

passage2注解:标题为赤色,翻译为蓝色,分析为绿色。? ? ? ? it is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom — or at least confirm that he’s the kid’s dad. all he needs to do is shell out (shell标明动物的壳,还可以指其他外壳,可是shell out付出,出钱)?$30 for a paternity testing kit(成套东西) (ptk) at his local drugstore — and another $120 to get the results.
????????more than 60,000 people have purchased the ptks since they first become available without prescriptions(处方) last years, according to doug fogg, chief operating officer of identigene, which makes the over-the-counter(场外生意的,非挂牌的;非处方的=without prescriptions) kits. more than two dozen companies sell dna tests directly to the public, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2,500.
????????among the most popular: paternity and kinship(亲属联络,家族联络)? testing, which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption. dna testing is also the latest rage among passionate genealogists — and supports businesses that offer to search for a family’s geographic(地舆的,地舆学的(但这儿是指家族族谱的)) roots.
????????most tests require collecting cells by swabbing((用拭子搜集的)化验样本[医学词汇]) saliva(唾液[医学词汇]) in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. all tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare dna.
????????but some observers are skeptical. “there is a kind of false precision being hawked(叫卖) by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing,” says troy duster, a new york university sociologist. he notes that each individual has many ancestors — numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage(祖系谱), either the y chromosome(染色体) inherited through men in a father’s line or mitochondrial(线粒体的) dna, which is passed down only from mothers. this dna can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.
????????critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. databases used by some companies don’t rely on data collected s

ystematically but rather lump(成团的,把……归并在一同) together information from different research projects. this means that a dna database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others(指代其他区域), so a person’s test results may differ depending on the company that processes the results. in addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

文章?亩谓樯芰薲na 查验在美国使用的现状,
后边两段经过别人的观念阐明晰dna 查验存在的疑问。

26. in paragraphs 1 and 2, the text shows ptk’s _________.
[a] easy availability
[b] flexibility in pricing
[c] successful promotion
[d] popularity with households

27. ptk is used to ________.
[a] locate one’s birth place
[b] promote genetic research
[c] identify parent-child kinship
[d] choose children for adoption

28. skeptical observers believe that ancestry testing fails to________.
[a] trace distant ancestors
[b] rebuild reliable bloodlines
[c] fully use genetic information
[d] achieve the claimed accuracy

29. in the last paragraph, a problem commercial genetic testing faces is ________.
[a] disorganized data collection
[b] overlapping database building
[c] excessive sample comparison
[d] lack of patent evaluation

30. an appropriate title for the text is most likely to be________.
[a] fors and againsts of dna testing
[b] dna testing and its problems
[c] dna testing outside the lab
[d] lies behind dna testing

二、中心词汇与超纲词汇1.boost v.推进
2.paternal adj.父亲的,象父亲的
3.drugstore n.药店
4.kinship n.血缘联络
5.genealogist n.系谱专家,系谱专家
6.swabbing n.拖把,药签vt.拭抹,擦洗
7.saliva n.口水,唾液
8.hawk n.鹰,鹰派成员vi.放鹰,像鹰一般地突击vt.叫卖,捕捉,咳出,兜销
9.mitochondrial n.【生】线粒体

三、阅览答案:a c d a b四、全文翻译:?????????精明的父亲晓得自个的儿子,但如今,男人可以进一步前进自个作为父亲的才智——至少可以招认他是孩子的父亲。他需要花上 30 美元在家门口的药店里就可以买到父亲自份查验套装(ptk)——然后再花 120 美元就可以得到成果。
????????自从上一年这种 ptk 判定套装不再需要处方了之后,现已跨越 6 万人收购,doug fogg 泄露:他是出产这种 ptk 套装的基因辨认公司的首席运营官。有跨越 24 家公司向群众直销 dna 查验产品,这些产品价格从几十元到跨越 2500 美元不等。
????????其间最受等待的是父亲自份和亲缘身份的查验,被收养的孩子可以用它找出他们的血亲,而家庭成员也可以用它来找出送去寄养的孩子的下落。dna 查验迩来也遭到张狂系谱专家的追捧,一起也为一些以给家族寻根为生意的公司供给技能撑持。
????????大大都的这类查验都需要从口腔中蘸些唾液以获取细胞,然后送到公司查验。但一切的查验都需要一个进行 dna 可以比对的家族成员目标。
????????可是有些调查者对此标明置疑。troy duster 是纽约大学的一位社会学家,他认为“那些声称他们在进行先祖查验的人其真实揄扬一种虚伪的精确率”。他指出,一自个有着许多的祖先——往回追溯几百年,祖先数量就以百计。可是,大大都的祖先查验都只思考一个单一的族系,要么是从父亲自上得来的男性带着的 y 染色体,要么就是仅从母亲身上遗传的线粒体 dna。这种 dna 只能提示 1~2 位祖先信息,而仅 3 代早年,一自个就有六位曾祖,而四代早年就有另外 14 位高祖。
????????批判者还说,商业基因查验的精确率取决于用于样本比对的参阅数据库。有些公司的数据库并不是根据对数据库进行的体系性搜集而建成的,相反,许多都是把来自不一样研讨项意图信息随意集合而成。这就意味着一个 dna 数据库可以来自某些区域的很大都据,但短少其他区域的数据,因而,自个查验成果可以因为供给判定成果的公司不一样而存在差异。此外,公司用来评价亲属联络的核算机程序可以请求专利,因而无法进行同作业测评或外部评价。

