


1. distrust [di’str?st]

vt. 不信赖n. 不信赖

【2001·真题例句】why do so many americans distrust what they read in their newspapers?为啥那么多美国人不信赖自个在报纸上看到的东西?

2. inject [in’d?ekt]

vt. 写入;打针

【2002·真题例句】look at your talk and pick out a few words or sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor.思考一下你的说话,选出一些词汇和语句,对它们重复揣摩,并写入一些诙谐。

3. pursuit [p?’sju:t]

n. 追逐,寻求;作业,作业

【2003·真题例句】yet there are limits to what a society can spend in this pursuit. 可是在这样的寻求中,一个社会可以承担的费用是有限的。

4. stereotype [‘steri?utaip]

vt. 运用铅版;套用老套n. 陈腔滥调,老套

【2014·真题例句】we become defensive when criticized, and apply negative stereotypes to others to boost our own esteem.咱们遭到批判时会自我防卫,而且用负面的、带有成见的目光来看待别人,以前进自个的自负心。

5. boast [b??st]

v. 夸口说,大吹大擂说n. 自诩;值得夸耀的事物

【真题例句】given all these disadvantages, central bankers seem to have had much to boast about of late. 尽管有这么多晦气要素,中心银行家们如同对迩来之局势有了不少值得夸耀的东西。

6. bargain [‘bɑ:ɡin]

n. 生意;契约;特价产品v. 还价还价;成交

【2015·真题例句】the bargain is very pure.这对错常朴实的等价交流。

7. hand

icap [‘h?ndik?p]

n. 妨碍;晦气条件vt. 阻止,阻止;使晦气

【2000·真题例句】a history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force.一段毫不吃力就可以获得耐久成功的前史可以变成一种可怕的妨碍,但若处置稳当,它也有可以转化为一种推进力。

8. combat [‘k?mb?t]

v. 对立;与…战争n. 战争;争论

【2001·真题例句】and that is very good news because the internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we’ve ever had.那是好消息,因为互联网完全可以变成咱们打败所面临的贫穷的最强有用的东西。

9. commerce [‘k?m??s]

n. 生意,商业

【真题例句】another major shift in the model for internet commerce concerns the technology available for marketing. 网络商业方法的另一个严峻改变与可用于推广的技能有关。

10. apartment [?’pɑ:tm?nt]

n. 公寓;房间

【2014·真题例句】i am li ming, the chinese student who’s going to share an apartment with you.我叫李明,正是将于你合住同一间公寓的我国学生。





