





“钓鱼”网站 phishing website

黑客 hacker

网络银行账户 online banking account

密码 password

密码保护 password security

计算机病毒 computer virus

窃取用户资料 steal user's information/data

弹出式窗口/网页 popup window/ webpage

登录/注销 login/log out

无线路由器 wireless router






While theft has always been a part of human history, it now has a new form called "cyber theft" as mankind steps into the information age. Cyber theft is conducted in many ways but all are conducted by means of a process known as phishing. Phishing, pronounced in the same way as fishing, is used to steal user data stored on personal computers, tablet pcs, mobile phones, or other electronic devices when users click unauthorized popup windows or web pages. According to rough estimates, there are more than 1 million phishing websites in China now and the financial loss linked to cyber theft among common citizens has reached 10 billion dollars in recent years.

Experts have provided several ways by which to distinguish phishing websites from legal ones. First, Internet users need to check whether a website is lawfully registered; an unregistered website is probably embedded with a background process that records any keyboard operation, thereby revealing the keys pressed (such as some passwords for an online banking account or for a social networking platform). Second, a fake website differs from the real one in many ways such as the address (the fake website might use the number 1 in place of the letter I in the real address), the texts (the font sizes of the fake are usually not consistent) and the linked websites (in a fake website, linked websites are usually unavailable). Third, phishing websites are filled with popup windows or links, most of which are also invalid.

Apart from users' examination of suspicious websites, related administrations should make efforts to curb the spread of phishing websites. For example, new websites should go through a stricter governmental examination before becoming available to Internet surfers. Besides, there should be regular censorship over all registered websites to make sure that no lawbreakers can make profit via phishing.



农村居民 rural residents 城市居民 urban residents 贫困人口 people living in poverty 偏远地区 remote areas 低保 basic living allowances 脱贫致富 overcome poverty and become better-off

农业现代化 agricultural modernization

社会进步 social advancement 进城务工 seek jobs in cities 农民工 migrant workers 写作思路 在报纸中,偶尔会看到有关中国农村贫困人口的新闻。新中国成立初期,人们都很贫穷,温饱是个很严重的问题。之后的 30 年是计划经济时代。在城市里,大家基本都能吃饱,但是在农村,贫困现象仍较为普遍。改革开放之后,城市和农村都经历了快速发展,农村的贫困人口越来越少。


一般来说,考生可以在最后一段对数据随时间变化而变化类型的图表做出预测,指出未来会如何变化,也可以不做预测,分析目前的数据可能造成什么影响。对于这张图表来说,如果做预测分析,考生可以这样写:如果国家继续推进扶贫事业,农村贫困人口将进一步减少。在可以预见的未来,中国的农村不会再有吃不饱、穿不暖的农民。如果做影响分析,考生可以这样写:农村贫困人口不断减少固然是好事,但是我们不应该像在经济发展中只重视 GDP 那样在改善农村方面只注重贫困人口数量的减少,而应该关注农村发展的方方面面(比如农村道路建设、农民子女教育问题、农村精神文明建设等),让农民真正过上幸福的日子。


The bar chart shows the changes in the number of Chinese rural residents living in poverty in the first ten years of 21st century. The figure decreased from approximately 94 million in 2000 to around 26 million in 2010.

Such a sharp decline in the impoverished rural population is related to many factors. Over the past decade, the Chinese government has introduced a series of effective policies to help farmers Improve productivity and sell their products. Besides, as cities have been growing fast, many young rural residents have flooded into cities to seek jobs, so the total population in rural areas has shrunken. In addition, charity organizations in China have experienced a quick development; many successful entrepreneurs have donated a huge sum of money into constructing country roads and other facilities.

Above all, the changes are encouraging. I believe that the number of Chinese farmers living in poverty will continue this downward trend in the near future. as our government spends more money and energy on improving the entirety of rural China. Thanks to these efforts, farmers will be able to enjoy the fruits of socialist modernization as urban residents now do.



人均寿命 life expectancy

人口老龄化 aging population

人口过多 overpopulation

养老压力 pressure of supporting the elderly

敬老院 old people's home/retirement home

社会保障 social security

财政支出 fiscal expenditure

医疗保险 medical Insurance

公费医疗 free medical care

天伦之乐 the happiness of a family reunion





The bar chart illustrates the change in Chinese residents' life expectancy over the past 30 years. The average life span of Chinese people was about 69 years old in 1980, and it slightly decreased in the next decade yet increased again in following decades, reaching almost 75 years old in 2010.

That the Chinese are living longer and longer has some advantages. The old can enjoy the happiness of a family reunion with their children, grand children, and even great grand children. On the other hand, this trend has brought about problems. The Chinese population has been growing so fast that overpopulation has become one of the most urgent crises facing the Chinese government. As people are living longer, the proportion of senior citizens in China is also increasing. It is expected that the elderly in China will account for 25% of the whole country's population in 2030.

In my opinion, scientists should keep improving medical care to lengthen people's life expectancy. Meanwhile, governments should enhance social security against the ever-growing aging population.




理想/抱负 dream/ambition

现实 reality / real situation

失望/失落 disappointment/depression

迷茫/仿徨 get lost/do not know which way to go

艰苦奋斗hard work

克服困难overcome difficulties

心中充满希望 bear hope

摆正心态to adjust one's attitude/state of mind

丰功伟绩tremendous achievements

实现自我价值 realize self-value






When I was young, my school teacher asked me who I wanted to be when I grew up. My answer was a scientist, as was many of my classmates'. I remember that I took on a sense of despise against those saying that they wanted to be businessmen, bakers, or lawyers.

This weird thought has been a part of the childhood memories among many of my peers. Now, few students expect to do scientific research in the future, which they think is tedious and minimally rewarding. Instead, they have a burning desire to be actors/actresses, singers, brokers, merchants, or other professions that promise high income and public recognition. As a consequence, a large proportion of college graduates, regardless of their majors and advantages, flood into the business or entertainment field every year.

Obviously, pursuing a career only for its potential financial benefit and public admiration is irrational and presents risks that will end up thwarting one's career development. Everyone has his/her own advantages and disadvantages: if he/she exerts himself/herself to seek a path inconsistent with his/her advantages, he/she is unlikely to achieve success in the end. In fact, it is not uncommon that some 30-year-olds return to what they are good at after struggling to do business or to act in films for a couple of years.

My opinion is that one should know himself/herself completely before starting to take a career, and the best approach to understanding one's advantages and disadvantages is through self-examination.

热点话题: 工作与健康

有人说,大部分人 30 岁之前用健康换钱,30 岁之后用钱换健康。想想确实如此,无论是 90 后、 80 后还是 70 后,都拼命地工作,拼命地赚钱,也拼命地忽视自己的健康,或许还没等到退休之时,身体已经被击垮了。这样真的好吗?


身心健康 physical and mental health 身心健康的 physically and mentally healthy 工作狂 workaholic 事业心 initiative to pursue career success 加班加点 to work overtime/ extra shifts 养家糊口 to support one's family 颈椎病 cervical vertebra disease 体育锻炼 physical exercise 健身房/馆 gym/fitness center 退休 retire(in one's old age)


这一话题可看作“ 理想与现实 ”的衍生话题。很多年轻人为了事业拼命工作,忽视了健康,这一现象在中国及其他发展中国家非常普遍。如果考研英语作文考査这个话题,其漫画可能是描绘一个年轻的工作狂一边熬夜加班,一边吃药物维持精力的图片(办公桌的某处摆满了装药的瓶瓶罐罐)。考生在描述完漫画后,应当指出其反映的社会现象:不少年轻人为了工作而牺牲健康。

在中间段,考生可以分析这一现象的成因。一方面,年轻人,尤其是男性,普遍有事业心;另一方面,有些人好面子,攀比心理严重,希望自己是人中龙凤,而要做到这一点,就必须努力工作,这样的想法是根深蒂固的。二三十岁的年轻人正值壮年,身体器官出现问题或存在隐患要等到 10 年或 20 年后才体现出来,所以他们并不重视身体,继续卖命工作,扛过去 。



If there were a list of the most popular topics in people's daily lives, work and health must be within the top ten. In China, at reunion dinners or parties, asking about one's work and health condition is a common approach to breaking ice. On college campuses, Juniors and seniors exchange plans of career development and body building every now and then. Also, during a blind date, individuals talk about each other's job and health more than any other topic.

After all, job and health largely affect one's happiness. Without a decent, well-paying job, people cannot afford to travel abroad, send children to study abroad, or buy parents health care. Likewise, without a good health condition, people are unlikely to enjoy what they have earned through hard work.

When conflict occurs between climbing the career ladder and maintaining health, many, however, choose the former. That is why we see a number of 20-year-olds work until night or even through the night. Sometimes, we also notice that some young employee attending parties decide to leave early after receiving a call from employers who need them at the office immediately.

Are they fools? Some say yes, because they sacrifice health for work, while others say no. because most of them know that they are making such sacrifice and that they can make it up when standing out in their fields. From my point of view, health is no less important than work; a man with poor health can hardly finish his work, yet another man with good health can always find a job as long as he tries.

