

导师介绍:傅冰博士,博士生导师,独立pi,香港城市大学生物医学工程系助理教授(2023年8月入职),本科就读于山东大学;博士结业于美国密歇根大学julie biteen教授课题组,使用超分辩成像技能研讨纳米颗粒与荧光分子的彼此作用;博士后在美国康奈尔大学陈鹏教授课题组,研讨方向为微生物体系中的超分辩/多模态成像。截止当前,以一作在 nature chemistry, pnas, acs nano等世界高水平杂志上宣告论文多篇,获得graduate women in science national fellowship (honorable mention,全美规模内评选),karle symposium travel award等奖项。
1.博士生(phd student)
在pi的辅导下方案实验,打开科学研讨,并宣告高水平学术论文。学生将有机缘触摸并掌控 生物成像技能及其他光学办法,学习多种分子生物学/生物化学/生物物理实验技能,掌控图像分析、编程等技能,对生物医学的前沿科学疑问打开深化研讨;参加协作项目,参加世界学术会议,进行学术交流。具体研讨项目包括:
请求需求:课题组等待一切具有有关领域本科/硕士学位或即将结业的同学,专业包括但不限于生物医学工程、化学、生物、生物化学、微生物、生物物理等。课题组供给全额奖学金(hk$210,120/每年)及医疗稳妥,并有机缘请求薪酬更有竞赛力的其他奖学金项目(如hkpfs, https://www.cityu.edu.hk/pg/hong-kong-phd-fellowship-scheme)。已提交博士项目请求或即将提交的请求者均等待联络。博士研讨生项目请求详见https://www.cityu.edu.hk/bme/prg-phdmphil.htm.

快乐喜爱/阅历论说发送dr. bing fu邮箱(bf342@cornell.edu或许bingf@umich.edu),主题请注明“博士生请求+名字”。
2.造访专家/学生(visiting scholar/students)
等待对课题组研讨方向感快乐喜爱的造访专家/学生的参加,有光学成像/生物材料/微生物研讨/图像分析布景或对此方向感快乐喜爱的请求者会优先思考。有意向请联络dr. bing fu (bf342@cornell.edu或许bingf@umich.edu), 主题请注明 “造访专家请求+名字” 。
香港城市大学位于于香港市中心,地舆方位优胜,具有丰厚的科学研讨及高级教育本钱,以处置全球性疑问、推进社会前进为主旨。根据 2023 年 qs 世界大学排名,香港城市大学排名54。生物医学工程系在学校院系中排名前列,旨在供给世界级的跨学科课程和教育,以培育科归纳工程技能与生命科学然后推进人类安康的杰出人才。该系在世界大学学术排名(academic ranking of world universities)傍边的生物医学工程学科排名位于全球第29名。
香港城市大学dr. bing fu课题组诚招全奖博士研讨生一名
the fu lab in the department of biomedical engineering at city university of hong kong is seeking highly motivated and enthusiastic candidates to join the team. phd student is expected to start in or after january 2024. research in the lab focuses on utilizing single-cell single-molecule super-resolution imaging techniques to study complex biological systems, including microbial metal homeostasis mechanisms, host-pathogen interactions, interfacial charge transfer, etc. for more information about the lab, please visit https://www.bingfu-lab.org/.
about the pi:dr. bing fu will join city university of hong kong, department of biomedical engineering as an assistant professor starting august 2023. she graduated with a bachelor’s degree from shandong university; obtained her phd from the university of michigan, ann arbor in the group of prof. julie biteen, studying light-matter interaction with super-resolution microscopy; currently is a postdoctoral associate at cornell university in the group of prof. peng chen, focusing on live-cell super-resolution and multifunctional imaging. dr. fu has published as first authors in high-impact journals such as nature chemistry, pnas, acs nano, etc. she has received several awards including the nation-wide graduate women in science national fellowship (honorable mention), karle symposium travel award, etc.
position description and requirement:
1.phd students
the candidate will work closely with the principal investigator to design and implement experiments to answer unknown scientific questions in the following topics:
1)single-molecule super-resolution microscopy of live bacteria cells
2)imaging of host-pathogen interactions
3)investigation of inorganic-microbial hybrid systems
the students will gain extensive training on cutting-edge fluorescence microscopy and other optical imaging techniques; molecular biology, genetic engineering, and other biochemical skills; image analysis and computer coding. there will also be many collaboration opportunities with other bme research groups. the successful candidate will be expected to conduct experiments under the pi’s supervision, perform data analysis, present results at international conferences and publish in high-impact journals.
requirements: a bachelor’s or master’s degree in related fields, including biomedical engineering, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, microbiology, biophysics, etc. the benefit package includes a stipend of at least hk$210,120 per year (~us$26,764) for 4 years and health insurance, and there are many opportunities to apply for fellowships, such as the hkpfs (https://www.cityu.edu.hk/pg/hong-kong-phd-fellowship-scheme). applicants who are interested or already submitted the application for phd program are all welcome to contact dr. fu for more information. see https://www.cityu.edu.hk/bme/prg-phdmphil.htm for the phd program application process.
how to apply: interested applicants should submit a cover letter describing your research experience and interests, curriculum vitae, and transcript. please send these to dr. bing fu at bf342@cornell.edu or bingf@umich.edu , indicating “phd application + name” in the subject line.
2.visiting scholar/students
we welcome everyone who is interested in the research of the lab to join as a visiting scholar or student. priority will be given to applicants with optical imaging/biomaterials/microbiology/coding experience. interested applicants should contact dr. fu at bf342@cornell.edu or bingf@umich.edu, indicating “visiting scholar application + name” in the subject line.
about the school
located in the heart of hong kong, cityu has a well-earned reputation as an innovative hub for research and professional education and for addressing global issues and empowering positive change. city university of hong kong ranks 54th based on the qs world university rankings. bme is a strong department at cityu, aiming to provide world-class interdisciplinary curriculum and education, and to create the next generation of leaders in both engineering technology and biological science with the goal of improving human health. bme ranks 29th worldwide in the discipline of biomedical engineering based on the academic ranking of world universities.

