

testing out of unemployment赋闲查验
many young chinese choose graduate school
over a grim job market面临严肃的作业商场,许多我国年青人选择读研
covid lockdowns and regulatory crackdowns
have inhibited demand for graduates新冠肺炎关闭和监管冲击抑制了对结业生的需要

grim标明严肃的;令人不快的;让人沮丧的;令人难以承受的。总之可以用来描述不好的场景、情况,或许不景气的行情和商场。例句:they painted a grim pictureof growing crime.他们描绘了违法率上升的严肃景象。来看一份te的最初句:the prospect for
a productivity resurgence may seem grim. 出产率复苏的前景看似昏暗。
inhibit是咱们许多“抑制/捆绑”等词中的一员,必定要掌控。例句:the high cost of borrowing isinhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.告贷的高本钱抑制了公司对新设备的出资。外刊例句:the new rules will
require tech firms to write code for their platforms so that they promote
content that the government likes, and inhibit what
it does not. 新规则即将求科技公司给自个的平台编写代码来推广zf乐见的内容,阻止zf不喜爱的内容。

marriage, according to a french proverb, is
like a fortress besieged. those
outside want to get in; those inside want to get out. that thought, immortalised in the title of a novel by qian
zhongshu from 1947, has more recently been applied to china’s graduate schools.
at the end of last year, a record 4.6m people tried tostorm these fortresses by taking the
postgraduate admissions exam, an increase of over 21% from the previous

besiege标明围住,进犯。例句:the afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.阿富汗空军正用直升机向被围乡镇供给补给。除了城市,也可以很形象的描述人被xx围住/进犯,比方这个例句:with her filmy polka-dot dress, huge sunglasses and career as a

, yi zoe houmight seem likely to be besieged by suitors.侯依佐伊(yi zoe hou,音译)穿戴薄透的圆点服装、戴着大大的墨镜、作业是心思学家,她如同很有可以周围都是寻求者才对。今后某自个身边不缺寻求者,换个思路咱们就可以记下来,说是sb is besieged by suitors.

immortalize 使永存,使名垂千古。也就是被我们记住,为人所知的意思。看个例句:the town of whitby was immortalisedin bram stoker’s famous dracula story.惠特比镇因为布拉姆·斯托克闻名的吸血鬼故事而名传后世。
storm咱们晓得是风暴的意思,在这儿是动词,标明猛攻;突击。在原文其实就是打破围城的墙,想要进入~看个例句:the refugees decided to stormthe embassy.难民们抉择冲进大使馆。te例句:a mob stormed the senate floor, seated themselves at
the dais and broke into congressional offices. 一群坏人冲进参议院,坐在讲台上,闯入国会单位。咱们常说的或人气急损坏,怒?っ抛叩簦崦哦觥保涂梢运祍b stormed out (of the room):

some of these test-takersmay have an abiding
thirst for knowledge. but more than a few are probably keen to
delay their entry into china’s labour market. the urban unemployment rate for
young people aged 16 to 24 averaged over 14% last year. in april it rose to
18.2%, its highest level since the survey began in 2021 (see chart).

这儿的test-takers也就是前一段的people tried to storm these
fortresses by taking the postgraduate admissions exam,标明考生,这样的后缀名词表达方法咱们后文也接见会面到类似的。
abiding情感、回想、快乐喜爱等耐久的,耐久的。比方:he has a genuine
and abiding love of the craft.他对这门手工有着真挚耐久的酷爱。a thirst for sth标明对xx的盼望,盼望。看个例句:children show a real thirst for learning.孩子们关于学习体现出真挚的盼望。咱们可以直接把原文的分配直接记下来,标明这种盼望是耐久以来的:sb may have an abiding thirst for xx. 也可以把thirst换成lust,标明愈加激烈的盼望,比方:it was
fred’s lust for glitz and glamour
that was driving them apart.是弗雷德对浮华、奢侈日子的激烈愿望使他们越走越远。

this group will be unusually big this year:
10.8m, about 18% more than in 2021. less than half of those wanting to start
work after they graduate have already received a job offer, according to a
survey last month by zhaopin, a recruitment firm. that compares with over 60%
at this time last year. they have also settled
for lower pay. their average monthly salary was about 6,500 yuan
($970), compared with almost 7,400 last year.
参阅译文: 本年这一集体将异常巨大:1080万,比2021年多18%。招聘公司智联招聘(zhaopin)上个月的一项查询闪现,想在结业后初步作业的学生中,只需不到一半的人现已收到了作业聘请。比较之下,上一年这个时分这一比例跨越了60%。他们也承受了较低的薪酬。他们的均匀月薪约为6500元(970美元),而上一年则接近7400元。

settle for sth意思是牵强承受,迁就。例句1:i couldn’t afford the house i really wanted, so i had to settle for second best.我诚心想要的房子我买不起,所以只得退而求其次了。例句2:virginia was a perfectionist. she was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.弗吉尼娅是个完满主义者,她根柢不愿意拿任何普一般通毫无特征的东西迁就。这个短语口语中很常见,咱们常说的“迁就”就可以用它:

even before china’s covid lockdowns, its
regulatory crackdowns had inhibited demand for college graduates. the
government has imposed fines, limits and new obligations on china’s technology
companies. for example, a nine-month freeze on new licences for video games
damaged tencent, china’s most valuable private firm. it is scheduling lay-offs.
“winter is coming,” says the company’s chief, pony ma, according to caixin, a
a bleakseason has already arrived for china’s edtech firms. under
what is known as the “double-reduction policy”, the government has tried to cut
the burden of homework and private tutoring on children and their parents. many
of the 4.6m people competing to enter graduate school to consume more education
might once have joined an edtech firm producing it. in this way a policy to lighten the burden of education on the
young has extended the education of the slightly less young.

这两段比照简略,没有啥生词。看到这个bleak有没有想到前面的grim?他也标明景象没有期望的,前景昏暗的。比方:many predicted a bleak future.许多人都猜测前景昏暗。
[材料堆集] 双减方针:1)under what is known
as the “double-reduction policy”, the government has tried to cut the burden of
homework and private tutoring on children and their parents. 2)a policy to lighten
the burden of education on the young.

when job
prospects turn precarious, job aspirations turn conservative. college-leaversnow crave stable jobs over dynamic ones. state-owned enterprises are their first
choice, preferred by 44%, according to zhaopin. private enterprises lost
popularity. young people also seem keen tojoin the civil service. they have displayed a
similar enthusiasm for the civil-service entrance exam (or kaogong)
as they have shown for the postgraduate test. there were 46 civil-service
test-takers per opening in the most
recent exam, according to the government. luo zhiheng, an economist at yuekuai
securities, describes the rush to take the test as “kaogong fever”. he
contrasts it with the confidence with which civil servants quit their safe, dry
jobs in the 1990s to dive “into the sea” of private employment.
参阅译文:当作业前景变得不平稳时,作业志向就会变得保存。大学结业生如今盼望平稳的作业,而不是充溢活力的作业。根据智联招聘的数据,国有公司是他们的首选,有44%的人首选国有公司。私营公司不再受等待。年青人如同也热心于参加公务员部队。就像考研热相同,他们对公务员考试(或考公)也体现出类似的热心。根据政府的数据,在迩来的考试中,一个职位就有46名公务员考生相争。岳快证券(yuekuai securities)经济学家罗志恒将这股参加考公的热潮描述为“考公热”。他将这与上世纪90年代公务员们辞去平安、单调的作业、投身私家作业“下海”时的自傲进行了比照。

job prospects turn precarious,这儿描述前景用的是precarious不平稳的,风险的。有木有想到前文的grim, bleak? 我们一同堆集。
持续回想,咱们前面说“盼望”,说到了thirst, lust。咱们来看一下这段有哪些同义替换。首要是crave动词,标明盼望,热望。看个外刊例句:having been homeschooled by his parents, he’s not sure yet about
college, but says, “i just craveknowledge.” 因为父母在家教育他,他还不断定是不是要上大学,但他说:“我只是盼望常识。”也可以用名词方法craving,比方好想吃糖:a craving
for sugar.非常想吃糖

on sth/ keen to do sth来标明a thirst/lust for sth的意思。比方:i wasn’t too keen onphysics and chemistry.我对物理和化学不是太感喜爱。当然也可以变成名词方法,比方:…his keenness for the
再来就是enthusiasm,用法也是差不多的,直接看一个例句:his enthusiasm for music has stayed strong
throughout his 23 years in radio. 在他从事播送作业的23年里,他对音乐的热心一向很激烈。咱们之前的推文也讲过许多关于“喜爱”的表达方法,我们都可以放在一同啦。
最终看一个词:opening名词,标明职位的空缺。例句:we don’t have
any openings now, but we’ll call you
if something comes up.咱们如今没有职位空缺,一旦有的话咱们会给你打电话。

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