

  姓 名 – 柯华
学 位 – 博士
职 称 – 副教授
  所属部门 – 建设管理与房地产系
导师情况 – 硕导
  研究领域 – 建设管理与房地产
  研究方向 – 运筹学与控制论
  电子邮箱 – hke@tongji.edu.cn
  研究领域为不确定理论及规划、智能算法、多层规划、项目管理、项目进度优化等,已发表和录用学术论文40多篇,其中被sci期刊european journal of operational research,applied mathematical modelling,applied soft computing,fuzzy optimization and decision making等检索20多篇。



  国家自然科学基金面上项目:“柔性job shop生产调度和预防性维护计划集成模型和优化方法研究”(71171149)2012年1月-2014年12月

  ke h, ma j, tian g. hybrid multilevel programming with uncertain random parameters. journal of intelligent manufacturing, doi: 10.1007/s10845-014-0985-5. (sci、ei检索)
  huang h, ke h*. pricing decision problem for substitutable products based on uncertainty theory. journal of intelligent manufacturing, doi:10.1007/s10845-014-0991-7. (sci、ei检索)
  ke h*, su t, ni y. uncertain random multilevel programming with application to production control problem. soft computing, doi: 10.1007/s00500-014-1361-2. (sci、ei检索)
  ning y, ke h, fu z. triangular entropy of uncertain variables with application to portfolio selection. soft computing, doi: 10.1007/s00500-014-1402-x. (sci、ei检索)
  ji x, ke h*. almost sure stability for uncertain differential equation with jumps. soft computing, doi: 10.1007/s00500-014-1521-4. (sci、ei检索)
  yao k, ke h*, sheng y. stability in mean for uncertain differential equation. fuzzy optimization and decision making, doi: 10.1007/s10700-014-9204-2. (sci、ei检索)
  ke h, liu h, tian g. an uncertain random programming model for project scheduling problem. international journal of intelligent systems,30(1): 66-79, 2015. (sci、ei检索)
  liu h, ke h, fei w. almost sure stability for uncertain differential equation. fuzzy optimization and decision making, 13(4): 463-473, 2014. (sci、ei检索)
  yao x, ke h*. poincare recurrence theorem in regular uncertain dynamic system. fuzzy optimization and decision making, 13(3): 319-328, 2014. (sci、ei检索)
  ke h,ma j. modeling project time-cost trade-off in fuzzy random environment. applied soft computation,19:80-85,2014(sci、ei检索)
  yao k , ke h*.entropy operator for membership function of uncertain set. applied mathematics and computation,242:898-906,2014(sci、ei检索)
  tian g, ke h, chen x. fuzzy cost-profit tradeoff model for locating a vehicle inspection station considering regional constraints. journal of zhejiang university-science c (computers & electronics), 15(12): 1138-1146, 2014.
  ke h. a genetic algorithm-based optimizing approach for project time-cost trade-off with uncertain measure. journal of uncertainty analysis and applications, 2: article 8, 2014.
  ke h. uncertain random time-cost trade-off problem. journal of uncertainty analysis and applications, 2: article 23, 2014.
  hua ke, a study on china’s provincial efficiency of patent output based on spatial econometric analysis, information: an international interdisciplinary journal,2013
  hua ke,dual-channel closed-loop supply chain with government consumption-subsidy, european journal of operational research,2013
  hua ke,project time-cost trade-off problem with fuzzy time-dependent activity duration parameters1, information: an international interdisciplinary journal,2013
  柯华,基于相关机会规划思想的模糊随机时间费用均衡模型1, 系统工程理论与实践,2013
  hua ke, solving project scheduling problem with the philosophy of fuzzy random programming. 2012
  hua ke,fengshun yang,dongguo shao,chun xiao,xuezhi tan,wenquan gu,kui wang . energy evaluation method and its optimization models for process planning with stochastic characteristics: a case study in disassembly decision-making.2012
  hua ke1,weimin ma1,yaodong ni2 .modeling stochastic project time–cost trade-offs with time-dependent activity durations.2012
  wang chen-yin1,ni yao-dong1,ke hua2. minimum weight vertex cover problem under fuzzy environments. jan,2012
  ke h, yao p. bilevel programming approach for public-private-partnership highway network. in proceedings of the second international conference on uncertainty theory, lhasa, china, august 6-11, 2011, 18- 22
  ke h, liu b. fuzzy project scheduling problem and its hybrid intelligent algorithm. applied mathematical modelling, 2010, 34(2): 301-308. (sci、ssci、ei检索)
  ke h, ma w, gao x, xu w. new fuzzy models for time-cost trade-off problem. fuzzy optimization and decision making, 2010, 9(2): 219-231. (sci、ssci、ei检索)
  ke h, ma w. time-cost trade-off problem with fuzzy random parameters. in proceedings of the first international conference

on uncertainty theory, urumchi, china, august 11-19, 2010, 27-32.
  ke h, ma w, ni y. optimization models and a ga-based algorithm for stochastic time-cost trade-off problem. applied mathematics and computation, 2009, 215(1): 308-313. (sci、ssci、ei检索)
  ke h, ma w. a dependent-chance programming model for fuzzy time-cost trade-off problem. in proceedings of 2009 ieee international conference on fuzzy systems, icc jeju, jeju island, korea, august 20-24, 2009.(ei检索)
  ma w, ke h. modeling time-cost trade-off problem with fuzzy activity duration times. in proceedings of the 4th international conference on cooperation and promotion of information resources in science and technology, beijing, china, november 21-23, 2009.(ei检索)
  ke h, ma w. a fuzzy random time-cost trade-off model. in proceedings of the eighth international conference on information and management sciences, kunming, china, july 20-28, 2009, 633- 637. (istp检索)
  ke h, ma w. a stochastic chance-constrained programming model for time-cost trade-off problem. 第七届中国不确定系统年会论文集,重庆,2009年8月20日-24日,29-33.
  ke h, ma w. a fuzzy time-cost trade-off problem with credibility theory concepts. in: proceedings of the seventh international conference on information and management sciences. urumchi, china, 2008. 258-262. (istp检索)
  ke h, liu b. project scheduling problem with mixed uncertainty of randomness and fuzziness. european journal of operational research, 2007, 183 (1): 135-147.(sci、ei检索)

  国际不确定理论协会(the international consortium for uncertainty theory)副理事长

  英文课程 project management in china

