

A billionaire-backed attempt/ to mint a new one-word signature in entertainment, to unite Hollywood prestige and resources /with the interstitial, “snackable” bumps of content /popularized by lo-fi creators /on video platforms and social media networks.


1.可以确定,断句应该是:A billionaire-backed attempt/ , billionaire-backed是对 attempt的修饰,这里attempt是一个名词,正如打卡的一位同学所说,这句话我也没有找到谓语,这里的结构更像是 n+to,我们也没有讨论明白,暂时保留吧

2.popularized by…前面省略了that,是对content的修饰




养鸡这行脏是脏,却有利可图。在成员主要为富裕国家的经合组织中,自1990 年以来猪肉和牛肉的消费量一直没变,而鸡肉的消费量增长了70%。


Humansgobbleso many chickens that the birds now count for 23bn of the 30bn land animals living on farms. According to a recent paper by Carys Bennett at the University of Leicester and colleagues, the total mass of farmed chickens exceeds that of all other birds on the planet combined. In London, some 50 miles west of Colchester, fried-chicken shops are ubiquitous. Many are named after American states (including Kansas and Montana, not to mention Kentucky).

人类吃那么多鸡,以至于现在存活在农场的300 亿只养殖禽畜中,鸡占了230 亿只。莱斯特大学的卡瑞斯·班尼特及其同事最近发表的一篇论文指出,养殖鸡的总重量超过了地球上所有其他鸟类的总和。在科尔切斯特以西大约50 英里的伦敦,炸鸡店随处可见。许多店以美国的州名命名(比如堪萨斯、蒙大拿,更别提肯塔基了)。

Chicken is cheap and delicious. A pound of poultry in America now costs $1.92, a fall of $1.71 since 1960 (after adjusting forinflation). Meanwhile the price of beef has fallen by $1.17 a pound to $5.80.

鸡肉既便宜又好吃。自1960 年以来美国每磅鸡肉的价格下跌了1.71 美元(调整通货膨胀因素后),目前为1.92 美元。其间,牛肉价格每磅下跌了1.17 美元,目前为5.80 美元。

Fans of cheap chicken have selectivebreedingto

thank. In the 1940s Americalaunched a series of“Chicken of Tomorrow” competitions for farmers. The aim, as described by a newspaper at the time, was to produce “one bird chunky enough for the whole family—a chicken with breast meat so thick you can carve it into steaks, withdrumsticksthat contain a minimum of bone buried in layers of juicy dark meat, all costing less instead of more.” The result was something along the lines of the modernbroilerchicken.

喜爱便宜鸡肉的人们得感谢选择性繁殖。上世纪40 年代,美国为养殖户举办了一系列“明日之鸡”大赛。翻译划线句,长按文末小程序码进行打卡,答案下期公布~”成品与现代的烤鸡有些相似。

Farmers have also benefited from the healthy reputation of chicken. In the 1980s doctors worried that by eating too much beef and pork people were ingesting lots ofsaturated fat, which was then thought to increase the risk of heart disease. Those fears have sincewaned, but new evidence suggests that red meat might increase people’s chances of getting colon cancer. In contrast, poultry’s image as a healthy meat survives unscathed.

鸡肉被誉为健康肉,这也让养殖户受益。上世纪80 年代,医生担心吃太多牛肉和猪肉会让人们摄入大量饱和脂肪,这在当时被认为会增加患心脏病的风险。之后这些担心已经消减,但新的证据表明,红肉可能增加人们患结肠癌的几率。相比之下,家禽作为健康肉的形象却一直未受影响。

It is not just fussy Western eaters who increasingly favour chicken. Rising incomes mean that demand for the meat is growing even faster in poorer countries. As a result, chickens are now the world’s most widely traded meat. In economic terms they are, in effect, the opposite of cars. They are produced whole. But their value is maximised once they are broken up.


本文节选自:The Economist(经济学人)




英 [ɡɑbl] 美 [ɡɑbl]

n. 火鸡叫声

vi. 狼吞虎咽、大嚼(某物)


英 [nflen] 美 [nflen]

n. 物价上涨(率)、通货膨胀(率)、充气


英 [brid] 美 [brid]

n. (宠物的)品种、(人或物的)类型、种类

vt. 饲养、培育、引起、造成(某种感情或状况)、养育(某一类型的人)

vi. (动物)交配繁殖


英 [brlr] 美 [brlr]

n. 烤焙用具、酷热的日子、烤肉


英 [drmstk] 美 [drmstk]

n. 鸡腿、鼓槌


英 [wen] 美 [wen]

n. 衰退、月亏、消逝

vi. (权利、影响或感觉)逐渐衰弱、变小、消逝、(月亮)亏、缺


1.launch a series of 推出一系列…

2.saturated fat 饱和脂肪


Farmers have also benefited from the healthy reputation of chicken.

结构:… have/has also benefited from ….


例句:The world also has benefited from China’s rise.



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