

??chinese parents?are keen on?a more confucian education


so is the government, hoping it will boost patriotism and fill a moral vacuum


at first glance, huaguoshan kindergarten in zhuzhou, a city in the southern province of hunan, looks much like any other nursery. four brightly painted playrooms have buckets of building bricks and soft, coloured mats. but on higher floors, the classrooms are more spartan.?


rice-paper lanterns and a row of black roof tiles running along the top of the walls evoke ancient chinese architecture. children wear powder-blue fleeces with the mandarin collars and frog fasteners of traditional jackets. large portraits of confucius hang on otherwise bare walls.


the kindergarten opened in september but already has a year-long waiting list. it taps into a growing nationwide demand for guoxue, or “national studies”. this usually involves learning classical chinese thought, texts and morals, especially those associated with confucius.?


children at huaguoshan are taught how to bow, how to greet each other politely in the street and how to sit attentively, with back straight and hands placed carefully in their laps. in one room they noisily stamp leaves onto muslin bags to learn an ancient dyeing technique.?


in others they recite poems, practise?calligraphy, perform tea ceremonies and play chinese chess. but, say teachers, mastering skills is secondary to building character. a child learns to “respect her rival and accept defeat” in chess; in the tea room, to “value what is fragile as you would a porcelain cup”.


after decades of worshipping foreign trends, many people are now interested in such traditions. television shows include “chinese poetry conference”, in which members of the public are quizzed on classical stanzas. young people don traditional robes in public.?


at the heart of the trend is education. frost & sullivan, a data firm, estimated that the market for children’s guoxue education was worth 466bn yuan ($73bn) in 2018, almost double its value in 2014. schools charge hefty fees.?


the organisation that runs huaguoshan, a non-profit, also relies on donations. it promotes its educational philosophy on social media, with clips of its pre-schoolers reciting poems in traditional garb.


the ancient system of thought emphasises respect for authority,?reverence?for ancestors and deference to elders. confucius taught that such values were essential to achieve moral excellence as an individual. such upstanding citizens would form the basis for wider social harmony and political stability.?



strictly speaking, all primary and secondary students should be at state-regulated schools, though most kindergartens are private. guoxue content, such as classical poems, has long been part of the state secondary-school curriculum. in 2014 more of it was added to the university-entrance exam.?


the number of classical texts to be taught in schools increased from 14 to 72. in 2017 the government put out guidelines for having a comprehensive guoxue?syllabus?in primary and secondary schools by 2025.?


in may the education ministry confirmed the plans, saying it was important for young people “to be formed into upright chinese” with the patriotism “to serve the country”. state-approved guoxue classes would “enhance a sense of belonging to and pride in the chinese nation”.





be keen on?喜爱,渴望calligraphy?[k??l?ɡr?fi] n. 书法;笔迹

reverence?[?rev?r?ns] n. 崇敬;尊严;敬礼 vt. 敬畏;尊敬

syllabus?[?s?l?b?s] n. 教学大纲,摘要;课程表


