资产阶级民主 ?the bourgeois democracy???
君主立宪 constitutional? monarchy
自民党 ?theliberal democratic party ?????
保守党 ?the conservative party
工党?????the? labor? party???????????
执政党 the? government party
英国内阁?the british cabinet????? ??????
opposition party
上议院 the house of lords (the upper house)
下议院 the house of commons (the lowerhouse )
枢密院 the privy council?????????? ?????
内阁大臣 cabinet minister
大宪章 the great charter????????????????
外交大臣?the foreign secretary
财政大臣 the chancellor of the exchequer
国务卿 the secretary of state?????????????
首相 the prime minister
立法机构 legislative branch??????????????
行政机构 executive branch
大法官 lord chancellor?????????????????
白金汉宫 the buckingham palace ????