


1. 小作文万能句
2. 上一年标题的写法(表象类/精力类)
这篇文章part 1
3. 要害词
这篇文章part 3
1. 小作文万能句

这篇文章part 2
这篇文章part 3
part 1英语一2022年真题

2022年的标题,可以写“多听跨专业讲座”(attend cross-disciplinary lectures / listen to lectures in other areas),可以写“拓宽常识”(learn new knowledge / expand one’s range of knowledge)。中心思维必定不要偏得过多,为了套自个预备的模板,而随意写中心。

it is symbolically revealed in the portrayal that two college students are having a conversation over a lecture on campus. one of them who shows no interest in the lecture maintains that it has nothing to do with her major. however, her friend is encouraging her to participate, believing that it may be useful in the future.
in fact, the metaphorical picture intends to reveal that it is of utmost importance for youngsters to learn new knowledge. to begin with, those who keep acquiring new knowledge can not only broaden their horizons, but also establish their career, fit into evolving society, and even attain social status. for example, honored for his success in developing the first hybrid rice in the world, the chinese academician yuan longping is also remembered for his broad range of knowledge, which has contributed enormously to his career. moreover, the pursuit of knowledge is also one of the traditional chinese qualities, which should be handed down from generation to generation. without plenty of knowledge, how could it be possible for huawei corporation to create the 5g network?
in conclusion, i suggest that two girls in the picture should attend the lecture in another area. the time is right for us to take advantage of ample existing opportunities. knowledge should be forever pursued by organizations as well as individuals in modern society.
it is symbolically revealed in the portrayal that two college students are having a conversation over a lecture on campus. one of them who shows no interest in the lecture maintains that it has nothing to do with her major. however, her friend is encouraging her to participate, believing that it may be useful in the future.
in fact, the metaphorical picture intends to reveal that it is of great importance for college students to attend cross-disciplinary lectures. to begin with, as the job market is getting gloomy and competition is becoming fierce, it is increasingly difficult for college undergraduates to find a decent job. however, having a wide range of knowledge can gain them an edge in modern society which requires candidates with multiple backgrounds. moreover, in current education system, most students usually concentrate merely on their major study, but neglect some important knowledge in other areas. in the long run, these “experts” may be abandoned by the world which is becoming more diverse and dynamic.
in conclusion, i suggest that two girls in the picture should attend the lecture in another area. the time is right for us to take advantage of ample existing opportunities. knowledge should be forever pursued by organizations as well as individuals in modern society.
part 2英语二2021/2022年真题

the given bar chart provides an overview of the amount of express in china between 2021 and 2021. to be specific, the total number of packages delivered increased sharply from 51 billion in 2021 to 30 billion in 2021. meanwhile, the number in rural areas experienced a substantial rise from 12 billion in 2021 to 30 billion in 2021.
there are several fundamental factors formulating the above-mentioned tendency. to begin with, owing to the steady and rapid economic development of our country, people’s living standard is simultaneously improving at a fast rate. the purchasing power of chinese people has been significantly enhanced. moreover, it is fair to assert that it is science and technology that should be given most of the credit in fabricating our modern life. online shopping can offer us a more convenient way to purchase goods. this phenomenon is becoming increasingly apparent in rural areas due to the popularity of the internet in recent years. besides, it is worth mentioning that the outbreak of covid-19 compelled the delivery service to surge at the end of the 2021.
to my knowledge, i believe this trend is overall encouraging. as this trend is still in its infancy, we believe it will no doubt go further and lead to future prospect.

this is a bar chart which describes the general trend of citizens’ ways of physical exercise in a certain city. specifically, those who exercise alone account for 54.3%, the highest rate among the four categories. simultaneously, about 47.7% and 23.9% of the city-dwellers tend to do exercise with their friends and families, respectively.
there are two fundamental factors contributing to this tendency. to begin with, in modern society where competition is intense, young people are under enormous strain from their work and study. therefore, people tend to have their own schedule and act according to individual timetable. moreover, the traditional way of thinking has changed dramatically and people are exhibiting a burning desire to determine their own destiny. in terms of physical exercise, youngsters nowadays are more likely to do exercise at their own pace.
with regard to this social tendency, i believe it is overall encouraging. this chart reflects a social condition where people are increasingly independent in their own lives. as this trend is still in its infancy, we believe it will no doubt go further and lead to future prospects.
part 3英语二2021/2022年真题


信息年代 information era

虚拟世界 virtual world
网上购物 online shopping
电子商务 e-commerce
信息平安 information safety/security
信息泄露 information leakage
网络监管 the internet supervision
文明交流/交融/多样 cultural exchange/ integration/ diversity
经典名著 classic works
我国传统文明 traditional chinese culture
精力文明 spiritual civilization
干流文明 mainstream culture
3. 两代联络/偶像崇拜
偶像崇拜 idol worship
网络红人 internet celebrity
代沟 generation gap
老龄化人员 aging population
身体安康 physical health
心思安康 mental/psychological health
体育训练 physical exercises
疾病 illness/disease
废物食物 junk food
4. 环境维护
环境维护 environmentalprotection
环境污染 environmental pollution
可持续性打开 sustainable development
诱人的居住环境 pleasant living environment
维护天然本钱 natural resource conservation
维护水本钱conserve water resource
人员增加 population growth
濒危物种 endangered species
天然灾害 natural disasters
废物分类/循环 garbage sorting/recycling
低碳经济 low-carbon economy
全球变暖 global warming
环保产品 environment-friendly products
5. 社会疑问
公德public morality
食物平安 food safety
交通拥堵 traffic congestion
盗版产品 pirated products
伪劣产品 fake commodities
品牌名誉 brand reputation
形象树立 image building
欺诈行为 dishonest behavior
农业工业效能业 agriculture, industry and service
公司 company/corporation
跨国公司 multinational
国有公司 state-owned business/company
合资公司 joint venture
法令维护 legal protection
社会经济影响 profound social and economic impact
住所疑问 housing problem
城市化 urbanization
基础设备 infrastructure
科技前进 advancement in science and technology
6. 教育主题

终身学习 life-long education
本质教育 quality-oriented education / education for all-round development
应试教育 exam-oriented education
理论常识 theoretical knowledge
实习技能 practical skills (practice)

学习成果 academic performance
文科理科 liberal arts and science
招生选择 recruitment and enrollment
雇主雇员 employer(s) and employee(s)
赋闲作业 unemployment and employment
作业培训 vocational training
作业辅导 career guidance
大学 primary/elementary school
大学 secondary/high school
大学 university
高级教育 higher/tertiary education
必修课 compulsory courses
选修课 optional courses/electives
图书馆 library
食堂 dining hall/canteen
商学院 business school
法学院 law school
医学院 medical school
本科生 undergraduate students
研讨生 graduate students
学费 tuition fee
日子费 life expenses
宿舍 dormitory
职工/教师 staff/faculty


顺境与窘境 favorable circumstances and adverse circumstances
勤勉 diligence/hard work/laboriousness
心态 state of mind/mindset
决计 determination
稳重 prudence
热心 enthusiasm
旷达 optimism
求知 seeking knowledge/pursuit of knowledge
坚持 perseverance/persistence
独立 independence
立异 creativity/innovation
鼓舞 encouragement
感恩 gratitude
彼此了解 mutual understanding
自愿者精力 volunteer spirit
骄傲和谦逊 conceit/arrogance and modesty
节俭 plain living / thrift
责任 obligation
社会责任 social responsibility
信赖科学 belief in science
联合 cooperation/collaboration/teamwork
诚笃守信 honesty / credibility
自负、自傲和自律 self-respect/self-esteem, self-confidence and self-discipline
人生观/世界观 outlook on life/world outlook


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