

??2020年,多灾多难。天妒中华,美失骄子。kobe 离世,80后90后的青春也随之被带去。愿逝者安息,生者坚强,我们应该化悲痛为力量。在我们的考研复试备考中要把科比的精神传下去。

??热门话题是每年复试英语必考话题,历年来备受考官青睐。万学教育 考研在搜集了各大院校的相关复试信息后,结合今年热点话题总结了考研英语复试的常考问题,供各位考生参考。

1、who is yourfavourite star?? why do you admire him/her?

my favourite star is kobe bryant. kobe bryant is a famousbasketball player in nba. why i admire him? there are two reasons. first andforemost, he wouldn’t immediately be a superstar

, though. rather it was thecountless hours of early morning workouts by himself in the gymnasium thatescalated kobe’s talents. his story tells us that persistence is a drive forceto go through the hardship and adversity in our life. additionally, kobe didn’tlet anybody down. he never gives up and is confident towards life.


2、what qualityyou learn from kobe?

kobe is a fantastic and inspiring basketball player, from him ican learn an essential quality for life, persistence. because i am convincedthat persistence is an indispensable driving force for us to overcomedifficulties, go through hardships, and face any failure in the preparation ofthis examination.




