
英语语法时态表格版总结的清理解楚!…来自 考研萌酱…(英语语法时态大全)



yet the link between feeling good and spending money on others can be seen among rich and poor people around the world, and scarcity enhances the pleasure of most things for most people.(英语二 2014 t1)


本句是由and联接的两个并排分句。在分句1中,主语是link,谓语动词是被逼方法can be seen,among rich and poor people around the world是介词短语做状语,润饰谓语动词can be seen,标明其发生的规模,between feeling good and spending money on others 是介词短语做后置定语,润饰限制主语的the link;在分句2中,主语是scarcity,谓语动词是enhances,宾语是the pleasure,of most things for most people是介词短语做后置定语,润饰前面的pleasure。


1. link [l??k] n. 相关,联络

2. scarcity [?ske?s?ti] n. 缺乏,短少

【拓宽】scarce [ske?s] adj. 短少的,缺乏的

3. enhance [?n?hɑ:ns] v. 前进,加强

4. pleasure [‘ple??] n. 高兴;愉悦


可是,全世界规模内,不管在穷户仍是有钱人中,都可以见到 “感触杰出” 和“将钱用到别人身上”的联络,且对大有些人来讲,稀缺前进了大有些事物的愉悦感。


根据语境被逼常译为主动。例如:yet the link between feeling good and spending money on others can be seen among rich and poor people around the world 咱们处置为了“可是,全世界规模内,不管在穷户仍是有钱人中,都可以见到 “感触杰出” 和“将钱用到别人身上”的联络”。


since technology has such an insatiable appetite for eating up human jobs, this phenomenon will continue to restructure our economy in ways we can’t immediately foresee.(英语二 2014 t3)????

