

???bartleby :teamwork and the beatles?


a new documentary on the fab four is a must-watch?

for managers, too?



1.?paul is strumming his guitar in a studio in london. george?yawns?and ringo looks on listlessly. john is late, as usual. suddenly, magic. a?melody?starts to take shape; george joins in on his guitar; ringo?claps?out a beat. by the time john arrives, the beatles’ next single, “get back”, is?thrillingly?recognisable.?

保罗正在伦敦的一个作业室里拨弄着他的吉他。乔治打着欠伸,林戈精神萎顿地看着这悉数。约翰像往常相同缓不济急。可是,俄然间,如同魔法一般,在保罗的吉他声中,一段美丽的旋律呼之欲出;乔治的吉他也随即参加,接着林戈击打出节拍。约翰缓不济急后,披头士的一首新单曲《回归》(get back),就这样呈现了出来,声声中听,令人振奋。


?1. strum?v. 演奏(吉他等乐器);掉以轻心肠弹拨

n. 弹拨声;一下演奏

as she sang she strummed on a guitar.?她边唱边弹吉他。

2. listlessly?adv. 精神萎顿地;冷酷地

usually,?you?would?just?sit?listlessly, too?hot?to do?anything?else.?


3. single?(熟词僻义)单曲唱片


2.?“get back” provides both the standout moment and the title of a glorious new documentary by peter jackson, charting the days that the band spent together in january 1969, writing and recording songs for a new album. for anyone interested in music, pop culture or creativity, the film is a stocking filled with treats. when george is struggling for a line to follow “something in the way she moves”, john has advice. “just say whatever comes into your head each time—‘attracts me like a cauliflower’—until you get the right words.”

《回归》叙说了披头士们的重要时刻,如今也被用来作为彼得·杰克逊(peter jackson)拍照的一部分量级新纪录片的标题。该纪录片展示了乐队在1969年1月一同创造新专辑和录制歌曲的进程。假定你对音乐、盛行文明或艺术创造感快乐喜爱,必定会觉得这部影片如同装满礼物的圣诞袜一般。乔治正在苦思 ?胺降穆飞稀钡南乱痪涓璐剩己哺隽酥髡牛骸跋氲缴毒退瞪叮确健窕ㄒ讼嗤幸摇钡侥憔烤剐闯雎愕拇手兄埂薄?br>


4. line(熟词僻义) 歌词

i can only remember the first two lines of that song.



?3.?executives should watch it, too. the question of what makes a team sing is a staple of management research, and the beatles documentary is a rare chance to watch a truly world-class team at work. it reinforces known principles, and adds some of its own.



4.?take the role of ringo, for example. when he is not actually playing, the band’s drummer spends most of his time either asleep or looking bewildered. when the other three musicians bicker, ringo smiles beatifically. to a casual observer, he might appear dispensable. but musically, nothing works without him, and as a team member he softens conflict and bridges divides.



?5. bicker?v. (为小事)斗嘴;(诗、文)潺潺而流;(火、光)闪烁,闪烁

n. 争持,口角

the children are always bickering about something or other.?



6. beatifically ?? ? ?祝福地?高兴地?慈祥地

he?just?stood?there, literally speechless, for?twenty?minutes,?smiling?beatifically.?



5.?psychological make-up matters to how teams come together. academics at carnegie mellon university and the massachusetts institute of technology have found that the performance of groups is not correlated with their members’ average intelligence, but with characteristics such as sensitivity and how good teams are at giving everyone time to speak. ringo provides backing; the band would be less cohesive without him.



6.?another principle reinforced by the film: look here, there and everywhere for inspiration. in a study from mckinsey, more than 5,000 executives were asked to describe the environment in which they had their own best experiences of being in a team. among other things, the consultancy identified the importance of “renewal”, the habit of keeping staleness at bay by taking risks, by learning from others and by innovating.



7. staleness?n. 糜烂;陈腐;不新鲜;悲观

there is?one?big?difference?here:?we have to be?careful about?staleness.?



8. at bay?堕入窘境?堕入绝地

however,?as?good?as?these?services?are, there are?simple?steps?we?can?take?to keep?them?at bay.?



7.?“get back” shows a team of superstars embracing exactly that ethos: playing the songs of other bands, grabbing ideas like magpies and happily taking the advice and help of outsiders. it is the introduction of a pianist called billy preston, known to the group from their early days playing in hamburg, which really makes the recording sessions start to click. (let’s make him the fifth beatle, suggests john. “it’s bad enough with four,” sighs paul.)



9. embrace (熟词僻义)怅然承受,愿意采用(思维、主张等);崇奉(宗教、崇奉等)

?he embraces the new information age.??他等待新的信息年代。

10 ethos?n. (某集体的)精力特质,道德知道

?the?whole?ethos?of the?hotel?is?effortless?service.?


11. click(熟词僻义)协作默契;运作调和;发展顺畅

the team don’t seem to have clicked yet.?


12. magpie?n. 鹊,喜鹊;饶舌的人;有搜集琐细东西嗜好的人

adj. 鹊的;有搜集癖的;斑斓的,混杂的



8.?a third message of the film concerns when and how to let it be. in an effort in 2016 called project aristotle, 谷歌 tried to define the characteristics of its most effective teams. one of its findings was that goals ought to be “specific, challenging and attainable”.

本部纪录片传递的第三条原则是何时以及经过何种方法前进团队协作的有用性。2016年,谷歌建议了“亚里士多德方案(project aristotle)”,这项研讨试



?13. 弥补 亚里士多德方案 ?经过分析,谷歌 总结了区别团队和其他团队的五大体害要素。

心思平安?? ?psychological?safety在团队成员面前勇于冒险,而且不会感邓祷安和尴尬可靠性????? dependability能盼望别人准时结束高质量的作业规划和清楚度??????? structure?and?clarity方针、人物和实施方案都是理解清楚作业意义 ??? meaning对各自来说作业具有严峻的自个意义作业影响 ??? impact从根柢上认为自个所做的作业具有重要性


9.?when they first meet up, on the second day of 1969, the band has a task that fits these criteria snugly: to write an album’s worth of new songs in just a matter of days and perform them on a?tv?special. but how they get there is left largely to them. that doesn’t always work out. at one point paul yearns for a “central daddy figure” to set them straight on their scheduling. but the combination of a deadline and autonomy yields remarkable results.



14. snugly?adv. 舒畅地;荫蔽地;贴身地;紧密地

the?little town?nestles snugly?at?the?foot?of the?hill.?



10.?there are limit

s to what can be learned from “get back”. the beatles are not always supportive of each other—george, feeling disregarded by john and paul, briefly quits the band. drugs played a part in their output:?lsd?may be a red line for some managers. although technical ability is not the only determinant of success, sheer talent helped. any band with a lennon, a mccartney and a harrison in it would have an advantage.



15. determinant?n. <正式> 抉择性要素,抉择条件;抉择子,因子;部队式,方阵

adj. 抉择性的

put?more?strongly,?technology?can be?a?primary?determinant?of?social?and?managerial?organization.?



?11.?but one wider lesson comes through loud and clear. the beatles love what they do for a living. when they are not playing music, they are talking about it or thinking about it. they do take after take of their own songs, and jam constantly. managers who think that building?esprit de corps?requires a separate activity from work—here-comes-the-fun time, set aside for axe-throwing or?gif?battles or something equally ghastly—are missing a fundamental point. the highest-performing teams derive the greatest satisfaction not from each other, but from the work they do together.


?16. ghastly?adj. 可怕的;惨白的;惊人的;极坏的

adv. 惊骇地;惨白地



?1. busboy 饭馆打杂 注释: “busboy” 并不是“公共轿车售票员”的意思,而是指”饭馆打杂工(担任拾掇桌子的效能员)”,来历于美国的一个短语 ‘ omnibus boy’ ,a boy employed to do everything (omni) in a restaurant including setting and clearing tables, filling glasses, taking used dishes to the kitchen,etc. 切不可以望文生义哦。 例句: he asked a young busboy to help him. 他恳求一位年青的效能员协助他。

? 2. confidence man 骗子 注释:”confidence”有 “信赖”的意思,但”confidence man” 必定不是“值得信赖的人”的意思,而恰恰相反,它的意思是“骗子”想想也是啊,骗子不就是一般先赢得信赖再下手吗?美国小说家赫尔曼梅尔维尔有部小说,叫the confidence-man(《骗子》) 。 例句: the confidence man found his next target soon. 这个骗子很快找到了他的下一个方针。?

?3. dear john letter 分手信 注释:第次世界大战时刻,许多美国兵士远赴重洋去交兵。战争耗时绵长,许多兵士的老婆或许:女兄弟都不愿等候夫君归来,写信给她们的丈夫或男兄弟,提出离婚或分手选择初步新的豪情。而这些信的最初一般是”dearjohn”,因为”john”在美国对错常群众的名字。 例句: he received a dear john letter from his girlfriend yesterday. 他昨日收到了女兄弟的绝交信。

???????本篇文章的翻译出自一天一篇外刊翻译,原文出自经济学人12月18日&25日期刊商业模块 等待友友们在谈论区打卡留言哦!祝友友们学有所成!????

