










《核算机网络——自顶向下办法》james f.kurose
























1. 根柢信息:名字、年纪、家乡、本科学校和专业、作业阅历、报考的专业和方向、快乐喜爱喜爱

good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers and professors. i am very glad to be here for this interview. my name is wu jiangyong. i am xx years old. i come from jingzhou, hubei province, a small city of ease.

my undergraduate period had accomplished in university of science and technology beijing in 2015. i major in computer science and technology. after graduation i worked in a startup company as an android developer for a short time. and now, i am working as a qa in a listed company. since qa means quality assurance, most of my work is about develop management or project management.

when i was at school, i learnt courses about computer languages, about computer basic theories and about computer applications. generally speaking, i know about the fundamental theories and master some basic skills. however, the longer i work , the more strong feeling of short of knowledge i have.

owing to my great interest with big data and machine learning, i choose the technology and application of big data as my research direction

. i hope i can learn more and make a progress in this field in the days to come.

besides study and work, in my spare time i like to go to climbing, go to camping and take a photograph. i reached the highest peak of beijing several times. almost every time we would camp on the half way up the mountain. as for photography, i like to take portrait, landscape, architecture.

today, i am trying my best for obtaining a key to peking university. hope i could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses at this place which i have desired for a long time. once admitted into pku, i will spare no efforts in studying and making myself become a better professional in computer science.

that’s all, thank you for your attention. thank you for considering me as a potential candidate.

2. 介绍快乐喜爱喜爱、性格、才能和优缺陷

i am kind and friendly. always ready to help others. i am outgoing and easygoing, so i can always get on well with other.

i like outdoor activities, such cycling, climbing, camping, photography and watching movies. i like science fiction film. my favorite movie is westworld, actually it’s a tv serial. the story takes place in the fictional westworld. it’s a technologically advanced park populated by android hosts. people pay money to come the park, do something illegal to seek thriller, they don’t have to take any responsibility for murder, rob or any other things, because these victims are robots. these robots repeat their life day after another day. finally, they have consciousness and realize the truth, and then they resist , they plan to escape from the park.

i suppose my strengths are i’m persistent and a fast-learner, careful, attention to detail, work with perseverance, patience. my weakness is that sometimes to serious, may lead to inefficient.

3. 介绍家人

i was born in a rural family, my parents are both peasants. they have a tough, hard life. they sacrificed everything, work very hard to raise my three elder sisters and me, funded me to attend school. i owe them too much and it’s not enough to pay them back even with my whole lifetime. i have a wise, responsible mother and a gentle father. they are my best teachers and i learnt a lot from them. as for my three elder sisters, they all married already. they love me very much since i was born. they have given me many help and i am much indebted to them

4. 介绍家乡(水本钱,栽培,养殖,小龙虾,前史,名人,名胜,美食)

i come from a small city called jinzhou, located in a middle province of china, hubei. it’s more than 1400 km from beijing. jingzhou is rich in water resource, so it’s suitable to develop planting industry and aquaculture industry.

people in my hometown plant much kind of crops, such as rice, soybean, sesame and rape, and feed much kind of fish. so my hometown is called land of fish and rice.

what’s more, jinzhou is also a famous historical city. people know about it from the novel the romance of the three kingdoms. as we know, jingzhou is a hotspot in military in ancient china, so liu bei once lent jingzhou from sun quan, and never returns to him. besides, jingzhou is hometown to many famous people, such as wu zixu, zhang juzheng and so on.

people in my hometown are very friendly and hospitable. and welcome to jingzhou!

5. 介绍母校(前史、校训、特征专业、最难忘的回想、同学、教师)

i was graduated from university of science and technology beijing. ustb was founded in 1952, so it’s about 67 years old. it is renowned for its study of metal and materials science. it was chosen to be part of china’s “211 project”. the university’s motto is rigorous in learning and research and venerating practice.

i will never forget the campus’s two big canteens. each of them is four stories high. each floor can accommodate 2000 students at least at the same time. for me, the most unforgettable food of ustb is fried chicken. it’s really delicious. i do not know how they cook it, but it tastes very good. besides, it’s much cheap. they sell it only four yuan.

my favorite teacher is mrs. li. she teaches history. it’s a public optional course. all the students like her for her passion and humor in class. she is not just showing us the ppt on the screen. she writes a lot on blackboard and her handwriting is very good.

my best friend of ustb is. let’s just call him liu. liu and i have the same hobby, we are both outgoing and we are members of primitive tribe. primitive tribe is a students’ club. this club organizes outdoor activities, such as skiing, climbing, camping, rock climbing and so on. liu and i often go out have some fun together. we know each other well and we keep in touch with each other until now.

6. 介绍本科学的专业课程和结业论文

my major is computer science and technology. the courses of my major can be divided into three categories. the first is computer language, such c, c++ and java. the second is about computer basic theory, like operation system, computer network, data structure. the third is about computer application, like artificial intelligence, data warehouse and data mining.

among these courses, i’m interested in most is data structure. it tells us how the data organized. sometimes is a vector, sometimes is a stack. sometimes they are arranged like a queue, sometimes they are arranged like a tree. there are many kinds of structures you can choose, but when you make a choice, you have to think about the efficiency. how long it will cost and how much space it will take up. our job is to finish the things done with shortest time and least amount of space.

my dissertation is the development of im software based on android.

7. 擅长的课程、言语、用该言语做过啥

8. 项目、作业阅历

actually, it has been a bit long time before i left the last company. may i tell you something about my current job and the company i work for now?

i work in surfilter as a qa now. qa means quality assurance. surfilter is a listed company which provides it service solutions for state enterprises and public institutions, such as ministry of public security, ministry of industry and information, bank and so on. most of our product is about public security, information security and network security. one of the company’s product is about online finance. it aims at finding out irregular load platform and monitoring its illegal operations, and then reports those information to the government. other product can help police to find out criminal suspect or to find out online remarks those against the government.

as a qa, my responsibility is to guarantee the quality of the software by tracking the project from the beginning to the end, by controlling develop procedure. make sure every member of the team, including project manager, develop manager, developer, and test, make sure that what they do must obey the principles. they should write requirement documents, design documents and any other necessary documents. before coding, wbs must be finished. before testing, test case must be reviewed. we do it like this and then the project has a greater possibility to become a success, it will be more possible for our guest to accept the software.

9. 介绍大数据技能与使用方向(大数据的概念、特征、用处、常用算法、专业、自个的观点)

big data means large collections of data. with the development of information technology and mobile internet, people produce massive data every day. many valuable clues can be found from those data, so how to get data, how to process data, and how to apply them become focus recently. the big data and its accompanying technology like data acquisition, data storage, data cleaning, data mining and data visualization becoming increasingly valued by people.

with the help of technology of big data, police in los angles can prevent the crime from happening, because they can predict where the crime scene will be. 谷歌 can forecast how the birds’ flu spread. scientists can predict who will be the winner of the us presidential election.

big data has a strong relationship with cloud computing. since the data is volume, so it can’t be processed by just one or a few computers, and it has to be processed by lots of computers which are organized with distributed architecture.

actually, a few days ago, i read a book named big data, its chinese name is 《大数据年代》。in the writer’s opinion, big data will lead to a revolution that will transform how we live, how we work, and how we think. the book tells us the writer’s three principles of big data. first, big data is not random sample, but the whole data. second, big data is not accurate, but messy. third, big data is not causality, but correlation. i have no doubt with the first two viewpoints. as we know, ibm put forward 5vs to describe big data: they are volume, velocity, variety, value, veracity. according to the 5vs, big data must be the whole data and messy. but i do not agree with the third viewpoint. i do not think correlation is more important than causality. maybe the writer wants to make his book more attractive, so he put forward such sharp opinion.

10. 介绍大数据和机器学?惴ǎā妒菘夥亢褪莘⒕颉罚?br>

data warehouse is a system used for reporting and data analysis. i learnt some algorithms about big data and machine learning, such as apriori, knn, and k-means.

apriori is an algorithm for frequent item set mining and association rule learning over transactional databases. apriori uses breadth-first search and a hash tree structure to count candidate item sets efficiently.

na?ve bayes is a kind of classification algorithm. it based on a common principle: the classifiers assume that the value of a particular feature is independent of the value of any other feature. this principle may lead to inaccurate classification.

as for knn, it’s also a kind of classification algorithm.

k-means is a kind of aggregation algorithm. it aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean.

these algorithms can mine valuable information from big data. they are all useful tools to process data.

11. 报考北大、报考这个方向的缘由(地舆方位、名校、有同学、专业抢手、自个喜爱)

the big data and machine learning is a hot issue.

12. 北京的形象、北大的形象


beijing is the center of politics, culture and diplomacy of the whole nation. it’s a big city with many places of interest, with many universities and colleges, with many companies, both start-up and listed company and also with many people. i have been in beijing for more than 6 years. many changes have taken place in this place during the past 6 years. firstly, the traffic of beijing improved a lot recent years. in 2011, there is not much subway. but now, beijing has almost 20 subway lines and it relieve the ground traffic pressure effectively. secondly, air quality of beijing improved a lot. when i was still a student, i remember that people have to wear a mask when winter comes. due to great efforts of the government, people do not concerned at the state of air in the capital at all. thirdly, with the improvement of living conditions, more and more people come here and stay. it’s more competitive for students to apply for a college and for people to find a job.

i like photography, and i like taking landscape. at the same time, i am also fond of cultural relics. so i often go to the summer palace, it’s my favorite park. the summer palace have glorious palaces and a big lake named kunming lake. the beautiful scenery and rich cultural connotation of the summer palace attracted people from all over the world, including me. what impressed me most is the bridge of the park. there are nearly 20 bridges in the park. each of them is different.

it is the best university of china. i have been dreaming of getting into peking university since i was a little child. this university brings together the most talented students and top professors of the whole nation even the whole world. i am looking forward to studying and working with them, improving myself, repaying my parents. that’s why i am applying for peking university.

the campus is very beautiful, with many traditional style buildings and beautiful scenery. it’s known for its boya tower, weiming lake, and the library. people call them three together “一塔湖图”. i like going ice-skating on weiming lake in winter and sometimes taking a walk in langrun yuan.

13. 研讨生的学习方案

in the first year, have a good study of my lessons and get high scores; learn some algorithms about big data. read some papers which are related to my research direction.

in the second year, take part in an internship in the teacher’s lab or an it company and keep studying.

in the third year, finish my final dissertation carefully and seriously and graduate with honors.

14. 作业方案

after 4 years’ postgraduate study, i would like to stay at school to do further research in the field of big data and machine learning, get my doctor’s degree. or work as a research developer in an it giant, apply what i will have learnt to practice.

15. 双学位

my english dissertation is the comparison and contrast of jin’s and xiao’s translations of ulysses from the perspectives of domestication and foreignization.

domestication is similar to free translation, foreignization is similar to literal translation. but domestication and foreignization are much more complicate. it’s not just about the processing form and meaning in the level of language. they focus on the differences of the two translations from cultural aspect, linguistic aspect, aesthetic aspect.

fox example, if you translate 饺子 into dumpling, this is domestication. but if you translate 饺子 into jiaozi, this is foreignization.

james joyce was an irish novelist. he is regarded as one of the most important authors of the 20th century. joyce is best known for ulysses. other well-known works are the short-story collection dubliners , and the novels a portrait of the artist as a young man. there is a book list name the top 100 english novel. joyce’s ulysses ranks first and the two other works are on the list too.

ulysses is a modernist novel written by irish writer, james joyce. it is considered to be one of the most important works of modernist literature. the book describes the hero’s experience of an ordinary day in dublin.


0. 方案方法

1) 单例方法

2) 笼统工厂方法和工厂方法

3) 适配器方法

4) 装饰方法

5) 调查者方法

6) 外观方法

7) 模板办法方法

8) 缔造者方法

9) 署理方法

10) 原型方法

11) 迭代器方法

12) 战略方法

1. 数据规划

1) 快排、平衡二叉树、双栈完成行列的代码

2) 链表里怎么找到环的进口

3) 常见的排序算法及其凌乱度

4) 常见的查找算法及其凌乱度

5) 快排的思维

6) 树的界说

7) 二叉树的界说

8) 判别链表环

9) 直接刺进排序:o(n),o(n^2),o(n^2),o(1)

10) 减半刺进排序:o(nlogn),o(n^2),o(n^2),o(1)

11) 希尔排序:o( ),o(nlogn),o(n^2),o(1)

12) 冒泡排序:o(n),o(n^2),o(n^2),o(1)

13) 快速排序:o(nlogn),o(nlogn),o(n^2),o(logn)

14) 简略选择排序:o(n^2),o(n^2),o(n^2),o(1)

15) 堆排序:o(nlogn),o(nlogn),o(nlogn),o(1)

16) 二路归并排序:o(nlogn),o(nlogn),o(nlogn),o(n)

17) 基数排序:o( ),o(d(n+r)),o(d(n+r)),o(r)

18) 外排

20) 次序查找:o(n)

21) 减半查找:o(logn)

22) 散列表:翻开地址法,平方探查法,链地址表

23) 树和二叉树的变换

24) 求若干序列的一切公共子序列

25) 欧拉图、哈密尔顿图

2. 核算机网络

1) udp和tcp的差异

2) tcp/ip体系规划,各层的协议及其差异

3) osi体系规划(英文全称),各层的协议

4) tcp三次握手和四次握手

5) 数据链路层封装成帧办法

6) dns查询的递归和迭代

7) 邮件的发送进程

8) http的耐久性和非耐久性联接

9) 各层的物理设备及阻隔的播送域、冲突域

10) 处置ip不可用:cidr,ipv6,nat

11) nat的地址规模01-00-5e

12) aloha(纯、时隙)

13) csma协议

14) csma/cd协议

15) 中止-等候协议

16) gbn

17) sr

18) 奇校验和偶校验的差异

19) 4种组帧的办法

20) 物理层的四中物理特性:机械、电气、功用、规程

21) 电路、报文和分组交流的差异

22) 奈奎斯特定理、香农定理

23) osi参阅模型的三个概念

24) osi和tcp/ip在网络层和传输层的联接与无联接

25) 各协议运用的端标语

26) 网卡的会集作业方法:播送、多播、直接、混杂

3. 操作体系

1) 饥饿和死锁的差异

2) 奇偶校验

3) 线程和进程的差异

4) 进程的三个文件标明符

5) pcb包括哪些:pid、状况、行列指针、优先级

6) 进程状况

7) 进程调度的算法

8) 进程的通讯

9) pv的内部完成(两个函数)

10) 死锁和饥饿的差异

11) 死锁的条件

12) 处置死锁的办法

13) 时刻和空间部分性

14) i/o控制方法

15) 磁盘调度算法

16) 动态内存分配方法

17) 虚拟内存:有些装入、恳求调入、置换功用

18) 通明

19) 黑盒和通明的差异

20) 分段和分页的差异

21) 页面置换算法

22) 体系调用

23) 操作体系的四个特性:并发、虚拟、同享、异步

24) 同步机制遵从的四个原则

25) 内部碎片和外部碎片

26) 编译、联接与装入

27) 联接的三种方法

28) 装入的三种方法

29) 交流与掩盖

30) 真假物理地址变换

31) spooling

32) belady表象

33) 颤动

34) 页面分配战略:固定分配部分置换、可变分配全局置换、可变分配部分置换

4. c、c++

1) 指针的作用

2) 类和类间的联络,及其uml图

3) 引证传递

4) 二级及多级指针

5) 封装、继承和多态

6) 规划办法

7) 值、指针、引证传参办法

8) static 静态反常

9) const 常量

10) 重载和重写

11) 面向目标

12) 虚函数

13) 堆和栈

14) 内存包括哪几个区域

15) c++和c的差异

16) c++和java的差异

17) 接口和类的差异(能否实例化、是不是有规划函数、成员是不是有润饰符)

18) 类和类的联络:泛化(继承)= 完成、组合、聚合、相关、依靠

5. 数据库

1) 第一范式:特征不可以分

2) 第二范式:消除有些依靠

3) 第三范式:消除传递依靠

4) bc范式:主特征不依靠于主特征

5) 事务及其四个特性:原子性、耐久性、共同性、阻隔性

6) 数据的操作:选择、投影、天然联接、笛卡尔积、并、差

7) drop、delete、truncate 的差异

8) 索引的作用

9) 索引的类型:一般索引、主键索引、仅有索引、全文索引、集合索引

10) 主键和索引的差异

11) 数据库的联络无缺性:实体无缺性、域无缺性、参照无缺性、用户界说无缺性

12) 保证数据库平安的三种办法:用户标识与辨别、存取控制(权限控制)、审计

6. 软件查验

1) 黑盒查验:等价区别、鸿沟值分析、因果图法

2) 白盒查验:逻辑掩盖、循环语句

3) 单元查验→集成查验→体系查验→查验查验

4) 集成查验的两种办法

5) 兼容性查验、功能查验、功用查验

6) 缺陷的生命周期:提交、招认、分配、批改、验证、关闭

7. 软件工程

1) 软件开发模型:瀑布模型、增量模型、快速原型模型、螺旋模型、灵敏进程和极限编程

2) 软件开发的生命周期:疑问界说、可行性研讨、需要分析、全体方案、具体方案、编码和单元查验、归纳查验、运转维护

3) 集成查验:自顶向下、自底向上

4) 获取需要的办法

5) 软件工程三要素

8. 大数据

1) 数据库房的界说

2) 分类算法(规划分类器):朴素贝叶斯,knn,svm

3) 聚类算法:k-means,

4) 朴素贝叶斯算法:求后验概率,根据练习的数据计算;条件独立性的假定;

5) apriori算法:发掘相关规则的频频项集算法:一个项集是频频项集,它的一切子项集都是频频项集;一个项集不是频频项集,那么它的一切超项集也都不是频频项集。








6) k-means:根据间隔的聚类算法





7) svm(有监督的学习模型):

8) 机器学习

10. 构成原理

1) 中止机制

11. java

1) 反射机制

2) 线程完成的办法(thread、runnable)

3) sleep( )、yeild( )、join( )

4) 线程的五种状况:创建、放置稳当、运转、堵塞、中止

5) 状况变换:new( )、start( )、sleep( )、join( )、run( )

6) 集结类(collection:set、map、list)

7) set:hashset、treeset、

8) list:arraylist、linkedlist

9) map:hashmap、treemap

10) public、protect、default、private

11) synchronized同步锁(代码块、办法、类)

12) 泛型(类、接口、办法、):通用自界说数据类型

13) 字节约:inputstream(read( )、close( )、fileinputstream、objectinputstream)、outputstream(write( )、close( )、flush( ))

14) 字符流:reader(read( )、close( )、filereader、inputstreamreader)、writer(write( )、close( )、flush( )、filewriter、outputstreamwriter)

12. android

1) android的体系架构

2) 四大组件

3) activity的生命周期及其变换

4) 常用五种规划

5) 五种数据存储方法

6) activity的建议方法

7) 如何启用service

8) service的生命周期

9) 注册播送的两种方法

10) message、handle、message queue、looper的联络

11) mvc

12) anr

13) aidl

14) ndk

13. xmpp

1) 概述:根据xml的协议

2) 界说了三个人物:客户端、效能器、网关

3) xmpp客户端,有必要撑持的功用




4) xmpp效能器,遵从的两个首要规则



5) xmpp网关

6) 体系特征:客户机/效能器通讯方法,分布式网络,简略的客户端,xml的数据格局

7) 地址格局

8) 通讯原语:message,presence,iq

9) 效能端介绍:openfire

14. fpga

1) 硬件描绘言语verilog,界说

15. 英语面试

1) 毛遂自荐

2) 家乡、家庭

3) 自个的喜爱、性格、优缺陷

4) 母校的根柢情况,教师和同学

5) 本科学的课程,最喜爱哪个

6) 考研的意图

7) 结业论文

8) 项目和作业经历

9) 大数据的根柢情况

10) 北京和北大的形象

11) 你报考北大和大数据的缘由

12) 研讨生时刻的学习方案

13) 作业方案

14) 大数据和机器学习的算法

16. 2021年复试现场有些题汇总

1) 递归三要素

2) 口述汉诺塔算法

3) 一对对的数据,找出那个落单的

4) 和为定值x的一切三个数

5) 树中两个结点的迩来公共祖先

6) 二叉树求直径

7) 矩阵,广度优先查找

8) 两个单链表相交

9) 括号匹配

10) 两个行列求公共子序列

11) 网络操作体系

12) java的废物收回机制:gc回来搜狐,查看更多


