

石硕 prof. shi shuo


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石硕,四川大学中国藏学研究所副所长,四川大学历史文化学院教授,博士生导师。研究领域为藏族史、藏彝走廊、康藏史、汉藏关系等。近年侧重于西藏东部地区和藏彝走廊的研究,为国家社科基金重大招标项目“《康藏史》编纂与研究”首席专家。先后出版有《西藏文明东向发展史》《藏族族源与藏东古文明》《吐蕃政教关系史》《青藏高原的历史与文明》《青藏高原东缘的古代文明》《青藏高原碉楼研究》《藏彝走廊:文明起源与历史源流》《交融与互动:藏彝走廊的民族、历史与文化》《西藏古文明中的中原文化因素》等学术专著,在权威及核心学术刊物发表论文百余篇,研究成果曾多次荣获省部级一等奖 、二等奖 ,并入选国家哲学社会科学成果文库。

prof. shi specializes in tibetan history, the study of the tibetan-yi corridor, history of the kham region, sino-tibetan relations, etc. in recent years, he has been focused his research on east tibet and the study of the tibetan-yi corridor. he serves as the chief expert for the key public bidding project entitled “compilation and study of history of the kham region” sponsored by the national social sciences foundation. prof. shi has published nine monographs, including history of eastward expansion of the tibetan civilization ; or

igin of tibetan people and the ancient civilization of eastern tibet ; history of the political and religious relations of the tubo period ; history and civilization of the qinghai-tibet plateau ; the ancient civilization on the eastern edge of the qinghai-tibet plateau ; research on the stone towers on the tibetan plateau (coauthored with zou libo and yang jiaming, 2012). having published over 100 papers in authoritative core periodicals, he has won over five provincial and ministerial-level first and second prizes for his research achievements. his work was selected to be included in the national achievements library of the philosophy and social sciences series. 返回搜狐,查看更多


