


















write on the topic of “something that inspired me” of no less than 300 words.?



it was a bitter winter morning with heavy wind blowing. owing to the necessity of attending an important activity, i had to leave home early. whereas my alarm went wrong, i did not get up early as expected. as a consequence, i was forced to get hurried. feeling the urgency to buy breakfast fast to save time, i tried my hardest to finish the whole purchase as quickly as possible.


however, when i turned to leave the stall, some imbalance occurred and my breakfast fell to the ground losing the grip of my hand. the porridge was all over the area, which displayed a disgusting scene. as soon as i came to borrow some clean tools to clear the dirty spot, a sanitation worker hurried to rescue my dilemma. feeling sorry and embarrassed, i apologized to the worker for what i had done. so i stayed there to clean the mass with the worker. during the process, curiosity pushed me to learn more about their job. we chatted a lot about the routine of the work, which prompted me to know that they would get up so early at about four or five in the morning no matter in summer or winter, while they did not receive much salary and gain some people’s respect. furthermore, the worker also lamented the misconduct of some young men who threw rubbish along the way sometimes, which really increased their burden. hearing their hard work and strenuous pain, i paid far more respect for them and became embarrassed and guilty for my accident causing a hassle to him.


that incident of the conversation with the worker gave me a lesson of paying more attention to our behaviors in order to decrease the hassles for them. also, it inspired me to become more solicitous about the job of cleaner workers and understand them more.



这道小作文的标题归于非常经典的出题作文,而若调查上外近年的小作文查询方法可以发现大都小作 是半出题的方法,尽管考题中不会清楚捆绑表达方法就是记叙文,可是从标题的指涉性来看,是鼓舞学生写记叙文的。




回到标题,启迪了叙说者的“something”,当然这可所以一件实践的物品,也可所以一个作业。但在有限的文章中要体现出写作者的功力,破题时先要构思内容,以小见大,从小事 ,从点到面,见微知著;再思考最佳呈现的方法,感染读者。


可以从切身详尽的调查 ,写稀松往常缺反应其时社会抢手论题的作业,如年青人的躺平文明、性别对等、关怀留守儿童与老人等自个调查到的新闻并实践遇到的作业,较为可以感悦耳。在内容过关的情况下,再留心行文逻辑与表达,小词的运用(小作文这一点特别重要),便能拿到比照好的成果。





(以2021英语归纳中高文文真题为例)write an?essay of comment?of?no less than 400 words based?on the passage about?“stereotype”…?



comment on stereotypes

stereotypes have aroused bitter controversy among a great many of professionals in some academic areas. those who hold optimistic perspective towards stereotypes maintain that they make it possible and convenient for us to deal with a certain set of circumstances according to the existing experiences. but those pessimists think otherwise, for stereotypes also have us neglect individual differences, and thus lead to our incorrect decisions. taking the views from both sides into account, i am inclined to agree with the later one.


to begin with, stereotypes exert a peculiar illusion on many people. for city dw

ellers, the quiet life of the country appears to be more fascinating towards them and is regarded as a means of freeing them from city strains and anxieties. such idyllic pastoral scene as the twittering of birds, the fresh air and the sunlight glinting on the trees and flowers has always been appealing to people in the town. however, this is only part of the picture. let us suppose that you are living in a village where everything is pleasant but poor telephone signals, poor traffic services and poor selection of goods in the shops. can you stand staying there for a long time? i am afraid that quite a few of people might not do so, for we live in a society where we cannot do without phones and wifi. from the instance above mentioned, we observe that it is our stereotypes about country life that enable us to consider it superior to city life.


in addition to the illusions brought by stereotypes, the hindrance to the nature of something novel should also be taken into consideration. everything in this world keeps coming and going, never to come to a halt. a situation that is being regarded as absolutely reasonable may be overthrown and prove to be absurd one day, as it did in the case of copernicus who has found out that the earth and some other planets revolve around the sun at the center of the solar system. in copernicus’ time, churches had firmly believed in the theory that the earth is the center of the universe, for the bible told them so. but with the advent of astronomy, certain scientists including copernicus transformed their stereotypes on the earth gradually. in this way, stereotypes serve as obstacles to the development of science.


to conclude, though stereotypes are inevitable in our daily life, considerable reasoning should be thoughtfully taken when we come to them. in the light of this statement, a mind of dialectic is essential for us to break a common situation where stereotypes prevail.







这一篇学生作文操练质量较好,关于标题中的第一种观念 行了驳斥,再撑持第二种观念,全文不管是从写作逻辑仍是表达来说都是较为流通的。






















