
…数与统计学院导师教师师资介绍简介-史福贵 – 北京理工大学考研…(统计与数学学院有什么专业)

教师姓名:史福贵出生日期:1962-09-25 所在学科:应用数学 职称:教授 邮编:102488 联系电话:** e-mail:fuguishi@bit.edu.cn 通讯地址:北京市房山区良乡大学城北京理工大学数学与统计学院 educational background 史福贵,男,1962年9月生于黑龙江省双鸭山市。1981年9月进入牡丹江师范学院数学系开始本科学习,1985年毕业考入北京师范学院(首都师范大学)数学系开始研究生班学习,1987年毕业到牡丹江师院工作。1988年在首都师范大学取得硕士学位。1993年调至烟台师范学院(今鲁东大学)工作。1995年破格晋升为副教授。1997年破格晋升为教授。1998年9月进入首都师范大学数学学院开始博士研究生学习。2001年博士毕业到北京理工大学工作。2002年被聘为博士生导师。2011年-2016年曾任数学与统计学院副院长,2012年开始被聘为数学与统计学院二级教授,2018年继续担任第二聘期的二级教授,并担任北京理工大学理学与材料学部的学部委员。 现为中国系统工程学会模糊数学与模糊系统委员会副理事长、北京运筹学会副理事长、北京数学会常务理事、中国数学会理事、中国运筹学会理事。 担任《iranian journal of fuzzy systems》(sci)、《journal of advanced studies in topology》、《asian journal of fuzzy and applied mathematics》、《数学实践与认识》、《数学研究期刊》和《模糊系统与数学》等杂志的编委。德国《zentralblatt math》的评论员。 多次担任国家自然科学基金项目评议专家和山东省自然科学基金项目的评议专家。曾担任北京市自然科学基金重点项目的评议专家,教育部博士点基金评议专家等。 working experience 工作经历:1981-1985,牡丹江师范学院本科学习。1985-1987,首都师范大学研究生学习。1987-1993,牡丹江师院数学系工作。1993-1998,烟台师范学院(今鲁东大学)工作。1998-2001,首都师范大学博士研究生学习。2001至今, 北京理工大学工作。 teachings 讲授过的课程:高等代数,线性代数,近世代数,解析几何,高等几何,数学分析,高等数学,概率论与数理统计,拓扑学,拟阵论,模糊数学等。 publications   https://www.researchgate.net/profile/fu_gui_shi/contributions  https://www.hindawi.com/**/  发表的主要论文:  [110] erqiang li, fu-gui shi, some properties of m-fuzzifying convexities induced by m-orders, fuzzy sets and systems, 350: 41-54, 2018. (sci)  [109] yu zhong, fu-gui shi, characterizations of (l, m)-fuzzy topology degrees, iranian journal of fuzzy systems, 15(4): 129-149, 2018. (sci)  [108] yu zhong, fu-gui shi, stratified (l, m)-fuzzy derived spaces, iranian journal of fuzzy systems, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 109–127, 2018. (sci)  [107] yuanliang han, fu-gui shi, a new way to extend fuzzy implications, iranian journal of fuzzy systems, 15(3): 79-97, 2018. (sci)  [106] chong shen, fu-gui shi, l-convex systems and the categorical isomorphism to scott-hull operators, iranian journal of fuzzy systems, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 23–40, 2018. (sci)  [105] shao-jun yang, fu-gui shi, bases and circuits of fuzzifying matroids, iranian journal of fuzzy systems, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 41–52, 2018. (sci)  [104] bin pang, fu-gui shi, strong inclusion orders between l-subsets and its applications in l-convex spaces, quaestiones mathematicae, 1–23, 2018.  [103] xiaoli meng, fu-gui shi, an inequality approach for evaluating productive efficiency, journal of nonlinear and convex analysis, 19(1): 41-51, 2018. (sci)  [102] bin pang, fu-gui shi, fuzzy counterparts of hull operators and interval operators in the framework of l-convex spaces, fuzzy sets and systems, pp. , 2018. (sci)  [101] xiuyun wu, fu-gui shi, m-fuzzifying bryant-webster spaces and m-fuzzifying join spaces, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 35(3): 3807-3819, 2018. (sci)  [100] kai wang, fu-gui shi, m-fuzzifying geodesic interval operators, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 34(6): 4269–4277, 2018. (sci)  [99] bin pang, fu-gui shi, subcategories of the category of l-convex spaces, fuzzy sets and systems, 313: 61-74, 2017. (sci)  [98] zhen-yu xiu, fu-gui shi, m-fuzzifying interval spaces, iranian journal of fuzzy systems, 14(1): 145-162, 2017. (sci)  [97] xiaoli meng, fu-gui shi, an extended inequality approach for evaluating decision making units with a single output, journal of inequalities and applications, 2017 , 2017. (sci)  [96] xiaoli meng, fu-gui shi, an extended data envelopment analysis for the decision-making, journal of inequalities and applications, 2017 , 2017(sci).  [95] juan li, fu-gui shi, l-fuzzy convexity induced by l-convex fuzzy sublattice degree, iranian journal of fuzzy systems, 14(5): 83-102, 2017. (sci)  [94] xiaoli meng, fu-gui shi, a generalized fuzzy data envelopment analysis with restricted fuzzy sets and determined constraint condition, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 33(3): 1895-1905, 2017. (sci)  [93] chengyu liang, fu-gui shi, a new kind of measure of compactness in (l, m)-fuzzy supratopological spaces, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 33(4): 2109-2117, 2017. (sci) [92] xiaoli meng, fu-gui shi, an extended dea with more general fuzzy data based upon the centroid formula, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 33(1) : 457-465, 2017. (sci)  [91] yu zhong, fu-gui shi, formulations of l-convex hulls on some algebraic structures, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 33(3): 1385-1395, 2017. (sci)  [90] yufei wen, fu-gui shi, l-fuzzy convexity induced by l-convex degree on vector spaces, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 33(6): 4031-4041, 2017. (sci)  [89] yu zhong, shao-jun yang, fu-gui shi, the relationship between l-subuniverses and l-convexities, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 33(6): 3363-3372, 2017. (sci)  [88] erqiang li, fu-gui shi, the free product of m -fuzzifying matroids, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 30(2): 679-690, 2016. (sci)  [87] ghareeb a., shi fu-gui, sp-compactness and sp-connectedness degree in l-fuzzy pretopological spaces, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems , 31(3)1435–1445, 2016.  [86] liang cheng-yu, shi fu-gui, the urysohn, completely hausdorff and completely regular axioms in l-fuzzy topological spaces, iranian journal of fuzzy systems , 12(6)109–128, 2015.  [85] liu qiu-mei, shi fu-gui, stratified simplex method for solving fuzzy multi-objective linear programming problem, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems , 29(6)2357–2364, 2015.  [84] pang bin, shi fu-gui, a note on soft topological spaces, iranian journal of fuzzy systems , 12(5)149–155, 2015.  [83] pang bin, shi fu-gui, subcategories of the category of l-convex spaces, fuzzy sets and systems , pp. , 2015.  [82] li erqiang, shi fu-gui, minors of m-fuzzifying matroids, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems , 28(3) 1213–1224, 2015.  [81] zhou cai-li, shi fu-gui, new set-valued integral in a banach space, journal of function spaces , 2015, 2015.  [80] zhou cai-li, shi fu-gui, lebesgue decomposition theorem and weak radon-nikodym theorem for generalized fuzzy number measures, journal of function spaces ,2015, 2015.  [79] xin xiu, shi fu-gui, direct sums of (l, m)-fuzzy matroids, indian journal of mathematics , 57(1) 17–46, 2015.  [78] xiu zhen-yu, shi fu-gui, categories of (i,i)-fuzzy greedoids, journal of function spaces , 2015, 2015.  [77] pang, bin, shi, fu-gui,degrees of compactness in (l, m)-fuzzy convergence spaces and its applications, fuzzy sets andsystems,251(2014),1-22.  [76] pang, bin; shi, fu-gui,characterizations of (l, m)-fuzzy pseudo-metrics by pointwise pseudo-metric chains, journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems,27(2014), 2399-2407.  [75] liang, cheng-yu; shi, fu-gui,degree of continuity for mappings of (l, m)-fuzzy topological spaces, journal intelligent & fuzzy systems,27(2014), 2665-2677.  [74] shi, fu-gui; pang, bin, redundancy of fuzzy soft topological spaces, journal intelligent & fuzzy systems,27(2014), 1757-1760.  [73] shi, fu-gui; xiu, zhen-yu, a new approach to the fuzzification of convex structures,journal of applied mathematics,249183,2014.  [72] xiu, zhen-yu; shi, fu-gui, m-fuzzifying submodular functions,journal intelligent & fuzzy systems,27(2014), 1243-1255.  [71] shi, fu-gui; liang, chengyu,measures of compactness in l-fuzzy pretopological spaces, journal intelligent & fuzzy systems,26(2014), 1557-1561.  [70] shi, fu-gui; wang, lan, characterizations and applications of m-fuzzifying matroids, journal intelligent & fuzzy systems,25(2013), 919-930.  [69] shi fu-gui, pang bin, categoriesisomorphic to the category of l-fuzzy closure system spaces, iranian journal of fuzzy systems 10 (2013), 127-146.  [68] shi fu-gui, the research of lattice-valued fuzzy matroids,fuzzy systems and mathematics 26 (2012), 1-13.  [67] fu-gui shi, run-xiang li,semicompactness in l-fuzzy topological spaces, annals of fuzzy mathematics andinformatics, 1(2)163–169, 2011.  [66] wei yao, fu-gui shi, quantitativedomains via fuzzy sets: part ii: fuzzy scott topology on fuzzydirected-complete posets, fuzzy sets and systems, 173(1) 60–80, 2011.  [65] fu-gui shi, measures of compactness in l-topological spaces, annals of fuzzy mathematics and informatics, 2(2)163–169, (2011).  [64] fu-gui shi, regularity and normality of (l,m)-fuzzy topological spaces,fuzzy sets and systems, 182(1)37–52, 2011.  [63] hong-yan li, fu-gui shi, measures of fuzzy compactness in l-fuzzy topological spaces, computers and mathematicswith applications, 59(2)941–947, 2010.  [62] xiu xin, fu-gui shi, categories of bi-fuzzy pre-matroids, computers and mathematics with applications, 59(4)1548–1558, 2010.  [61] hong-yan li, fu-gui shi, degrees of fuzzy compactness in l-fuzzy topological spaces, fuzzy sets and systems, 161(7)988–1001, 2010.  [60] fu-gui shi, (l,m)-fuzzy $sigma$-algebras, international journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences, 2010 (2010), article id 356581,11 pages.  [59] yueli yue, fu-gui shi, on fuzzypseudo-metric spaces, fuzzy sets and systems, 161(8)1105–1116,2010.  [58] xiu xin, fu-gui shi, rank functions for closed and perfect [0,1]-matroids, hacettepe journal of mathematics and statistics, 39(1)31–39, 2010.  [57] fu-gui shi, (l,m)-fuzzy metric spaces,indian journal of mathematics, 52(2)231–250, 2010.  [56] fu-gui shi, measures of countable fuzzy compactness and the fuzzy lindeleof property, bulletin of the allahabad mathematical society, 25(1)47–56, 2010.  [55] run-xiang li, fu-gui shi,countable compactness and the lindelof property in l-fuzzy topological spaces,proyecciones, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 124–135, 2010.  [54] chun-e huang, fu-gui shi, fuzzy bases and the fuzzy dimension offuzzy vector spaces, mathematical communications, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 303–310,2010.  [53] wei yao, fu-gui shi, basesaxioms and circuits axioms for fuzzifying matroids, fuzzy sets and systems,vol. 161, no. 24, pp. 3155–3165, 2010.  [52] fu-gui shi, (l, m)-fuzzy matroids, fuzzy sets and systems, vol. 160,no. 16, pp. 2387–2400, 2009.  [51] fu-gui shi, l-fuzzy interiorsand l-fuzzy closures, fuzzy sets and systems, vol. 160, no. 9, pp. 1218–1232,2009.  [50] fu-gui shi, connectedness degrees in l-fuzzy topological spaces,international journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences, 2009 (2009), article id 892826, 11 pages.  [49] fu-gui shi, a new approach to thefuzzification of matroids, fuzzy sets and systems, vol. 160, no.

5, pp.696–705, 2009.  [48] fu-gui shi, a new approach to fuzzy almost compactness, proyeccionesjournal of mathematics, 28(1): 75–87 (2009).  [47] fu-gui shi, l-fuzzy interiors andl-fuzzy closures, fuzzy sets and systems, vol. 160, no. 9, pp. 1218–1232, 2009.  [46] fu-gui shi, p-compactness in l-topological spaces, the journal ofnonlinear science and applications, 2(2009), no. 4, 225–233.  [45] fu-gui shi, (l, m)-fuzzymatroids,fuzzy sets and systems, vol. 160, no. 16, pp. 2387–2400, 2009.  [44] xiu xin, fu-gui shi, m-fuzzifying bases, proyecciones, vol. 28, no. 3, pp.271–283, 2009.  [43] hong-yan li, fu-gui shi, someseparation axioms in i-fuzzy topological spaces, fuzzy sets and systems,159(5): 573–587 (2008).  [42] han-liang huang, fu-gui shi, l-fuzzy numbers and their properties, information sciences, 178(4): 1141–1151 (2008).  [41] fu-gui shi, a new approach to fuzzys-closedness, indian journal of mathematics, 50(3): 647–661 (2008).  [40] wei yao, fu-gui shi, a note on specialization l-preorder of l-topologicalspaces, l-fuzzifying topological spaces, and l-fuzzy topological spaces, fuzzysets and systems, 159(19)2586–2595, 2008.  [39] zhen-guo xu, fu-gui shi, some weaklymappings on intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, tamkang journal of mathematics, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 25–32, 2008.  [38] hong-yan li, fu-gui shi, or-convergence and weak or-convergence of netsand their applications, proyecciones, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 81–96,2008.  [37] yueli yue, fu-gui shi, on (l,m)-fuzzy quasi-uniform spaces, fuzzy sets and systems, 158(13): 1472–1485(2007).  [36] fu-gui shi, a new definition of fuzzy compactness, fuzzy sets and systems,158(13): 1486–1495 (2007).  [35] fu-gui shi, hong-yan li, a note on“on separation axioms in i-fuzzy topological spaces”, fuzzy sets and systems,158(13): 1511–1513 (2007).  [34] yueli yue, fu-gui shi, generalized quasi-proximities, fuzzy sets andsystems, 158(4): 386–398 (2007).  [33] zhen-guo xu, fu-gui shi, a note onfuzzy $theta$-convergences, fuzzy sets and systems, 158(4): 472–474 (2007).  [32] yueli yue, fu-gui shi, l-fuzzy uniform spaces, journal of the koreanmathematical society, vol. 44, no. 6, 1383–1396, 2007.  [31] sp-convergence in l-topologicalspaces, tamkang journal of mathematics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 139–151, 2007.  [30] hong-yan li, fu-gui shi, near s*-compactness in l-topological spaces,international journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences, vol. 2007,2007.  [29] yueli yue, fu-gui shi, generalizedquasi-proximities, fuzzy sets and systems, vol. 158, no. 4, pp. 386–398, 2007.  [28] fu-gui shi, chong-you zheng,metrization theorem in l-topological spaces, fuzzy sets and systems,149(3): 455–471 (2005).  [27] jie zhang, fu-gui shi, on l-fuzzy topological spaces, fuzzy sets andsystems, 149(3): 473–484 (2005).  [26] fu-gui shi, the category of pointwises-proximity spaces, fuzzy sets and systems, 152(2): 349–372 (2005).  [25] fu-gui shi, a new notion of fuzzy compactness in l-topological spaces,information sciences, 173: 35–48 (2005).  [24] fu-gui shi, $n_beta$-compactness inl-topological spaces, fuzzy logic soft computing and computationalintelligence(11th ifsa world congress), 268–272 (2005).  [23] fu-gui shi, semicompactness in l-topological spaces, international journalof mathematics and mathematical sciences, 12: 1869–1878 (2005).  [22] fu-gui shi, a new form of fuzzy$beta$-compactness, proyecciones journal of mathematics, 24(2): 105–119(2005).  [21] fu-gui shi, $s_beta$-compactness in l-topological spaces, proyecciones journal of mathematics, 24(2): 153–165 (2005).  [20] fu-gui shi, pointwise pseudo-metric onthe l-real line, iranian journal of fuzzy systems, 2(2): 15–20 (2005).  [19] fu-gui shi, countable compactness and the lindeleof property of l-sets,iranian journal of fuzzy systems, 1(1): 79–88 2004.  [18] 徐振国, 史福贵, l-拓扑空间的强拟半开集, 模糊系统与数学, 18(增刊): 107–109(2004).  [17] fu-gui shi, fuzzy proximities and totally bounded pointwise uniformities,fuzzy sets and systems, 133(3): 321–331 (2003).  [16] fu-gui shi, o-convergence of fuzzynets and its applications, fuzzy sets and systems, 140(3): 499–507 (2003).  [15] fu-gui shi, chong-you zheng, paracompactness in l-fuzzy topologicalspaces, fuzzy sets and systems, 129(1): 29–37 (2002).  [14] 史福贵,郑崇友,格上点式一致结构与度量化定理, 数学学报, 45(6): 1127–1136 (2002).  [13] fu-gui shi, products of pointwise pseudo-quasi-metrics on lattices, 数学研究与评论,2002.4.  [12] fu-gui shi, product operations offuzzy pointwise metric spaces, j. fuzzy mathematics, 2001.2.  [11]史福贵, 可数良紧性刻画与性质, 数学杂志, 21(4): 429–432 (2001).  [10] fu-gui shi, chong-you zheng, totallybounded pointwise uniformities and proximities on completely distributivelattices, 数学进展, 30(4): 322–328 (2001).  [9] fu-gui shi, a note on the compactness in l-fuzzy topological spaces, fuzzy sets and systems, 119(3): 547–548 (2001).  [8] fu-gui shi, pointwise pseudo-metricsin l-fuzzy set theory, fuzzy sets and systems, 121(2): 209–216 (2001).  [7]史福贵,完全分配格上的点式拟一致构与p.q.度量, 数学学报, 39(5): 701–706 (1996).  [6]史福贵,完全分配格上的点式一致结构, 数学进展, 26(1):22–28 (1997).  [5]fu-gui shi,pointwise uniformities and metrics on fuzzy lattices, chinesescience bulletin, 1997.  [4] 史福贵,孟广武,点式拟一致结构与拓扑, 模糊系统与数学, 12(1): 41–44 (1998).  [3] fu-gui shi, pointwise uniformities in fuzzy set theory, fuzzy setsand systems, 98(1): 141–146 (1998).  [2] fu-gui shi, fuzzy pointwise completeregularity and imbedding theorem, j. fuzzy mathematics, 1999.2.  [1] fu-gui shi, l-fuzzy relations and l-fuzzy subgroups, j. fuzzymathematics, 2000.8(2). visiting positions research projects 在研和已经完成的项目:1.主持国家自然科学基金《模糊凸空间理论的研究》,批准号:**。2.主持博士点基金《拟阵的模糊化及其在图论中的应用》,批准号:20**8.3.主持国家自然科学基金《格值模糊拟阵理论的进一步研究及其应用》,批准号:**。4.主持国家自然科学基金《模糊拓扑在拟阵研究中的应用》,批准号:**。5.参加国家自然科学基金《拓扑及其相关领域中若干问题的研究》,批准号:**。6.参加国家自然科学基金《格值拓扑中若干问题的研究》,批准号:**。7.参加国家自然科学基金《高速铁路列车运行调整的模糊随机混合智能优化理论与方法的研究》,批准号:**。 awards, honors and recognitions   获奖情况:  2010年获得教育部优秀博士论文提名奖指导教师。  2011年被评为北京理工大学三育人先进个人。  2008年获广东省科学技术奖三等奖(获奖号a01-0-3-01)。 graduate students 已经培养的博士毕业生:徐振国,2006年毕业,现在科技部工作;李宏艳,2007年毕业,现在山东工商学院,教授;姚卫, 2008年毕业,现在河北科技大学,教授;陈鹏, 2008年毕业,现在河南科技大学,副教授;李扉,2008年毕业,现在北京林业大学,副教授;岳跃利,2008年毕业,现在中国海洋大学,副教授;黄韩亮,2008年毕业,现在闽南师范大学数学与统计学院,副教授,副院长;王岚, 2009年毕业,现在牡丹江师范学院数学学院,院长,教授;信秀, 2010年毕业,现在天津理工大学,副教授;黄春娥,2010年毕业,现在北京联合大学,副教授;廉欢, 2012年毕业,现在天津师范大学,副教授;周彩丽,2014年毕业,现在河北大学,副教授;王冰, 2015年毕业,现在牡丹江师范学院数学学院,教授,副院长;庞斌, 2015年毕业,现在北京理工大学工作;梁成瑜,2015年毕业,现在北方工业大学工作;修振宇,2015年毕业,现在成都科技大学,副教授;李二强,2016年毕业,现在河南科技大学工作;杨少军,2016年毕业,现在福建师范大学,副教授;沈永红,2016年毕业,现在天水师范学院,副教授;刘秋梅,2018年毕业,华北理工大学工作;李娟, 2018年毕业,河南师范大学工作;钟昱, 2018年毕业,现在北方工业大学工作;孟肖丽,2018年毕业,现在北京大学博士后工作;陈凡红,2019年毕业,现在燕京理工学院工作;韩元良,2019年毕业,现在华北科技学院工作;王凯,2019年毕业,现在烟台大学工作;刘奇,2019年毕业,现在湖北民族学院工作;已经毕业的硕士:张俊芳,2004年毕业,现在北京农学院工作;吴亚凤,2005年毕业,现在北京劳动关系学院工作;刘艳民,2005年毕业,现在美国;王玲玲,2006年毕业,原在教育出版社工作,现在杨在苏,2013年毕业,现在北京百能公司工作;刘静, 2013年毕业,现在北京工作;邬宝月,2014年毕业,现在北京工作;温宇飞,2019年毕业。在读博士生:范超赞,沈冲,石毅,周小五,杨慧,闫智博,赵芳芳,魏晓伟,董彦彦在读硕士: conference talks and invited presentations 1. 参加了2006年2. 参加了2011年奥地利举办的模糊逻辑和模糊拓扑国际会议并做了报告,地点:林茨。3. 参加了2016 international conference of the honam mathematical society》(6月16-18)并做了报告,地点:chonbuk national university, jeonju, republic of kore。4. 参加了2018年汕头拓扑学学术交流会并做了报告。地点:汕头大学。5. 举办了2019年闽南师范大学模糊凸空间及其相关理论学术研讨会,并做了报告。地点:漳州,闽南师范大学。6. 协助牡丹江师范学院举办了2019年模糊数学与模糊系统常务理事会,地点:牡丹江。 conference organization 1. 举办了 2010年《the 1nd international symposium on fuzzy topology and related topics》会议,地点:北京理工大学中关村校区。2. 举办了2018年《the 2nd international symposium on fuzzy topology and related topics》会议,地点:北京房山区良乡北方温泉酒店。4. 与北京交通大学联合举办了2014中国系统工程学会模糊数学与模糊系统委员会第十七届年会(8月),地点:北京交通大学。5. 举办了2017年模糊凸空间及其相关理论学术研讨会(2月),地点:北京良乡大学城橄榄树酒店。6. 与闽南师范大学联合举办了2019年模糊凸空间及其相关理论学术研讨会(1月18–1月22日),地点:福建漳州宾馆。7. 作为组织委员会和学术委员会成员(参与)举办的国内和国际会议多次。如    2017年度北京运筹学年会(11月),地点:北京农业大学。  2018年度北京运筹学年会(11月),地点:北京航空航天大学。  2018年不确定性数学与智能科学国际学术会议(6月),地点:西北大学。 grants & scholarships assessor international refereed journals 担任《iranian journal of fuzzy systems》(sci)、《journal of advanced studies in topology》、《asian journal of fuzzy and applied mathematics》、《数学实践与认识》、《数学研究期刊》和《模糊系统与数学》等杂志的编委,德国《zentralblatt math》的评论员。审稿杂志如下:《fuzzy sets and systems》、《information sciences》、《computers and mathematics with applications》、《journal of the korean mathematical society》、《iranian journal of fuzzy systems》、《hacettepe journal of mathematics and statistics》、《j. fuzzy math.》、《isrn geometry 》、《asian journal of fuzzy and applied mathematics》、《journal of advanced studies in topology》、《数学研究期刊》、《模糊系统与数学》、《科学通报》、《数学学报》、《数学进展》、《数学研究与评论》、《数学杂志》、《模糊系统与数学》等等。 international refereed proceedings

