

now, 正式进入到第105期外刊精读la
science without the scientists
人工智能(artificial intelligence),英文缩写为ai。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。


part one: 原文&单词
ⅰ①science has long been considered one of the human activities least likely to be farmed out to robots. ②that’s changing assensors,sequencers, andsatelliteschurnoutdigital information by theterabyte. ③“we just cannot handle the amount of data anymore,” says manuela veloso, who heads carnegie mellon’s machine learning department. ④it’s a daily concern for biotech companies anda widerangeofother businessesstrugglingto make sense of theunprecedented swellof raw information.
1.*sensor [?sens?] n.(探测光、热等的)传感器,探测设备,敏感元件
2.*sequencer [?si:kw?ns?] n.(用于转录声音的)音序器
3.satellite [?s?t?la?t] n. 卫星
4.*churn [t??:n] v. 搅动,搅起,扰动(水、泥浆、灰尘)
churn out 快速生产;大量生产
5.*terabyte [?ter?ba?t] 万亿字节;太字节(相当于240)
6.range [re?nd?] n. (同类事物的)一系列,一连串
a wide range of 范围广泛的;各种各样的
7.struggle [?str?gl] v. 奋力;努力;尽力
8.unprecedented [?n?pres?dent?d] adj.(质量、数量、规模)很高的,很大的
9.swell [swel] n. 浪潮;浪涌
ⅱ①ai software designed to identify and sort patterns has beendeployedacross a wideswathof science, frommarinebiology (identifying wild dolphinvocalizationsfromhydrophonerecordings) to astronomy (detecting the presence of planets from subtlefluctuationsin the brightness of thousands of stars). ②to discover the higgsboson, the so-called god particle, analgorithmsiftedbillions ofparticletracks generated within the large hadron collider in switzerland. ③ai is fast becoming an essential part of university science curricula.

10.*deploy [d??pl??] v. 有效地利用;调动
11.*swath [sw?θ] n. 一长条;一长片
12.marine [m??ri:n] adj. 海洋的;海生的;海产的
13.vocalization [?v??k?la??ze??n] n. 说出的话;嗓音;歌声
14.*hydrophone [‘ha?dr?f??n] n. 水中听音器,水诊器,检漏器
15.fluctuation [?fl?kt??’e??n] n. 变动;波动;上下浮动
16.*boson [‘b??z?n] n. 玻色子
17.*algorithm [??lg?r?e?m] n. (尤指电脑程序中的)算法,运算法则
18.*sift [s?ft] v. 区分;挑选;精选
19.particle [?pɑ:t?kl] n. 粒子
ⅲ①automatingthe process of discovery doesn’t just free up researchers’ time. ②it could potentially change what sorts of discoveries are made. ③“i can easily imagine cases in which ai would recommend experiments to try tosynthesizea chemicalmoleculethat you wouldn’t think possible, but the ai will be able to do it,” says barnabás póczos, a carnegie mellon machine learning professor.
20.automate [??:t?me?t] v. 使自动化
21.synthesize [?s?nθ?sa?z] v. (通过化学或生物反应)合成
22.molecule [?m?l?kju:l] n. 分子
ⅳ①unfortunately, generating novel predictions isn’t all that useful by itself. ②what scientists are after is less what than why—theeleganttheoreticalformulationsthat let them understand how the universe works, such as newton’s first law or e=mc2. ③so far, theneuralnetworksunderlyingai software can’t really explain how they arrive at their answers.
23.elegant [?el?g?nt] adj. (计划或想法)简练的;简洁的;简明的
24.formulation [?f?:mj?’le??n] n. (想法的)阐述方式,表达方法
25.*neural [?nj??r?l] adj. 神经的;神经系统的
26.underlie [??nd??la?] v. 为…的起因;构成…的基础
ⅴ①humans, in contrast, are pretty good at that. ②so in the near term, the most promising approach will be for humans and ai to work together. ③in february, dutch publisher elsevier announced atrialcollaboration with software maker euretos, using ai to assess millions of peer-reviewed scientific articles to suggest hypotheses in the field of biochemistry. ④academics willcullthese hypotheses online, basing experiments on the mostencouragingones. ⑤“the vision is that the discussion becomes a much more automated process,” says euretos co-founder arie baak.
27.trial [?tra??l] n. 实验;试用
28.*cull [k?l] v. 选出;挑选;采集
29.encouraging [?n’k?r?d???] adj. 令人鼓舞的;振奋人心的;给人希望的
ⅵ①and after that? ②“people have wondered if you could have the computerautomaticallyfigure out the principles underlying physics,” says toyota’s storey. “i don’t think we’re going that far out now.”
30.automatically [??:t?’m?t?kl?] adv. 自动地;无意识地;机械地
part two: 长难句语法点拨
i can easily imagine cases in which ai would recommend experiments to try tosynthesizea chemicalmoleculethat you wouldn’t think possible, but th

e ai will be able to do it,”


part three: 写作句型借鉴
xx has long been considered one of yy least likely to……

science has long been considered one of the human activities least likely to be farmed out to robots. 科学很久以来被认为是最不可能包给机器人的人类活动之一。

what aa are after is less xx than yy.

what scientists are after is less what than why—theeleganttheoreticalformulationsthat let them understand how the universe works, such as newton’s first law or e=mc2.科学家们追求的与其说是事实不如说是原因——是那些能够令他们理解宇宙如何运转的简明的理论表述,比如牛顿第一定律或爱因斯坦质能方程e=mc2


