

1、the relationship between humans and the land we live on has evolved over hundreds of years, but no period has involved such rapid change as the past century ,when we began using land in new ways..
evolve v.发展
period n. 时期
rapid adj.迅速的
century n. 世纪
那接下来咱们第二步该做什么呢?对于这种长难句,难点之一就在于它太长了,所以为了方便理解,接下来我们就应该去对它进行断句,当然断句并不是按照我们想当然来断句的而是有一定得标志,所以第一步即是找标志,段长句,其中存在的非常天然的一个标志即是标点,然后连词,最后短语,并且断句还需要满足一个长度适中,结构完整的原则,长度适中 助我们较轻松的理解句子,结构完整 助我们正确的理解。那么先看我们这句子里面没有逗号,然后考虑连词或者短语,连词断句又要注意是在连词构成的从句的开始还是结尾处断。所以可以断句为:
断句:①the relationship between humans and the land we live on /②has evolved over hundreds of years, /③but no period has involved such rapid change as the past century/ ,④when we began using land in new ways.
难点分析:首先,两个逗号处可以断句,但断完后第一个逗号前还是比较长,在哪儿断呢?我们找找从属连词,发现没有,那这个时候就考查同学们定语从句的识别了,land 和we 之间没有修饰关系,而且we后还有一个动词live,那这个时候其实就是land 和we之间省略了that,和后面的live on 构成从句修饰land,那么我们就能在从句结束处on后断句,前面的长度就合适了。
语法分析:句子①between…and短语修饰relationship放在它的前面,另外we live on是省略that的定语从句修饰land,也需要放在land 前,②句,谓语动词has evolved,时间状语over hundreds of years;③句,no period主语,has involved谓语动词,such rapid change宾语,as the past century比较状语;④when we began using land in new ways,作为定语修饰century,从句内we主语,began using谓语,land宾语,in new ways方式状语,第三步,调语序,这句话的意思就是:

2、as a discovery claim works its way through the community, the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved transforms an individual’s discovery claim into the community’s credible discovery.
discovery n. 发现claim n. 声明
interaction n. 互动,交流confrontation n. 对抗
transform v. 转变community n. 领域,界
individual n. 个人credible adj. 可信的
断句:①as a discovery claim works its way through the community, // ②the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved //③transforms an individual’s discovery claim into the community’s credible discovery. (标点断句:逗号;短语断句)
语法分析:句子①中,as时间状语从句, 从句中主语为 a discovery claim,谓语为 works,宾语为way,through the community为从句状语。部分②为主句主语,核心部分为并列结构the interaction and confrontation,between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved 为接续的两个介词短语作定语修饰the interaction and confrontation。③主要为主句的谓语及宾语部分,谓语为transforms…into…,把…转变成…。
the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved核心为并列结构the interaction and confrontation, between shared and competing beliefs介词短语修饰并列结构,about the science and the technology involved介词短语修饰beliefs。理解上按照从后往前的顺序进行。

