


. Vocabulary and Grammatical Structure (30 points)

Section A

Directions: There are 15 sentences in this section. Each sentence in this section has a word or phrase underlined. There are 4 words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the one which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part.


We were all scared when we heard some weird shrieks in the forest.

A. strange

B. agonizing

C. wild

D. sad



2. The wording of the treaty is loose, if not evasive.

A. impertinent

B. misleading

C. redundant

D. obscure



3. For the homeless children staying at Rafael House in San Francisco, school days begin with prayers and the pledge of allegiance.

A. sympathy

B. loyalty

C. hostility

D. revenge


【解析】句意:对于住在旧金山拉菲尔大厦(Rafael House)无家可归的孩子来说,上学的日子以祈祷和效忠宣誓开始。allegiance效忠,忠诚。hostility敌意。revenge报复。

4. It was inappropriate for you to mock the man’s misshapen body and failing limbs.

A. touch

B. resent

C. protect

D. ridicule



5. It is obvious that the trend toward smaller families will continue unabated.

A. unparalleled

B. unchallenged

C. at full strength

D. at a slow speed



6. The general election campaign will be under constant international scrutiny.

A. investigation

B. examination

C. promotion

D. administration



7. John went out of his office in order to calm the turmoil within him.

A. passion

B. emotion

C. difference

D. disturbance



8. Relations between them would be much more harmonious if only there were a little more give and take.

A. sufficient contributions

B. mutual concessions

C. friendly conversions

D. frequent consultations


【解析】句意:如果他们俩能互相迁就,他们之间的关系会更加和谐。give and take平等交换;互相迁就。mutual concessions相互让步。

9. She kept asking me to go shopping with her. In the end, it got on my nerves.

A. annoyed me

B. distracted me

C. impressed me

D. convinced me


【解析】句意:她一直让我和她一起去购物,最后我感到很烦。get on one’s nerves惹人烦。



