



why a cyberwar won’t happen

考研英语阅览论题— 网络大战





part one: 原文

ⅰexactly two decades ago, the rand corporation, an?influential?think tank,?proclaimed?that “cyberwar is coming!” in 2005, the us air force declared it would now “fly, fight, and win in cyberspace”. the future of war would surely?play out?in that fifth?domain,?on top of?land, sea, air and space. dark warnings of “cyber pearl harbor” soon became a?staple?of washington?discourse.

ⅱwhat would an act of cyberwar look like? history suggests three features. to count as an armed attack, a computer?breach?would need to be violent. if it can’t hurt or kill, it can’t be war. an act of cyberwar would also need to be instrumental. in a military?confrontation, one party generally uses force to?compel?the other party to do something they would otherwise not do. finally, it would need to be political, in the sense that one opponent says, “if you don’t do x, we’ll strike you.” that’s the gist of two centuries of strategic thought.

ⅲno past cyberattack meets these criteria. very few meet even a single one. never has a human been injured or hurt as an immediate consequence of a cyberattack. never did a state coerce another state by cyberattack. very rarely did state-sponsored offenders?take credit for?an attack. so if we’re talking about war—the real thing, not a metaphor, as in the “war on drugs”—then cyberwar has never happened in the past, is not taking place at present, and seems unlikely in the future.

ⅳthat is not to say that cyberattacks do not happen. a computer breach could cause an electricity?blackout?or interrupt a city’s water supply, although that also has never happened. if that isn’t war, what is it? such attacks are better understood as sabotage.

ⅴcode-borne sabotage is a real risk. industrial control systems run all sorts of things that move fast and can burn: trains, gas pipelines,?civilian?aircraft, etc. many of these are highly?susceptible?to breaches, and information about system?vulnerabilities?is easily available. even so, the number of violent computer-sabotage attacks against western targets is zero, because causing havoc through weaponised code is harder than it looks. target intelligence is needed. control systems are often?configured?for specific tasks, limiting the possibility of?generic?attacks. even if they happened, such attacks may not constitute a use of force.

ⅵthe concept of cyberwar is?misleading. closer examination of the facts reveals that what is happening is the opposite of war: computer breaches are less violent than old-style attacks. violent sabotage is harder if it is done through computers, while non-violent sabotage is now easier and is happening more often: crashing websites, deleting files and so on.?

ⅶthe armed forces need to stay focused on fighting and winning the real wars of the future. that’s hard enough. let us not?militarise?the struggle for the free and liberal internet today.?

part two: 词汇短语


1.influential [??nflu?en?l]?a.有影响力的

2.think tank 智囊团

3.proclaim?[pr??kle?m] v. 宣告,发布

4.play out 发生,呈现

5.domain?[d??me?n] n.领域

6.on top of 除……之外(还)

7.staple[?ste?pl] n. 主题




se?[?d?sk?:s] n.说话

9.breach [bri:t?] n. 损坏,违规


11.compel?[k?m?pel] v.强逼



12.take credit for 因……而获得好评



13.blackout?[?bl?ka?t] n.停电



14.civilian?[s??v?li?n] a.民用的

15.susceptible?[s??sept?bl] a.易受影响的

16.vulnerability?[?v?ln?r?’b?l?t?] n. 易受进犯性

17.configure?[k?n?f?g?(r)]?v. 装备,设定,使成形

18.generic?[d???ner?k] a. 一般的,一般的



19.misleading?[?m?s?li:d??] a. 误导性的

20.militarise?[‘m?l?t?ra?z] v. 军事化,军国化

21.*gist?[d??st] n.主旨(第2段)


23.*sabotage?[?s?b?tɑ:?] n. 成心损坏(第4段)

24.*havoc?[?h?v?k] n.大损坏(第5段)


part three: 长难句语法指点

very rarely? ?did

否定意义词组在句首 ,整句半倒装


? ? ? ? ? ? ?主语

take credit for? ?an attack.

谓语? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ??宾语


part four: 写作句型学习


very rarely did sb take credit for sth?



very rarely did state-sponsored offenders?take credit for?an attack.



no+n.+ meet these criteria.



no past cyberattack meets these criteria.



