

??1.快乐喜爱:偏重对所报考的专业怀有极大的快乐喜爱?????♂?as i have a profound interest in **,l am planning to get furthereducation.我对**(研讨/专业)有着稠密的快乐喜爱,所以想进一步学习有关常识??2.优势:自个做过哪方面的尽力,可以对研讨生学习有所协助?????♀?have a good

command of** this will help me achieve more inthis field.我的**(常识/技能)杰出,这也将在该领域的学习中协助我获得更大的作用??3.意义:偏重读研对你的活泼意义,包括学术打开、作业打开、人生影响等。?????♀?l am planning to concentrate on study and research in thisfield.and i hope l can form a systematic view of** and lay a solidfoundation in my future profession after three years of study here我想专心该领域的研讨,期望我在3年的学习后,对**能有一个体系的晓得,为将来作业莫定坚实基础@小红书创造学院 @小红骚人长辅佐 @小红骚人长笔记 @常识薯

