
2022考研英语作文终极预测 考研英语图表作文



1. 经济身分[出国游览/留学travel/study abroad、私人车增多private cars、都会交通拥堵trafficjams、电子商务普及electronic co妹妹erce、网购online shopping、外国人来中国游览foreigntourists等征象的缘由]

With the speedy development of economy and society, people’s livingstandard/income has been raised/increased, an increasing number of people havethe financial ability to choose to study/ travel abroad/buy private cars/doshopping online.

2.政策身分[大学生创业graduate entrepreneurship/电子商务成长e-co妹妹erce]

It is undeniable

that the government has enacted a series of preferentialpolicies to encourage college students to start their own business.

3. 便当身分[网购online shopping、电子商务electronic co妹妹erce、私人车privatecars、在线进修online learning]

The benefits that electronic co妹妹erce has brought to us are self-evident.It makes people’s life more convenient. For example, one can make transactionsacross far distances. It makes it possible to do business

at home and save agreat deal of time and energy.

4. The change has a lot to do with the turning of people’s attitude towardsand outlook on life.


The bar chart indicates the proportion of students having psychologicalproblems in different age groups. As is clearly shown above, the age groups canbe classified into four parts, among which the proportion of students aged 17 to19 is the highest, at approximately 65%. While the data of 14 to 16, 7 to 13 and5 to 6 age group account for about 45%, 25% and 10% respectively.

A multitude of factors can account for this phenomenon, but the followingmight be the critical ones. First and foremost, the young in the modern worldare being confronted with great pressure from work and life. The pressure fromall sides including peers, parents and society has also caused severe mentalhealth problems. Being depressed for a long time, people will face some problemsin mental health, which will pose a severe threat to them and have a negativeinfluence on their daily life and work. Besides, teachers, parents as well asstudents themselves have attached too much significance to academic performancewhile overlooked the importance of mental health.

As far as I am concerned, it is a negative trend and should be controlled.Therefore, one the one hand, a large-scale education campaign should be launchedto enhance people’s consciousness of the importance of mental health. On theother hand, students themselves should learn to adjust their mental state byregularly attending various activities, co妹妹unicating with their friends andparents and so on.


The table indicates that the population aged 60 and over in China hasincreased markedly from the year 1990 and will continue to grow in the comingdecades. To be specific, there were 97.19 million aged people in 1990,accounting for 8.8% of the total population, while it will rise to 410 millionin 2050, making up 27.4%.

A multitude of factors can account for this trend, but the following mightbe the critical ones. To begin with, with the implementation of China’s familyplanning policy and the improvement of people’s living standard, fewer and fewerpeople are willing to have more children. Therefore, the birth rate hasdramatically dropped, which results in a low proportion of youngsters and ahigher proportion of elders. In addition, due to the fact that more hospitalsare equipped with advanced medical instruments and more professional staffs,many incurable diseases now can be easily cured. As a result, the public canenjoy an increased life span, adding to the growing proportion of oldpeople.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may predict that the agingpopulation will keep growing in the forthcoming years. However, it is necessaryfor families to care for aged members adequately.


