




Not until I see this caricature / picture, do I realize the magnitude of harmonious relationship between man and nature. Let’s look at the picture in detail. There is a chimpanzee, feeding a man with a banana. Common as it at first glance,this

picture is brimming with illumination after your serious pondering.

In contemporary society, individuals in growing number are conscious that peaceful relationship between man and nature is indispensable for both personal and social purposes. Possessing this notion, one can not only acquire the sense of happiness, but also live a peaceful and healthy life. Apart from this, it is conducive to sustainable development of society. Just as a celebrity once said:Life without harmonious relationship between man and nature is like a sailing without wind. If the significance of this kind of relationship cannot be realized properly and promptly, ecological balance will suffer a great deal.What`s worse, lack of it may pose a potential and looming menace to social development.

Taking the above mentioned into consideration, I reckon that not until we realize the importance of peaceful relationship between man and nature and put it into practice,can we foster it deliberately and make a better progress. Additionally, the government is also responsible for advocating this notion. Although it`s easier said than done, we can make it with our longstanding effort and stamina.






