



sample traditional interview questions

1.what would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在结业今后5年内你想做些啥?)

i hope to do my best i can be at my job and because many in this line of work are promoted to area manager,i am planning on that also.



2.what is your greatest strength?(你最杰出的利益是啥?)

i feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. i feel a real sense of accomplishment when i finish a job and it turns out just as is thesis.



3. what can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自个,你能告诉我些啥?)

during my college years, i took part in various competitive sports activities, and have been trying to improve the performance of various sports. when i started my business, i ran a clothing store with my friends, and i found that i could easily sell things. sales is important, but for me, its important for me to strive for perfection.



4. how do you feel about your progress to date?(关于你至今所获得的前进你是怎样看的?)

i think i did well in school. as a matter of fact, there are several subjects in which i rank first in the class. after entering the workplace, due to outstanding performance, i also got several of the companys top reviews and successful promotions and raises.



5. what is your greatest weakness?(你最大的缺陷是啥?)

im such a perfectionist that i will not stop until a job is well done.



6.why do you choose shanghai jiaotong university?(你为啥选择上海交通大学?)

7.why did you choose mba?(你为啥选择mba项目?)

8.what would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(结业5年后你想做啥?)

9.what has been your greatest accomplishment?(你最大的成就是啥?)

10.describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses?(描绘你最大的利益和缺陷?)

11.what have you learned from the jobs you have


sample behavioral interview questions

1.describe the best/worst team of which you have been a member?(描绘一下你参加最佳或许最差的团队?)

2.tell me when you have the most work load. how did you finish all the work?(告诉我你的作业担负最重的时分,你是怎么结束作业的?)

3.give me a specific example of a time when you sold someone on an idea or concept.(给我一个具体的比方,当你卖了一自个的主意或概念)

4.tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem.(告诉我你有一次在处置疑问时很有创造力)

5.describe an event in which your colleagues or classmates dont like working with each other.(描绘一个你的火伴或同学不喜爱彼此协作的作业)

6.tell me about a time when you made a bad decision.(告诉我某一次你做了一个差错的抉择)

sample stress interview questions

1.what kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?(你觉得和啥样的人一同作业很难?)

2.what do you think is hard to do at work?(你觉得作业中最难做的一件作业?)

3.how would you evaluate me as an interviewer?(作为一个面试官,你如何评价我?)

4.what interests you least about mba?(你对mba最不感快乐喜爱的是啥?)

5.how do you handle rejection?(你如何处置回绝?)

6.what is the worst thing you have heard about our school?(你传闻的咱们学校最糟糕的作业是啥?)

7.see this pen im holding. sell it to me.(看我拿的这支钢笔,卖给我)

sample case interview questions

a chain of grocery stores currently receives its stock on a decentralized basis. each store deals independently with its suppliers. the president of the chain is wondering whether the firm can benefit from a centralized warehouse. what are the key considerations in making this decision?


a magazine publisher is trying to decide how many magazines she should deliver to each individual distribution outlet in order to maximize profits. she has extensive historical sales volume data for each of the outlets. how should she determine delivery quantities?


unconventional interview questions

1.it is the 15th century. how do convince the pope that the earth is round?(如今是15世纪。如何使教皇信赖地球是圆的?)

2.if i gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?(假定我给你一头大象,你会把它藏在哪里?)

3.why are soda cans tapered on the top and bottom?(为啥汽水罐的顶部和底部是锥形的?)

4.how much ram does a pc need to run windows95?(一台电脑运转windows95需要多少内存?)

5.you are in a boat on a fresh water lake. in your hand is a rock. you throw the rock into the lake. how is the lakes water level affected?(你在淡水湖上的船上。你手里拿着一块石头。你把石头扔进湖里。湖的水位是如何遭到影响的?)

6.if it rained music, what would grow?(假定下音乐雨,啥会生长?)

7.describe your best friend and what he or she does for a living.(描绘一下你最佳的兄弟以?蛐硭陨段?br>

8.in what ways are you similar or different from your best friend?(你和你最佳的兄弟在哪些方面类似或许不一样?)

9.what are your careers strengths and how do you capitalize on them?(你的作业优势是啥,你如何使用它们?)

10.are you a happy person?(你是一个高兴的人吗?)

11.you have a wealthy aunt who weighs 300 pounds. tell me how you would redesign her toilet.(你有一个300磅的赋有的姑妈,告诉我你将如何从头方案她的厕所。)

professional interview questions

1.would you please make a brief introduction about yourself?(请你扼要介绍一下你自个好嘛?)

2.why did you take the mba examination? would you please say something about the currently mba program in china?(你为啥参加mba考试?请你谈谈我国当前的mba课程好吗?)

3.do you have a career plan in 5 years?(你有5年的作业方案吗?)

4.how do the people around you review mba?(你周围的人是如何评价mba的?)

5.do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a mba student?(假定你被mba选择了,你有学习方案吗?)

6.if you failed this time what will you do in the near future?(假定你这次失利了,在不久的将来你会怎么做?)

7.why do you want to be a part of mba students?(为啥你想变成mba学生的一有些?)

8.why do you think you are qualified for mba program?(你为啥认为你有资历攻读mba课程?)

9.why did you choose shanghai jiaotong university for mba? from your understanding, tell me something about shanghai jiaotong university.(你为啥选择上海交通大学攻读mba?从你的了解中,告诉我一些关于上海交通大学的作业。)

10.whats the difference between mba program at home and abroad?(国表里mba课程有啥差异?)

11.whats your opinion about the requirement that a mba student must have working experience?(你对mba学生有必要有作业经历的需求有何观点?)

12.how do you define marketing or management?(你如何界说推广或打点?)

13.do you think english is quite important in mba study?why?(你认为英语在mba学习中很重要吗?为啥?)

14.do you think mba training courses will help you a lot in your future life? why?(你认为mba培训课程对你将来的日子有很大协助吗?为啥?)

15.what do you want to do after your mba study?(你mba结业后想做啥?)

16.how communication works in organizations?(组织中的交流是如何运作的?)

17.say a little about teamwork.(谈谈团队协作。)

18.say a little about management.(谈谈打点。)

19.what is the most important qualification that a mba student should have?(mba学生最重要的资历是啥?)

20.tell me the relationship between the management and management theory.(告诉我打点学和打点理论之间的联络。)

other interview questions

1.what will you do if you cant find a job?(假定找不到作业你会怎么办?)

2.do you think that the economy will get better?(你认为经济会好转吗?)

3.what joy did you enjoy the most and why?(你最享受的高兴是啥?为啥?)

4.what kinds of opportunities are you looking for?(你在寻找啥样的机缘?)

5.what is your biggest accomplishment on the job?(你在作业中最大的成就是啥?)

6.who are you currently employed with?(你如今受雇于谁?)

7.what would your former boss say about you?(你早年的老板会怎么说你?)

8.why did you leave your last job?(你为啥辞去上一份作业?)

9.please tell me a little about your working history?what kind of fields?(请告诉我你的作业阅历?啥样的领域?)

10.whats your impression of shanghai?(你对上海形象如何?)

11.what are your strengths and weakness?(你的利益和缺陷是啥?)

12.what do you do in your spare time?(你业余时刻做啥?)

13.say a little about your educational background.(说说你的教育背就俩

14.what is cfo? if you were a cfo,what would you do?(啥是首席财务官?假定你是首席财务官,你会怎么做?)

15.what is the difference between sales and marketing?(出售和推广有啥差异?)

16.what do you think is the most important as a manager?(作为一个司理,你认为啥是最重要的?)

17.what changes do you anticipate in our school?(你认为咱们学校会有啥改变?)

18.which is the best course in our school?(咱们学校哪门课最佳?)

19.does our school provide some guidance of job to mba?(咱们学校有没有为mba供给一些作业辅导?)

假定 没有

别忘了断束语,最终可以说:thank you for giving me the chance. i hope to see you again and soon.(谢谢你给我这个机缘。我期望不久能再会到你。)








