

??imagine you are playing the guitar. you’re seated, supporting the instrument’s weight across your lap. one hand strums; the other presses strings against the guitar’s neck to play chords. your vision tracks sheet music on a page, and your hearing lets you listen to the sound. in addition, two other senses make playing this instrument possible. one of them, touch, tells you about your interactions with the guitar. another, proprioception, tells you about your arms’ and hands’ positions and movements as you play. together, these two capacities combine into what scientists call somatosensation, or body perception.




our skin and muscles have millions of sensors that contribute to somatosensation. yet our brain does not become?overwhelmed?by the barrage of these inputs—or from any of our other senses, for that matter. you’re not distracted by the pinch of your shoes or the tug of the guitar strap as you play; you focus only on the sensory inputs that matter. the brain expertly enhances some signals and filters out others so that we can ignore distractions and focus on the most important details.




how does the brain accomplish these feats of focus? in recent research at northwestern university, the university of chicago and the salk institute for biological studies in la jolla, calif., we have illuminated a new answer to this question. through several studies, we have discovered that a small, largely ignored structure at the very bottom of the brain stem plays a critical role in the brain’s selection of sensory signals. the area is called the cuneate nucleus, or cn. our research on the cn not only changes the scientific understanding of sensory processing, but it might also lay the groundwork for medical interventions to restore sensation in patients with injury or disease.




though our work is far from finished, our results already have important implications for rehabilitation. beyond the active tactile and muscle signals we were able to study, evidence suggests that the cn receives many more “dormant” inputs that may be important in recovery from neurological injury.

millions of people worldwide suffer from some form of limb dysfunction, such as paralysis or loss of feeling.?




with a better understanding of how sensory and motor signals support movement, doctors can eventually improve diagnosis and treatment of these conditions. for example, implanted electrodes could one day electrically activate the cuneate nucleus in people who have lost sensation in their limbs, potentially restoring the ability to perceive their body.




1.chord /k??d/ ?n. 和弦,和音; 弦v. 以和弦演奏(或歌唱、谱曲)

2.proprioception ?/?proprio?s?p??n/n.[生理] 本体感触

3.barrage /?b?rɑ??/n. 保护炮火,阻击火网; 一连串(的批判、诉苦等); 堰,拦河坝vt. (大批人或事物)围住,使穷于唐塞

4.pinch /p?nt?/ v. 捏,拧,掐; 揑住,夹紧; (穿的鞋等)夹痛,挤痛; 节约,节约n. 捏,掐,拧; 偷盗; (棒球)重要时刻,重要关头adj. 替代的,替补的

5. tactile /?t?kta?l/ adj.[生理] 触觉的,有触觉的;能触知的


