纪中位数为35岁的婴儿潮一代具有美国三分之一的房产。而在2021年,与他们人员规划差不多、中位年纪在31岁的千禧一代只具有4%的房产。实际证明:①
young people’s view that housing is out of reach—unless you have rich
parents—helps explain their drift towards “millennial socialism”. 年青人认为住所遥不可以及——除非你是富二代——这有助于说明他们为啥会接连转向“千禧社会主义”。


and homeowners of all ages who are trapped in declining places resent
the windfall housing gains enjoyed in and around successful cities. 而困守在经济衰退区域的一切年纪层的房主都对兴隆的城市及其周边区域的房主大发横财怒火中烧。③
in britain areas with stagnant housing markets were more likely to vote
for brexit in 2016, even after accounting for differences in income and
growing body of research suggests that spending money on real estate
doesn’t necessarily mean investing in contentment. indeed, the
conventional advice to cut back on vacations, restaurant meals and other
extras in order to save money for a home may actually be detrimental to
felicity. 有越来越多的研讨标明,往房地产里砸钱,并不平等于为日后的满足出资。实践上,加班加点、节衣缩食地攒钱买房,可以会让人的夸姣感大打扣头。道理证明:experts
in happiness — an increasingly popular field focused on the scientific
understanding of emotional well-being — say that people are happier when
they spend money on experiences instead of material goods, whether it be a new car or a bigger apartment.夸姣学专家(夸姣学是当前一个日益火爆的领域,着眼于对情感安康的科学了解)标明,人在置办新车、置换大房子这类物质花费上获得的夸姣感,并不如花钱买领会来得多。四、疑问避免的实际比方观念:it does not have to be this way. not everywhere is a?icted with every part of the housing curse. 其实这种景象是可以避免的。并不是一切当地都在遭受“住所咒骂”方方面面的困惑。实际证明:①
tokyo has no property shortage; between 2013 and 2021 it put up 728,000
dwellings— more than england did—without destroying quality of life.
the number of rough sleepers has dropped by 80% in the past 20 years. 东京就不存在房地产供给缺乏的疑问: 2013年到2021年,东京在不损害日子质量的情况下,新建住所72.8万套,跨越了英格兰。曩昔20年里,露宿街头的人数削减了80%。②
switzerland gives local governments fiscal incentives to allow housing
development—one reason why there is almost twice as much home-building
per person as in america. 瑞士为当地政府开发住所供给财务撑持,这是瑞士人均住所缔造量几乎比美国高一倍的缘由之一。③
new zealand recoups some of homeowners’ windfall gains through land and
property taxes based on valuations that are frequently updated.新西兰频频更新土地和房产的评价,并据此征收土地和房产税,收回房主的有些意外之财。五、降低购房热的处置办法观念:is
it possible to escape the home-ownership fetish? few governments today
can ignore the anger over housing shortages and intergenerational
unfairness. 有没有可以让我们不再迷信“居者有其屋”? 如今,几乎没有政府可以对住所短少和代际不公引发的愤懑视若无睹。不和示例:some have responded with bad ideas like rent controls or even more mortgage subsidies. 但有些政府祭出的却是昏招,比方控制房钱,甚至供给更多房货补助。正面示例:yet
there has been some progress. america has capped its tax break for
mortgage-interest payments. britain has banned murky upfront fees from
rental contracts and curbed risky mortgage lending. a fledgling
yimby—“yes in my backyard”—movement has sprung up in many successful
cities to promote construction. those, like this newspaper, who want
popular support for free markets to endure should hope that such
movements succeed. 不过也能看到些前进。美国对偿还房货利息的税收优惠设置了上限。英国现已阻止在租房合同中暗箱收取手续费,并捆绑高风险的房贷。撑持房子缔造的新式“迎臂”运动(
from shoring up capitalism, housing policies have made the system
unsafe, inefficient and unfair. time to tear down this rotten edifice
and build a new housing market that works.现行住所方针根柢没能平稳本钱主义,反而使它变得不安靖、低效和不公正。是时分推翻这座陈腐的大厦,树立一个行之有用的新住所商场了。


