





goat是greatest of all time的首字母缩写,意思是“史上最凶狠的人”,源自自拳击运动,后指在某一特定运动项目中,在竞赛、扮演或参加方面体现最佳的人。
a lot of older guys still insist it’s jordan, even though lebron is clearly the goat.


the pandemic has transformed lives and?livelihoods.


雅思 托福 专8
live.li.hood/?la?v.li.h?d/日子来历;饭碗,生计(the way someone earns) the money people need to pay for food, a place to live, clothing, etc.【例句】it’s difficult to earn a livelihood as an artist.搞艺术很难营生。【词根词缀】live (= life )生命?+ -ly ( y 变 i )描述词词尾?+ -hood 名词词尾
but it’s changed the little details, too – like the language we use -?peppering?our everyday speech with scientific?terms?like “social distancing,”?”superspreader” and “asymptomatic”.
pep.per/?pep.?r $ -?/【熟词僻义】除了“胡椒粉”以及“甜椒,灯笼椒”的意思外,还可以做动词:
①在…上许多撒;使…布满if something is peppered with things, it has a lot of those things in it or on it?【分配】pepper sth with sth【例句】he peppered his speech with jokes.他在演说中刺进了许多笑话。【近义表达】sprinkle,spatter
②接连射击if bullets pepper something, they hit it several times【例句】machine gun fire peppered the front of the building.机枪的火力不断进犯大楼的正面。【近义表达】pelt, bombard, shower
③pepper sb with questions连珠炮似的向或人发问【例句】reporters peppered him with questions.记者们连珠炮似的向他发问。
④给(食物)加胡椒粉to add pepper to food【例句】pepper the steak well.将胡椒粉均匀地撒在牛排上。?
term?/t??m $ t??m/除了有“条款”,“学期”等意思外,还指“术语,专门称号;措词”a word or expression used in relation to a particular subject, often to describe something official or technical【例句】‘multimedia’ is the term for any technique combining sounds and images.“多媒体”一词是指任何能把声响和图像联系起来的技能。【近义分析】lexicon, term, vocabulary, word, language这组词都有“文字,词,言语”的意思,但差异很大:
“we’ve all had to become?amateur?epidemiologists and familiarize ourselves with these terms that normally we’d expect to be in some journal article somewhere.”
am.a.teur?/??m.?.t?r $ -t??/
①adj.业余喜爱的,非作业的taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job【例句】he was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned professional. 40岁之?幌蚴歉鲆涤喔枋郑蟛抛饕蹈枋帧!窘灞泶铩縩on-professional,amateurish,sandlot
②n.业余喜爱者;业余运建议a person who takes part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job
③外行;粗通(某一行)的人(含贬义)someone who does not have much skill in what they do – disapproving?【例句】only amateurs make this kind of mistake.只需外行才会犯这种差错。
【词根词缀】词根词缀:?-am-?爱?+ -ateur ( -ator )名词词尾 , 人【词源】amateur 直接借自法语 , 而法语词则源于拉丁语 amator ‘ lover’?,其词根为 amare ‘ love’?,故严肃地说 amateur 的意思应为“喜爱者”,当今多指“业余喜爱者”,即不是为了钱而出于喜爱去从事某项活动或研讨的人。love 用于网球等竞赛中的词义正是据此发生的。英语有个陈旧的词组 play for the money or play for love ,其间 play for love 逐步转义为 play for nothing 。因而两个多世纪以来 love 一向被用以标明“零分”。关于这一点还有一种说明 , 认为在网球从法国传人英国时, love 即被赋予此义。因为数字 o 形似蛋 , 所以法国人意图为“蛋”的 loeuf 来标明”零分”。英国人读错音 , 并将它同发音近似的 love 相联络,一朝一夕就变为 love.
ben zimmer is a linguist and language columnist for the wall street journal.
本·齐默(ben zimmer)是《华尔街日报》的言语学家和言语专栏作家。
he says a lot of the words that came up fresh to many people in 2021 had existed in scholarly literature for decades.
“so for example ‘contact tracing’ is attested from 1910. been in use for well over a century. there’s an example from an australian medical journal talking about school epidemics… back in 1910 and they’re talking about contact tracing as something a school nurse would need to do to?figure out?who was infected.”
四级 六级 考研
figure sb/sth out
①?弄懂,搞理解to think about sb/sth until you understand them/it?【例句】can you figure out how to do it?你能弄理解怎么做吗?【近义表达】have a handle on,make out,make certain
②核算(数量或本钱)to calculate an amount or the cost of sth【例句】have you figured out how much the trip will cost?旅行要花多少费用你算出来没有?【近义表达】calculate,work out,estimate
and the term quarantine – which?derives from?a renaissance-era italian word, meaning a 40-day waiting period for ships arriving from plague-stricken ports -?dates back?centuries. but it took on new life during the pandemic.
de.rive?/d??ra?v/?得到,获得(优势或开心的感触)to get something, especially an advantage or a pleasant feeling, from something?derive sth from sth例句】zuijie derived great pleasure from learning english.最姐从学英语中得到极大的快乐喜爱。
?derive from sth / be derived from sth?从…衍生出;来历于;来自to come or develop from sth?【例句】the word ‘politics’ is derived from a greek word meaning ‘city’. 英语

四级 六级 考研
date back (to…)追溯到;始于;自…至今to have existed since a particular time in the past or for the length of time mentioned?【例句】the custom dates back hundreds of years.这一风俗可以追溯到几百年前。
“everyone’s talking about quarantining and it starts generating all these new forms as well… drink your quarantini… you can grow a quaranbeard…and on and on and on as people got creative by taking these words and forming new innovative expressions out of them.”
zimmer also?chairs?the new words committee, for the american dialect society. at a recent virtual meeting, they voted on the 2021 word of the year.
chair/t?e?r $ t?er/【熟词僻义】除了“椅子,主席”的意思,还可以作动词,标明“ 担任(会议或委员会)的主席;掌管”to be the chairperson of a meeting or committee【例句】would you like to chair tomorrow’s meeting? 你情愿掌管明日的会议吗?
selecting from candidates like “doomscrolling” or “social distancing” and “unprecedented” — the group ultimately chose a different word, which, unlike the others, was newly coined in 2021, and truly defined what turned out to be a terrible year:
coin/k??n/【熟词僻义】除了“硬币”的意思,还可以作动词,标明“创造,臆造(新词或新的表达);初度运用(某一词语)”to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time【例句】he coined the term “flower power”. 他创造了 flower power这一说法。【词源】coin 的原意并非“硬币”,而是铸造硬币的模具。它来自拉丁语 cuneus (楔子),因为古罗马时期用来冲压硬币的模子的形状是楔形的,故此得名。由此衍生出“铸造、创造、臆造”之意,最终才演化为标明硬币。【最姐说】说起coin,最姐一般会记起两个短语:
?to coin a phrase套用一句老话;用老话来说【例句】oh well, no news is good news, to coin a phrase.噢,常言道,没有消息就是好消息。
?coin it/money?简略地赚大钱,发大财,暴富to be earning a lot of money quickly【例句】they are really coining it/money with their new cd.他们凭仗自个的新唱片着真实赚大钱。

