


万学考研 王汝亚



1. 诚信 credibility and integrity

2. 人际交游 the interaction among people

3. 立法诚信 legislation honesty

4. 广泛我国传统文明的美德 popularize the virtue of the traditional culture of china

5. 调和社会 harmonious society

6. 信赖危机 social confidence crisis

7. 社会诺言体系 social credit system

8. 道德缔造 moral construction

9. 协作共赢 common interest

10. 互利互利 mutual benefit



sincere message is to learn to act as an immortal originally.

2. 务实立异,诚笃守信,寻求杰出。

pragmatism, innovation, integrity, pursuit of excellence

3. 坚持以诚笃守信为要点,树立健全的社会体系。

establish and perfect the social credit system of the market economy with the emphasis of honesty and trust.

4. 期望诚信的商人在彼此尊敬,彼此对等,诚笃守信的原则上,前来洽谈,精诚协作。

hope the businessman of the trustworthiness at respect mutually, equal mutually, the honesty keep promise in principle, coming the talks, earnest and sincere cooperation

5. 活泼建议诚笃守信的作业道德,尽力树立社会诺言体系。

great efforts were made to increase the observance of the professional ethical standards of honesty and trustworthiness and to establish a social credibility system.



write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

you should write neatly on answer sheet. (20 points)


unfolded in the elaborately painted cartoon is a thought-provoking scene: the left person with credibility and integrity harvests a large amount of funds and loans while the right one

without this virtue gains adverse record as well as a seat in the blacklist.

under the appearance of the cartoon is a belief rooted in the public that credibility and integrity is of great significance in modern society. first of foremost, as the traditional virtue of chinese people, credibility and integrity is an excellent feature that everyone should own since it is the fundamental virtue of being a person, without which people could not have a foothold. indeed, when it comes to integrity, quite a huge number of people deem that the success of an individual, to a large extent, stems from this quality. a good case in point is that abraham lincoln and george washington achieve their success due to this feature, which is well known all over the world. the other fact that can not be ignored is that credibility is also conducive to the harmony of the whole country regarding the construction of the spiritual civilization. it is credibility and integrity that enables people to trust each other and unit together.

to sum up, in a world with booing economy, being honest and credible is a vital quality that should be emphasized by both individuals and countries. concerning some dishonest conduct in our society, the whole country should take prompt initiatives to curb it. 回来搜狐,查看更多


