【标题】as regards?the u.s. postal service, the author focuses mainly upon its??
[a]?managerial problems.
[b]hiring practices.
[c]?unbalanced budgets.
[d]?employee benefits.
①the u.s. postal service?wants congress to help it make significant cuts to employee benefits as part of a plan to balance the agency’s books, according to a draft business plan huffpost obtained.?②the proposal would save an estimated $18 billion on employee compensation over a decade by shaving paid leave, raising workers’ share of pension contributions, and shifting new employees into less secure 401(k)-style retirement plans.?③the change to pension contributions would amount to a cut in take-home pay for hundreds of thousands of workers, while saving the agency nearly $7 billion.?④and while excluding new employees from a pension plan is common practice for private corporations these days, it would mark a significant shift for a federal-sector job long seen as a steppingstone to the middle class.?
①the u.s. postal service wants congress to help it make significant cuts to employee benefits as part of a plan to balance the agency’s books, according to a draft business plan huffpost obtained.?据《赫芬顿邮报》获得的一份商业方案草案闪现,美国邮政局期望国会协助其大幅削减职工福利,以此作为平衡该局出入方案的一有些。
②the proposal would save an estimated $18 billion on employee compensation over a decade by shaving paid leave, raising workers’ share of pension contributions, and shifting new employees into less secure 401(k)-style retirement plans.?该提案将经过削减带薪休假、前进职工养老金缴款比例以及将新职工转入不太稳妥的401(k)式退休方案,在将来十年内就职工薪酬而言可节约约180亿美元。
③the change to pension contributions would amount to a cut in take-home pay for hundreds of thousands of workers, while saving the agency nearly $7 billion.?对养老金缴款的改动将使数十万工人的实得薪酬削减,一起为该机构节约近70亿美元
④and while excluding new employees from a pension plan is common practice for private corporations these days, it would mark a significant shift for a federal-sector job long seen as a steppingstone to the middle class.?尽管当?接竟惴航轮肮ご蛏ㄔ谘辖鸱桨钢猓饨曛咀懦な笨桃岳幢皇游ㄍ胁撞憬滋莸牧畈糠肿饕祷岱⑸暇母亩?