

from 1978 to 1982,english was gradually restored into the secondary curriculum and the began to be given more attention.
a.teaching methods
b.teaching goals
c.teaching quality
d.teaching materials
【解析】从1978年到1982年,英语逐步进入大学课程,教育质量(teaching quality)初步遭到更多的重视。因而,本题正确答案为c。
which of the following is the reason for chinese teachers’concern about why and how weshould teach the language in 1990s?
a.the foundation of a national foreign language teachers’organisation.
b.the rapid social and economic development.
c.the development in the policy of nine-year compulsory education.
d.the introduction of the communicative approach in language teaching.
【解析】20世纪90年代,跟着社会和经济的快速打开(the rapid social and economicdevelopment),九年责任教育方针的打开(the development in the policy of nine-yearcompulsory education),以及交际教育法引入语身教育中(the introduction of thecommunicative approach in language teaching),我国的教师初步关怀为啥要以及大约怎样进行语身教育。因而,本题正确答案为a。
a review of the curriculum prior 2000 indicated the following areas that needed to be addressed except?
a.there was an overemphasis on the delivery of knowledge about the language while ignoring the
development of students’language ability.
b.there was no connection between different stages of schooling.
c.little allowance was made for catering individual learner differences.
d.little attention was given to

the assessment of language ability and affective gains.
.which of the following can reflect the principle of learner-centred approach?
a.students are guided by the teachers in constructing knowledge.
b.teaching takes full consideration of students’individual differences.
c.teachers are flexible in using teaching methods and resources
d.all of the above.
【解析】以学生为中心(learner-centred)的教育法的特征包括:学生在教师的辅导下建构常识(constructing knowledge)、打开技能、活泼思考;教育充分思考学生的个别差异(individual differences)和学习个性;教师活络运用教育办法和本钱(teaching methods andresources)以惠及一切学生。因而,本题正确答案为d。
which of the following is true about the ways of presenting grammar in the classroom?
a.in the inductive method,sometimes comparisons are made between the native language and the target language.
b.in the deductive method,the teacher provides learners with authentic language data.
c.the guided discovery method is similar to the inductive method in that the students are induced to discover rules by themselves.
d.the inductive method is often criticised because little attention is paid to meaning.
【解析】演绎法(the deductive method)会对母语和意图语之间作比照。因为没有对意义给予满足的重视,演绎法常遭到批判。关于归纳法(the inductive method),教师会给学习者供给真实的语料。引导发现法(the guided discovery method)和归纳法有类似之处,两者都引导学生自个发现语法规则。因而,本题正确答案为c。
which of the following statement is true about grammar practice?
a.when doing transformation drills,the students also need to change the forms of the given prompts.
b.in substitution drils,the students change a given structure in a way so that they are exposed to another similar structure.
c.in meaningful practice the focus is on the production,comprehension or exchange of meaning.
d.an activity cannot have elements of both mechanical and meaningful practice.
【解析】替换操练(substitution drils)要肄业生改动所给提示的方法。做变换操练(transformation drills)要肄业生依照必定的方法改动所给规划然后得到类似规划。有意义的操练(meaningful practice)的要点是意义的产出、了解或交流。语法活动可以一起包括机械式操练(mechanical practice)和有意义操练的成分。因而,本题正确答案为c。
learners who learn more effectively through touch are labelled as learners.(江苏大学2021研)
which of the following does not belong to gardner’s multiple-intelligence?
a.linguistic intelligence.
b.mathematical intelligence.
c.interpersonal intelligence.
d.human intelligences.
【解析】加德纳提出的多元智能包括口头/言语智能(verbal/linguistic intelligence)、音乐智能(musical inteligence)、逻辑数学智能(logical/ mathematical intelligence)、空间视觉智能(spatial/ visual intelligence)、身体/动觉智能(bodily/kinesthetic intelligence)、人际联络智能(interpersonal intelligence)、内省智能(intrapersonal inteligence)。因而,本题正确答案为d。

