

每年从一开始复习的这个时候,很多考研的学生都会来问我:张老师,我应该怎样复习考研阅读呢?刷真题吗?在这里我想告诉大家的是,真题是宝贵的,刷真题也是讲究方法的。做阅读,最重要的有两点:一个是对选项的理解,二是对文章本身(段落大意、全文中心、细节的理解)的理解。对选项的理解我将会在暑期给大家讲解,从今天开始我将会选用考研英语阅读选材最常见的几个报刊《economist》、《time》、《newsweek》、《the new york times》、《us news and world & world report》,帮助你们增进对文章本身的理解,今天的文章来源于《economist》,里面有文章的背景、词汇、翻译、长难句理解,希望对大家对文章理解有帮助~

legs it : britain starts the clock

theresa may has already started the process of exiting the european union. britain’s prime minister is writing to donald tusk, president of the european council, to invoke article 50 — the eu treaty’s get-out provision — kicking off two years of negotiations. these will be held with the european commission, whose mandate to haggle on the bloc’s behalf will be fixed by the council on april 29th. there will be early rows over money and over the rights of british and eu citizens abroad to stay where they are. the thornier worry will be a free-trade deal to replace membership of the eu single market that mrs may wants to give up. the chances of completing all this within two years are remote. a transitional arrangement may well be needed. if no deal is done, britain faces trading on less-generous world trade organization terms, implying tariffs and non-tariff barriers that could cripple its economy. a hard pounding lies ahead.
1. european union(eu) 简称欧盟,是由欧洲共同体 (european communities) 发展而来的,是一个集政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要影响的区域一体化组织。
2. article 50《里斯本条约》第50条,条例规定“任何成员国可以根据本身的制宪要求,决定退出联盟”,并制定了实施程序。
article 50 of the treaty on european union is a part of european union law that sets out the process by which member states may withdraw from the european union. it has been extensively debated after the referendum held in the united kingdom on 23 june 2016 in which 51.9% of those voting favoured the united kingdom’s withdrawal from the european union.
once article 50 is triggered, there is a two-year time limit to complete negotiations. if negotiations do not result in a ratified agreement, the seceding country and eu would follow world trade organisation rules on tariffs.
this article was used for the first and so far only time by the united kingdom on 29 march 2017.

1. invoke v. 调用;援引(法规、条文等)
2. provision n. 规定;条款
3. negotiation n. (尤指商业或政治上的) 谈判
4. mandate n. 授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作 v. 授权;托管
5. row n. 争吵
6. replace (…with…) 用……代替; 用……替换
7. imply v. 暗示
8. tariff n. 关税表;收费表 v. 定税率;征收关税
9. barrier n. 障碍
10. cripple v. 削弱;使跛;使残废
11. pound n. 英镑;重击,重击声;兽栏;拘留所 v. 捣烂;敲打;监禁,拘留;连续重击,猛击
1. haggle n. 讨价还价;争论 v. 争论;乱劈
2. thornier adj. 多刺的(thorny的比较级)
1. britain’s prime minister is writing to donald tusk, president of the european council, to invoke article 50 — the eu treaty’s get-out provision — kicking off two years of negotiations.
分析:president of the european council是donald tusk的同位语,对其身份进行解释说明。the eu treaty’s get-out provision是article 50的同位语,解释究竟什么是article 50。现在分词短语kicking off two years of negotiations表伴随。
2. the thornier worry will be a
free-trade deal to replace membership of the eu single market that mrs may wants to give up.
分析:不定式to replace membership of the eu single market表目的。定语从句that mrs may wants to give up修饰the eu single market market。
3. if no deal is done, britain faces trading on
less-generous world trade organization terms, implying tariffs and
non-tariff barriers that could cripple its economy.
分析:if no deal is done为条件状语从句,表假设。implying tariffs and non-tariff barriers… 修饰less-generous world trade organization terms。定语从句that could cripple its economy 修饰 tariffs and non-tariff barriers。

